Challenge-response, SwiftData, new UI
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
import SFSafeSymbols
import CryptoKit
@ -7,73 +8,20 @@ struct ContentView: View {
var didLaunchFromComplication: Bool
var connectionType: ConnectionStrategy = .remoteFirst
var coordinator: RequestCoordinator
var serverPath: String = ""
var localAddress: String = ""
var nextMessageCounter: Int = 0
var isCompensatingDaylightTime: Bool = false
private var deviceId: Int = 0
var keyManager: KeyManagement
var history: HistoryManager
var state: ClientState = .noKeyAvailable
var stateResetTimer: Timer?
let server = Client()
private var firstTryIsLocalConnection: Bool {
switch connectionType {
case .local, .localFirst:
return true
case .remote, .remoteFirst:
return false
private var hasSecondTry: Bool {
switch connectionType {
case .localFirst, .remoteFirst:
return true
return false
private var secondTryIsLocalConnection: Bool {
switch connectionType {
case .local, .localFirst:
return false
case .remote, .remoteFirst:
return true
init(coordinator: RequestCoordinator, didLaunchFromComplication: Binding<Bool>) {
self._didLaunchFromComplication = didLaunchFromComplication
self.coordinator = coordinator
var buttonBackground: Color {
state.allowsAction ?
.white.opacity(0.2) :
var buttonColor: Color {
state.allowsAction ? .white : .gray
var body: some View {
@ -85,145 +33,43 @@ struct ContentView: View {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.onTapGesture(perform: mainButtonPressed)
if state == .waitingForResponse {
.onTapGesture(perform: coordinator.startUnlock)
if coordinator.isPerformingRequest {
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
} else {
.animation(.easeInOut, value: state.color)
.onAppear {
if state == .noKeyAvailable, keyManager.hasAllKeys {
state = .ready
.onChange(of: didLaunchFromComplication) { launched in
.animation(.easeInOut, value: coordinator.state.color)
.onChange(of: didLaunchFromComplication) { _, launched in
guard launched else {
didLaunchFromComplication = false
func mainButtonPressed() {
guard let keys = keyManager.getAllKeys(),
let deviceId = UInt8(exactly: deviceId) else {
sendMessage(from: deviceId, using: keys, isFirstTry: true)
private func sendMessage(from deviceId: UInt8, using keys: KeySet, isFirstTry: Bool) {
state = .waitingForResponse
let localConnection = isFirstTry ? firstTryIsLocalConnection : secondTryIsLocalConnection
Task {
let response = await send(
count: UInt32(nextMessageCounter),
from: deviceId,
using: keys,
to: server,
over: localConnection,
while: isCompensatingDaylightTime,
localAddress: localAddress,
remoteAddress: serverPath)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
state = response.response
if let counter = response.responseMessage?.id {
nextMessageCounter = Int(counter)
save(historyItem: response)
guard isFirstTry, hasSecondTry else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
sendMessage(from: deviceId, using: keys, isFirstTry: false)
private func preventStateReset() {
stateResetTimer = nil
private func scheduleStateReset() {
stateResetTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 8.0, repeats: false) { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
private func resetState() {
state = keyManager.hasAllKeys ? .ready : .noKeyAvailable
private func save(historyItem: HistoryItem) {
#Preview {
do {
try historyItem)
let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self, configurations: config)
let item = HistoryItem.mock
let coordinator = RequestCoordinator(modelContext: container.mainContext)
return ContentView(coordinator: coordinator, didLaunchFromComplication: .constant(false))
} catch {
print("Failed to save item: \(error)")
private func send(count: UInt32, from deviceId: UInt8, using keys: KeySet, to server: Client, over localConnection: Bool, while compensatingTime: Bool, localAddress: String, remoteAddress: String) async -> HistoryItem {
let sentTime = Date()
// Add time to compensate that the device is using daylight savings time
let timeCompensation: UInt32 = compensatingTime ? 3600 : 0
let content = Message.Content(
time: sentTime.timestamp + timeCompensation,
id: count,
device: deviceId)
let message = content.authenticate(using: keys.remote)
print("Sending message \(count)")
let address = localConnection ? localAddress : remoteAddress
let (newState, responseMessage) = await send(message, to: server, using: keys.server, local: localConnection, address: address)
var historyItem = HistoryItem(
sent: message.content,
sentDate: sentTime,
local: localConnection,
response: newState,
responseDate: .now,
responseMessage: responseMessage?.content)
guard let responseMessage else {
return historyItem
guard responseMessage.isValid(using: keys.device) else {
historyItem.response = .responseRejected(.invalidAuthentication)
return historyItem
return historyItem
private func send(_ message: Message, to server: Client, using authToken: Data, local: Bool, address: String) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
if local {
return await server.sendMessageOverLocalNetwork(message, server: address)
} else {
return await server.send(message, server: address, authToken: authToken)
fatalError("Failed to create model container.")
