import SwiftUI struct KeyView: View { @Binding var keyManager: KeyManagement @Binding var isCompensatingDaylightTime: Bool var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 16) { ForEach(KeyManagement.KeyType.allCases) { keyType in SingleKeyView( keyManager: $keyManager, type: keyType) } Toggle(isOn: $isCompensatingDaylightTime) { Text("Compensate daylight savings time") } Text("If the remote has daylight savings time wrongly set, then the time validation will fail. Use this option to send messages with adjusted timestamps. Warning: Incorrect use of this option will allow replay attacks.") .font(.caption) }.padding() } } } struct KeyView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { KeyView( keyManager: .constant(KeyManagement()), isCompensatingDaylightTime: .constant(true)) } }