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ContentView(didLaunchFromComplication: .constant(false))
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
import SFSafeSymbols
private let df: DateFormatter = {
@ -11,26 +12,15 @@ private let df: DateFormatter = {
struct HistoryItemDetail: View {
let item: HistoryItem
private var modelContext
let history: HistoryManagerProtocol
let item: HistoryItem
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
private var entryTime: String {
df.string(from: item.requestDate)
var counterText: String {
let sentCounter =
let startText = "\(sentCounter)"
guard let rCounter = item.responseMessage?.id else {
return startText
guard sentCounter + 1 != rCounter && sentCounter != rCounter else {
return startText
return "\(sentCounter) -> \(rCounter)"
df.string(from: item.startDate)
var body: some View {
@ -43,21 +33,16 @@ struct HistoryItemDetail: View {
value: entryTime)
title: "Connection",
value: item.usedLocalConnection ? "Local" : "Remote")
title: "Device ID",
value: "\(item.request.deviceId!)")
title: "Message Counter",
value: counterText)
value: item.route.displayName)
title: "Round Trip Time",
value: "\(Int(item.roundTripTime * 1000)) ms")
if let offset = item.clockOffset {
title: "Clock offset",
value: "\(offset) seconds")
title: "Client challenge",
value: "\(item.message.clientChallenge)")
title: "Server challenge",
value: "\(item.message.serverChallenge)")
Button {
delete(item: item)
} label: {
@ -76,15 +61,22 @@ struct HistoryItemDetail: View {
private func delete(item: HistoryItem) {
guard history.delete(item: item) else {
struct HistoryItemDetail_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
HistoryItemDetail(item: .mock, history: HistoryManagerMock())
#Preview {
do {
let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self, configurations: config)
let item = HistoryItem.mock
return HistoryItemDetail(item: .mock)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create model container.")
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ struct HistoryListRow: View {
let item: HistoryItem
private var entryTime: String {
df.string(from: item.requestDate)
df.string(from: item.startDate)
var body: some View {
@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct HistoryView: View {
var history: HistoryManager
private var modelContext
@Query(sort: \HistoryItem.startDate, order: .reverse)
var history: [HistoryItem] = []
private var unlockCount: Int {
history.entries.count {
$0.response == .openSesame
history.count { $0.response == .unlocked }
private var percentage: Double {
guard history.entries.count > 0 else {
guard history.count > 0 else {
return 0
return Double(unlockCount * 100) / Double(history.entries.count)
return Double(unlockCount * 100) / Double(history.count)
var body: some View {
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ struct HistoryView: View {
List {
HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("\(history.entries.count) requests")
Text("\(history.count) requests")
Text(String(format: "%.1f %% success", percentage))
@ -34,9 +36,9 @@ struct HistoryView: View {
ForEach(history.entries) { item in
ForEach(history) { item in
NavigationLink {
HistoryItemDetail(item: item, history: history)
HistoryItemDetail(item: item)
} label: {
HistoryListRow(item: item)
@ -54,14 +56,21 @@ struct HistoryView: View {
private func delete(item: HistoryItem) {
guard history.delete(item: item) else {
struct HistoryView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
HistoryView(history: HistoryManager())
#Preview {
do {
let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self, configurations: config)
let item = HistoryItem.mock
return HistoryView()
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create model container.")
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct Sesame_Watch_Watch_AppApp: App {
let keyManagement = KeyManagement()
var modelContainer: ModelContainer
let history = HistoryManager()
var coordinator: RequestCoordinator
let keyManagement = KeyManagement()
var selected: Int = 0
@ -13,17 +18,25 @@ struct Sesame_Watch_Watch_AppApp: App {
var didLaunchFromComplication = false
init() {
do {
let modelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self)
self.modelContainer = modelContainer
self.coordinator = .init(modelContext: modelContainer.mainContext)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create model container: \(error)")
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
TabView(selection: $selected) {
ContentView(didLaunchFromComplication: $didLaunchFromComplication)
ContentView(coordinator: coordinator, didLaunchFromComplication: $didLaunchFromComplication)
HistoryView(history: history)
@ -32,5 +45,6 @@ struct Sesame_Watch_Watch_AppApp: App {
didLaunchFromComplication = true
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
import SwiftUI
struct SettingsListToggleItem: View {
let title: String
var value: Bool
let subtitle: String
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Toggle(title, isOn: $value)
struct SettingsListToggleItem_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
SettingsListToggleItem(title: "Toggle", value: .constant(true), subtitle: "Some longer text explaining what the toggle does")
@ -11,29 +11,22 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
var localAddress: String = ""
var nextMessageCounter: Int = 0
var isCompensatingDaylightTime: Bool = false
private var deviceId: Int = 0
var keys: KeyManagement
var some: String { "some" }
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List {
Picker("Connection", selection: $connectionType) {
Text(display: ConnectionStrategy.local)
Text(display: ConnectionStrategy.localFirst)
Text(display: ConnectionStrategy.remote)
Text(display: ConnectionStrategy.remoteFirst)
@ -45,18 +38,6 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
title: "Local url",
value: $localAddress,
footnote: "The url where the device can be reached directly on the local WiFi network.")
title: "Device ID",
value: $deviceId,
footnote: "The device ID is unique for each remote device, and is assigned by the system administrator.")
title: "Message counter",
value: $nextMessageCounter,
footnote: "The message counter is increased after every message to the device, and used to prevent replay attacks.")
title: "Daylight savings",
value: $isCompensatingDaylightTime,
subtitle: "Compensate timestamps if the remote has daylight savings time wrongly set.")
type: .deviceKey,
footnote: "Some text describing the purpose of the key.")
@ -11,32 +11,61 @@
884A45B9279F48C100D6E650 /* ContentView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45B8279F48C100D6E650 /* ContentView.swift */; };
884A45BB279F48C300D6E650 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45BA279F48C300D6E650 /* Assets.xcassets */; };
884A45C5279F4BBE00D6E650 /* KeyManagement.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45C4279F4BBE00D6E650 /* KeyManagement.swift */; };
884A45C927A43D7900D6E650 /* ClientState.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45C827A43D7900D6E650 /* ClientState.swift */; };
884A45CB27A464C000D6E650 /* SymmetricKey+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45CA27A464C000D6E650 /* SymmetricKey+Extensions.swift */; };
884A45CF27A5402D00D6E650 /* MessageResult.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45CE27A5402D00D6E650 /* MessageResult.swift */; };
8860D7432B22858600849FAC /* Date+Timestamp.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7422B22858600849FAC /* Date+Timestamp.swift */; };
8860D7462B2328EC00849FAC /* Message+Size.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7452B2328EC00849FAC /* Message+Size.swift */; };
8860D7482B23294600849FAC /* SignedMessage+Crypto.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7472B23294600849FAC /* SignedMessage+Crypto.swift */; };
8860D74A2B2329CE00849FAC /* SignedMessage+Size.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7492B2329CE00849FAC /* SignedMessage+Size.swift */; };
8860D74C2B232A7700849FAC /* SesameHeader.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D74B2B232A7700849FAC /* SesameHeader.swift */; };
8860D74E2B232AED00849FAC /* Data+Coding.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D74D2B232AED00849FAC /* Data+Coding.swift */; };
8860D7522B233BEA00849FAC /* TransmissionType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7512B233BEA00849FAC /* TransmissionType.swift */; };
8860D7542B23489300849FAC /* ActiveRequestType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7532B23489300849FAC /* ActiveRequestType.swift */; };
8860D7552B237F9100849FAC /* TransmissionType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7512B233BEA00849FAC /* TransmissionType.swift */; };
8860D7562B237F9400849FAC /* ActiveRequestType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7532B23489300849FAC /* ActiveRequestType.swift */; };
8860D7572B237FAD00849FAC /* MessageType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE37E2B2217050034EDA9 /* MessageType.swift */; };
8860D7582B237FB000849FAC /* Message.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77827FF95E00011CFD2 /* Message.swift */; };
8860D7592B237FB200849FAC /* Message+Crypto.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3852B22376D0034EDA9 /* Message+Crypto.swift */; };
8860D75A2B237FB400849FAC /* SignedMessage.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3832B2236DC0034EDA9 /* SignedMessage.swift */; };
8860D75B2B237FB600849FAC /* SignedMessage+Crypto.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7472B23294600849FAC /* SignedMessage+Crypto.swift */; };
8860D75C2B237FB900849FAC /* MessageResult+UI.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3872B226FED0034EDA9 /* MessageResult+UI.swift */; };
8860D75D2B237FC000849FAC /* Data+Coding.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D74D2B232AED00849FAC /* Data+Coding.swift */; };
8860D75E2B237FC600849FAC /* Message+Size.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7452B2328EC00849FAC /* Message+Size.swift */; };
8860D75F2B237FC900849FAC /* SignedMessage+Size.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7492B2329CE00849FAC /* SignedMessage+Size.swift */; };
8860D7602B237FCC00849FAC /* SesameHeader.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D74B2B232A7700849FAC /* SesameHeader.swift */; };
8860D7622B23803E00849FAC /* ServerChallenge.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7612B23803E00849FAC /* ServerChallenge.swift */; };
8860D7632B23803E00849FAC /* ServerChallenge.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7612B23803E00849FAC /* ServerChallenge.swift */; };
8860D7652B23B5B200849FAC /* RequestCoordinator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7642B23B5B200849FAC /* RequestCoordinator.swift */; };
8860D7662B23B5B200849FAC /* RequestCoordinator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7642B23B5B200849FAC /* RequestCoordinator.swift */; };
8860D7682B23D04100849FAC /* PendingOperation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7672B23D04100849FAC /* PendingOperation.swift */; };
8860D7692B23D04100849FAC /* PendingOperation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D7672B23D04100849FAC /* PendingOperation.swift */; };
8860D76C2B246F5E00849FAC /* UInt32+Random.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3802B22327F0034EDA9 /* UInt32+Random.swift */; };
8860D76E2B246FC400849FAC /* Text+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D76D2B246FC400849FAC /* Text+Extensions.swift */; };
8860D76F2B246FC400849FAC /* Text+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8860D76D2B246FC400849FAC /* Text+Extensions.swift */; };
8864664F29E5684C004FE2BE /* CBORCoding in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 8864664E29E5684C004FE2BE /* CBORCoding */; };
8864665229E5939C004FE2BE /* SFSafeSymbols in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 8864665129E5939C004FE2BE /* SFSafeSymbols */; };
888362342A80F3F90032BBB2 /* SettingsView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 888362332A80F3F90032BBB2 /* SettingsView.swift */; };
888362362A80F4420032BBB2 /* HistoryView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 888362352A80F4420032BBB2 /* HistoryView.swift */; };
88AEE37F2B2217050034EDA9 /* MessageType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE37E2B2217050034EDA9 /* MessageType.swift */; };
88AEE3812B22327F0034EDA9 /* UInt32+Random.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3802B22327F0034EDA9 /* UInt32+Random.swift */; };
88AEE3842B2236DC0034EDA9 /* SignedMessage.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3832B2236DC0034EDA9 /* SignedMessage.swift */; };
88AEE3862B22376D0034EDA9 /* Message+Crypto.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3852B22376D0034EDA9 /* Message+Crypto.swift */; };
88AEE3882B226FED0034EDA9 /* MessageResult+UI.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88AEE3872B226FED0034EDA9 /* MessageResult+UI.swift */; };
88E197B229EDC9BC00BF1D19 /* Sesame_WatchApp.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88E197B129EDC9BC00BF1D19 /* Sesame_WatchApp.swift */; };
88E197B429EDC9BC00BF1D19 /* ContentView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88E197B329EDC9BC00BF1D19 /* ContentView.swift */; };
88E197B629EDC9BD00BF1D19 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88E197B529EDC9BD00BF1D19 /* Assets.xcassets */; };
88E197C429EDCC8900BF1D19 /* Client.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45CC27A465F500D6E650 /* Client.swift */; };
88E197C729EDCCBD00BF1D19 /* Client.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45CC27A465F500D6E650 /* Client.swift */; };
88E197C829EDCCCE00BF1D19 /* ClientState.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45C827A43D7900D6E650 /* ClientState.swift */; };
88E197C929EDCCE100BF1D19 /* Message.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77827FF95E00011CFD2 /* Message.swift */; };
88E197CC29EDCD4900BF1D19 /* NIOCore in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 88E197CB29EDCD4900BF1D19 /* NIOCore */; };
88E197CE29EDCD7500BF1D19 /* CBORCoding in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 88E197CD29EDCD7500BF1D19 /* CBORCoding */; };
88E197D029EDCD7D00BF1D19 /* SFSafeSymbols in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 88E197CF29EDCD7D00BF1D19 /* SFSafeSymbols */; };
88E197D129EDCE5F00BF1D19 /* Data+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77127FDCCC00011CFD2 /* Data+Extensions.swift */; };
88E197D229EDCE6600BF1D19 /* RouteAPI.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DA2806FE8900769EF6 /* RouteAPI.swift */; };
88E197D129EDCE5F00BF1D19 /* Data+Hex.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77127FDCCC00011CFD2 /* Data+Hex.swift */; };
88E197D229EDCE6600BF1D19 /* SesameRoute.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DA2806FE8900769EF6 /* SesameRoute.swift */; };
88E197D329EDCE6E00BF1D19 /* MessageResult.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45CE27A5402D00D6E650 /* MessageResult.swift */; };
88E197D429EDCE7600BF1D19 /* UInt32+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DC281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Extensions.swift */; };
88E197D529EDCE8800BF1D19 /* ServerMessage.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1F7281E769F00769EF6 /* ServerMessage.swift */; };
88E197D429EDCE7600BF1D19 /* UInt32+Coding.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DC281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Coding.swift */; };
88E197D729EDCFE800BF1D19 /* Date+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 88E197D629EDCFE800BF1D19 /* Date+Extensions.swift */; };
88E197D829EDD13B00BF1D19 /* SymmetricKey+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 884A45CA27A464C000D6E650 /* SymmetricKey+Extensions.swift */; };
E240654B2A8153C6009C1AD8 /* SettingsListTextItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E240654A2A8153C6009C1AD8 /* SettingsListTextItem.swift */; };
E240654D2A8155A3009C1AD8 /* SettingsListToggleItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E240654C2A8155A3009C1AD8 /* SettingsListToggleItem.swift */; };
E240654F2A8159B7009C1AD8 /* SettingsTextInputView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E240654E2A8159B7009C1AD8 /* SettingsTextInputView.swift */; };
E24065512A819066009C1AD8 /* SettingsTextItemLink.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24065502A819066009C1AD8 /* SettingsTextItemLink.swift */; };
E24065532A819614009C1AD8 /* SettingsNumberItemLink.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24065522A819614009C1AD8 /* SettingsNumberItemLink.swift */; };
@ -47,8 +76,7 @@
E240655C2A822C8E009C1AD8 /* HistoryManager.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E28DED36281EC7FB00259690 /* HistoryManager.swift */; };
E240655E2A822E97009C1AD8 /* HistoryListRow.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E240655D2A822E97009C1AD8 /* HistoryListRow.swift */; };
E24065602A822ED9009C1AD8 /* HistoryItemDetail.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E240655F2A822ED9009C1AD8 /* HistoryItemDetail.swift */; };
E24EE77227FDCCC00011CFD2 /* Data+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77127FDCCC00011CFD2 /* Data+Extensions.swift */; };
E24EE77427FF95920011CFD2 /* DeviceResponse.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77327FF95920011CFD2 /* DeviceResponse.swift */; };
E24EE77227FDCCC00011CFD2 /* Data+Hex.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77127FDCCC00011CFD2 /* Data+Hex.swift */; };
E24EE77727FF95C00011CFD2 /* NIOCore in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = E24EE77627FF95C00011CFD2 /* NIOCore */; };
E24EE77927FF95E00011CFD2 /* Message.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24EE77827FF95E00011CFD2 /* Message.swift */; };
E24F6C6E2A89749A0040F8C4 /* ConnectionStrategy.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E24F6C6D2A89749A0040F8C4 /* ConnectionStrategy.swift */; };
@ -66,9 +94,8 @@
E28DED33281EB15B00259690 /* HistoryListItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E28DED32281EB15B00259690 /* HistoryListItem.swift */; };
E28DED35281EB17600259690 /* HistoryItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E28DED34281EB17600259690 /* HistoryItem.swift */; };
E28DED37281EC7FB00259690 /* HistoryManager.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E28DED36281EC7FB00259690 /* HistoryManager.swift */; };
E2C5C1DB2806FE8900769EF6 /* RouteAPI.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DA2806FE8900769EF6 /* RouteAPI.swift */; };
E2C5C1DD281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DC281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Extensions.swift */; };
E2C5C1F8281E769F00769EF6 /* ServerMessage.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1F7281E769F00769EF6 /* ServerMessage.swift */; };
E2C5C1DB2806FE8900769EF6 /* SesameRoute.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DA2806FE8900769EF6 /* SesameRoute.swift */; };
E2C5C1DD281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Coding.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2C5C1DC281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Coding.swift */; };
E2F5DCCA2A88E913002858B9 /* Array+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2F5DCC92A88E913002858B9 /* Array+Extensions.swift */; };
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/* End PBXBuildFile section */
@ -103,19 +130,34 @@
884A45B8279F48C100D6E650 /* ContentView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ContentView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
884A45BA279F48C300D6E650 /* Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Assets.xcassets; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
884A45C4279F4BBE00D6E650 /* KeyManagement.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = KeyManagement.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
884A45C827A43D7900D6E650 /* ClientState.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ClientState.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
884A45CA27A464C000D6E650 /* SymmetricKey+Extensions.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "SymmetricKey+Extensions.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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884A45CE27A5402D00D6E650 /* MessageResult.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MessageResult.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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8860D7492B2329CE00849FAC /* SignedMessage+Size.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "SignedMessage+Size.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8860D74B2B232A7700849FAC /* SesameHeader.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SesameHeader.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8860D74D2B232AED00849FAC /* Data+Coding.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "Data+Coding.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8860D7512B233BEA00849FAC /* TransmissionType.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TransmissionType.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8860D7532B23489300849FAC /* ActiveRequestType.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ActiveRequestType.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8860D7612B23803E00849FAC /* ServerChallenge.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ServerChallenge.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8860D7642B23B5B200849FAC /* RequestCoordinator.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RequestCoordinator.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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888362332A80F3F90032BBB2 /* SettingsView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SettingsView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
888362352A80F4420032BBB2 /* HistoryView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = HistoryView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
88AEE37E2B2217050034EDA9 /* MessageType.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MessageType.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
88AEE3802B22327F0034EDA9 /* UInt32+Random.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "UInt32+Random.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
88AEE3832B2236DC0034EDA9 /* SignedMessage.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SignedMessage.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
88AEE3852B22376D0034EDA9 /* Message+Crypto.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "Message+Crypto.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
88AEE3872B226FED0034EDA9 /* MessageResult+UI.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "MessageResult+UI.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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88E197D629EDCFE800BF1D19 /* Date+Extensions.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "Date+Extensions.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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@ -124,8 +166,7 @@
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E240655D2A822E97009C1AD8 /* HistoryListRow.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = HistoryListRow.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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@ -141,9 +182,8 @@
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E28DED36281EC7FB00259690 /* HistoryManager.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = HistoryManager.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
E28DED38281EE9CF00259690 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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E2C5C1F7281E769F00769EF6 /* ServerMessage.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ServerMessage.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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E2C5C1DC281B3AC400769EF6 /* UInt32+Coding.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "UInt32+Coding.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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/* End PBXFileReference section */
@ -209,17 +249,51 @@
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E2C5C1D92806FE4A00769EF6 /* API */,
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884A45B8279F48C100D6E650 /* ContentView.swift */,
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E28DED2E281E8A0500259690 /* SingleKeyView.swift */,
E28DED30281EAE9100259690 /* HistoryView.swift */,
E25317542A8A1A07005A537D /* History */,
E25317552A8A1A32005A537D /* Extensions */,
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sourceTree = "<group>";
8860D7442B2328B800849FAC /* API Extensions */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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88AEE3872B226FED0034EDA9 /* MessageResult+UI.swift */,
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E24EE77827FF95E00011CFD2 /* Message.swift */,
88AEE3852B22376D0034EDA9 /* Message+Crypto.swift */,
88AEE3832B2236DC0034EDA9 /* SignedMessage.swift */,
8860D7472B23294600849FAC /* SignedMessage+Crypto.swift */,
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@ -253,7 +327,6 @@
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@ -263,11 +336,16 @@
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884A45C4279F4BBE00D6E650 /* KeyManagement.swift */,
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8860D7532B23489300849FAC /* ActiveRequestType.swift */,
8860D7612B23803E00849FAC /* ServerChallenge.swift */,
8860D7642B23B5B200849FAC /* RequestCoordinator.swift */,
8860D7672B23D04100849FAC /* PendingOperation.swift */,
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@ -275,6 +353,7 @@
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E28DED34281EB17600259690 /* HistoryItem.swift */,
@ -284,8 +363,7 @@
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@ -303,13 +381,12 @@
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E24EE77327FF95920011CFD2 /* DeviceResponse.swift */,
E24EE77827FF95E00011CFD2 /* Message.swift */,
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E2C5C1DA2806FE8900769EF6 /* SesameRoute.swift */,
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8860D7492B2329CE00849FAC /* SignedMessage+Size.swift */,
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@ -391,7 +468,7 @@
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@ -464,25 +541,39 @@
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@ -490,33 +581,46 @@
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@ -639,6 +746,7 @@
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@ -647,7 +755,7 @@
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@ -676,7 +784,7 @@
INFOPLIST_KEY_UISupportedInterfaceOrientations = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
INFOPLIST_KEY_UISupportedInterfaceOrientations_iPad = "UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight";
INFOPLIST_KEY_UISupportedInterfaceOrientations_iPhone = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
@ -711,7 +819,7 @@
INFOPLIST_KEY_UISupportedInterfaceOrientations = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
INFOPLIST_KEY_UISupportedInterfaceOrientations_iPad = "UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight";
INFOPLIST_KEY_UISupportedInterfaceOrientations_iPhone = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
@ -754,7 +862,7 @@
name = Debug;
@ -786,7 +894,7 @@
name = Release;
@ -817,7 +925,7 @@
name = Debug;
@ -848,7 +956,7 @@
name = Release;
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
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<key>Sesame Watch App.xcscheme_^#shared#^_</key>
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Sesame/API Extensions/Message+Crypto.swift
Normal file
Sesame/API Extensions/Message+Crypto.swift
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import Foundation
import CryptoKit
extension Message {
Calculate an authentication code for the message content.
- Parameter key: The key to use to sign the content.
- Returns: The new message signed with the key.
func authenticate(using key: SymmetricKey) -> SignedMessage {
let mac = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: encoded, using: key)
return .init(mac: Data( { $0 }), message: self)
Calculate an authentication code for the message content and convert everything to data.
- Parameter key: The key to use to sign the content.
- Returns: The new message signed with the key, serialized to bytes.
func authenticateAndSerialize(using key: SymmetricKey) -> Data {
let encoded = self.encoded
let mac = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: encoded, using: key)
return Data( { $0 }) + encoded
Sesame/API Extensions/Message.swift
Normal file
Sesame/API Extensions/Message.swift
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import Foundation
The message content without authentication.
struct Message: Equatable, Hashable {
/// The type of message being sent.
let messageType: MessageType
* The random nonce created by the remote
* This nonce is a random number created by the remote, different for each unlock request.
* It is set for all message types.
let clientChallenge: UInt32
* A random number to sign by the remote
* This nonce is set by the server after receiving an initial message.
* It is set for the message types `challenge`, `request`, and `response`.
let serverChallenge: UInt32
* The response status for the previous message.
* It is set only for messages from the server, e.g. the `challenge` and `response` message types.
* Must be set to `MessageAccepted` for other messages.
let result: MessageResult
init(messageType: MessageType, clientChallenge: UInt32, serverChallenge: UInt32, result: MessageResult) {
self.messageType = messageType
self.clientChallenge = clientChallenge
self.serverChallenge = serverChallenge
self.result = result
Decode message content from data.
The data consists of two `UInt32` encoded in little endian format
- Warning: The sequence must contain at least 8 bytes, or the function will crash.
- Parameter data: The sequence containing the bytes.
init(decodeFrom data: Data) throws {
guard data.count == Message.size else {
print("Invalid message size \(data.count)")
throw MessageResult.invalidMessageSizeFromDevice
guard let messageType = MessageType(rawValue: data.first!) else {
print("Invalid message type \(data.first!)")
throw MessageResult.invalidMessageTypeFromDevice
self.messageType = messageType
self.clientChallenge = UInt32(data: data.dropFirst().prefix(UInt32.byteSize))
self.serverChallenge = UInt32(data: data.dropFirst(UInt32.byteSize+1).prefix(UInt32.byteSize))
guard let result = MessageResult(rawValue: data.last!) else {
print("Invalid message result \(data.last!)")
throw MessageResult.unknownMessageResultFromDevice
self.result = result
/// The message content encoded to data
var encoded: Data {
messageType.encoded + clientChallenge.encoded + serverChallenge.encoded + result.encoded
extension Message: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: Int, CodingKey {
case messageType = 1
case clientChallenge = 2
case serverChallenge = 3
case result = 4
extension Message {
init(error: MessageResult, type: MessageType) {
self.init(messageType: type, clientChallenge: 0, serverChallenge: 0, result: error)
static func initial() -> Message {
messageType: .initial,
clientChallenge: .random(),
serverChallenge: 0,
result: .messageAccepted)
func with(result: MessageResult) -> Message {
messageType: messageType.responseType,
clientChallenge: clientChallenge,
serverChallenge: serverChallenge,
result: result)
Create the message to respond to this challenge
func requestMessage() -> Message {
messageType: .request,
clientChallenge: clientChallenge,
serverChallenge: serverChallenge,
result: .messageAccepted)
extension Message: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
"\(messageType)(\(clientChallenge)->\(serverChallenge), \(result))"
Sesame/API Extensions/MessageResult+UI.swift
Normal file
Sesame/API Extensions/MessageResult+UI.swift
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import SFSafeSymbols
extension MessageResult {
var color: Color {
switch self {
// Initial state when not configured
case .noKeyAvailable:
return Color(red: 50/255, green: 50/255, blue: 50/255)
// All ready states
case .notChecked,
return Color(red: 115/255, green: 140/255, blue: 90/255)
case .unlocked:
return Color(red: 65/255, green: 110/255, blue: 60/255)
// All implementation errors
case .textReceived,
return Color(red: 30/255, green: 30/255, blue: 160/255)
// All security errors
case .invalidSignatureFromRemote,
return Color(red: 160/255, green: 30/255, blue: 30/255)
// Connection errors
case .tooManyRequests,
return Color(red: 150/255, green: 90/255, blue: 90/255)
// Configuration errors
case .serverUrlInvalid, .invalidServerAuthenticationFromRemote:
return Color(red: 100/255, green: 100/255, blue: 140/255)
var symbol: SFSymbol {
switch self {
// Initial state when not configured
case .noKeyAvailable:
return .questionmarkKeyFilled // .keySlash in 5.0
// All ready states
case .notChecked,
return .checkmark
case .unlocked:
return .lockOpen
// All implementation errors
case .textReceived,
return .questionmarkDiamond
// All security errors
case .invalidSignatureFromRemote,
return .lockTrianglebadgeExclamationmark
// Connection errors
case .tooManyRequests,
return .antennaRadiowavesLeftAndRightSlash
// Configuration errors
case .serverUrlInvalid, .invalidServerAuthenticationFromRemote:
return .gearBadgeQuestionmark
Sesame/API Extensions/MessageType.swift
Normal file
Sesame/API Extensions/MessageType.swift
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import Foundation
enum MessageType: UInt8 {
/// The initial message from remote to device to request a challenge.
case initial = 0
/// The second message in an unlock with the challenge from the device to the remote
case challenge = 1
/// The third message with the signed challenge from the remote to the device
case request = 2
/// The final message with the unlock result from the device to the remote
case response = 3
extension MessageType {
var encoded: Data {
extension MessageType: Codable {
extension MessageType {
var responseType: MessageType {
switch self {
case .initial:
return .challenge
case .challenge:
return .request
case .request, .response:
return .response
extension MessageType: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .initial:
return "Initial"
case .challenge:
return "Challenge"
case .request:
return "Request"
case .response:
return "Response"
Sesame/API Extensions/SignedMessage+Crypto.swift
Normal file
Sesame/API Extensions/SignedMessage+Crypto.swift
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import Foundation
import CryptoKit
extension SignedMessage {
/// The message encoded to data
var encoded: Data {
mac + message.encoded
var bytes: [UInt8] {
Create a message from received bytes.
- Parameter data: The sequence of bytes
- Note: The sequence must contain at least `Message.length` bytes, or the function will crash.
init(decodeFrom data: Data) throws {
guard data.count == SignedMessage.size else {
print("Invalid signed message size \(data.count)")
throw MessageResult.invalidMessageSizeFromDevice
let count = SHA256.byteCount
self.mac = data.prefix(count)
self.message = try Message(decodeFrom: data.dropFirst(count))
Check if the message contains a valid authentication code
- Parameter key: The key used to sign the message.
- Returns: `true`, if the message is valid.
func isValid(using key: SymmetricKey) -> Bool {
HMAC<SHA256>.isValidAuthenticationCode(mac, authenticating: message.encoded, using: key)
Sesame/API Extensions/SignedMessage.swift
Normal file
Sesame/API Extensions/SignedMessage.swift
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import Foundation
An authenticated message to or from the device.
struct SignedMessage: Equatable, Hashable {
/// The message authentication code for the message (32 bytes)
let mac: Data
/// The message content
let message: Message
Create an authenticated message
- Parameter mac: The message authentication code
- Parameter content: The message content
init(mac: Data, message: Message) {
self.mac = mac
self.message = message
extension SignedMessage: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: Int, CodingKey {
case mac = 1
case message = 2
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
import NIOCore
Encapsulates a response from a device.
struct DeviceResponse {
/// Shorthand property for a timeout event.
static var deviceTimedOut: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .deviceTimedOut)
/// Shorthand property for a disconnected event.
static var deviceNotConnected: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .deviceNotConnected)
/// Shorthand property for a connected event.
static var deviceConnected: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .deviceConnected)
/// Shorthand property for an unexpected socket event.
static var unexpectedSocketEvent: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .unexpectedSocketEvent)
/// Shorthand property for an invalid message.
static var invalidMessageSize: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .invalidMessageSize)
/// Shorthand property for missing body data.
static var noBodyData: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .noBodyData)
/// Shorthand property for a busy connection
static var operationInProgress: DeviceResponse {
.init(event: .operationInProgress)
/// The response to a key from the server
let event: MessageResult
/// The index of the next key to use
let response: Message?
Decode a message from a buffer.
The buffer must contain `Message.length+1` bytes. The first byte denotes the event type,
the remaining bytes contain the message.
- Parameter buffer: The buffer where the message bytes are stored
init?(_ buffer: ByteBuffer) {
guard let byte = buffer.getBytes(at: 0, length: 1) else {
print("No bytes received from device")
return nil
guard let event = MessageResult(rawValue: byte[0]) else {
print("Unknown response \(byte[0]) received from device")
return nil
self.event = event
guard let data = buffer.getSlice(at: 1, length: Message.length) else {
self.response = nil
self.response = Message(decodeFrom: data)
Create a response from an event without a message from the device.
- Parameter event: The response from the device.
init(event: MessageResult) {
self.event = event
self.response = nil
/// Get the reponse encoded in bytes.
var encoded: Data {
guard let message = response else {
return event.encoded
return event.encoded + message.encoded
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import Foundation
extension Data {
func convert<T>(into value: T) -> T {
withUnsafeBytes {
$0.baseAddress!.load(as: T.self)
init<T>(from value: T) {
var target = value
self = Swift.withUnsafeBytes(of: &target) {
@ -40,20 +40,3 @@ extension Data {
extension Data {
func convert<T>(into value: T) -> T {
withUnsafeBytes {
$0.baseAddress!.load(as: T.self)
init<T>(from value: T) {
var target = value
self = Swift.withUnsafeBytes(of: &target) {
@ -15,4 +15,7 @@ extension UInt32 {
var encoded: Data {
Data(from: CFSwapInt32HostToLittle(self))
/// The size of a `UInt32` when converted to data
static let byteSize = MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import Foundation
extension Message {
/// The byte length of an encoded message content
static let size: Int = 2 + 2 * UInt32.byteSize
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
import NIOCore
#if canImport(CryptoKit)
import CryptoKit
import Crypto
An authenticated message to or from the device.
struct Message: Equatable, Hashable {
/// The message authentication code for the message (32 bytes)
let mac: Data
/// The message content
let content: Content
Create an authenticated message
- Parameter mac: The message authentication code
- Parameter content: The message content
init(mac: Data, content: Content) {
self.mac = mac
self.content = content
extension Message: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: Int, CodingKey {
case mac = 1
case content = 2
extension Message {
The message content without authentication.
struct Content: Equatable, Hashable {
/// The time of message creation, in UNIX time (seconds since 1970)
let time: UInt32
/// The counter of the message (for freshness)
let id: UInt32
let deviceId: UInt8?
Create new message content.
- Parameter time: The time of message creation,
- Parameter id: The counter of the message
init(time: UInt32, id: UInt32, device: UInt8) {
self.time = time
|||| = id
self.deviceId = device
Decode message content from data.
The data consists of two `UInt32` encoded in little endian format
- Warning: The sequence must contain at least 8 bytes, or the function will crash.
- Parameter data: The sequence containing the bytes.
init<T: Sequence>(decodeFrom data: T) where T.Element == UInt8 {
self.time = UInt32(data: Data(data.prefix(MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size)))
|||| = UInt32(data: Data(data.dropLast().suffix(MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size)))
self.deviceId = data.suffix(1).last!
/// The byte length of an encoded message content
static var length: Int {
MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size * 2 + 1
/// The message content encoded to data
var encoded: Data {
time.encoded + id.encoded + Data([deviceId ?? 0])
extension Message.Content: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: Int, CodingKey {
case time = 1
case id = 2
case deviceId = 3
extension Message {
/// The length of a message in bytes
static var length: Int {
SHA256.byteCount + Content.length
Decode a message from a byte buffer.
The buffer must contain at least `Message.length` bytes, or it will return `nil`.
- Parameter buffer: The buffer containing the bytes.
init?(decodeFrom buffer: ByteBuffer) {
guard let data = buffer.getBytes(at: 0, length: Message.length) else {
return nil
self.init(decodeFrom: data)
init?(decodeFrom data: Data, index: inout Int) {
guard index + Message.length <= data.count else {
return nil
self.init(decodeFrom: data.advanced(by: index))
index += Message.length
/// The message encoded to data
var encoded: Data {
mac + content.encoded
var bytes: [UInt8] {
Create a message from received bytes.
- Parameter data: The sequence of bytes
- Note: The sequence must contain at least `Message.length` bytes, or the function will crash.
init<T: Sequence>(decodeFrom data: T) where T.Element == UInt8 {
let count = SHA256.byteCount
self.mac = Data(data.prefix(count))
self.content = .init(decodeFrom: Array(data.dropFirst(count)))
Check if the message contains a valid authentication code
- Parameter key: The key used to sign the message.
- Returns: `true`, if the message is valid.
func isValid(using key: SymmetricKey) -> Bool {
HMAC<SHA256>.isValidAuthenticationCode(mac, authenticating: content.encoded, using: key)
extension Message.Content {
Calculate an authentication code for the message content.
- Parameter key: The key to use to sign the content.
- Returns: The new message signed with the key.
func authenticate(using key: SymmetricKey) -> Message {
let mac = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: encoded, using: key)
return .init(mac: Data( { $0 }), content: self)
Calculate an authentication code for the message content and convert everything to data.
- Parameter key: The key to use to sign the content.
- Returns: The new message signed with the key, serialized to bytes.
func authenticateAndSerialize(using key: SymmetricKey) -> Data {
let encoded = self.encoded
let mac = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: encoded, using: key)
return Data( { $0 }) + encoded
@ -5,92 +5,231 @@ import Foundation
enum MessageResult: UInt8 {
/// Text content was received, although binary data was expected
// MARK: Device status
/// The message was accepted.
case messageAccepted = 0
/// The web socket received text while waiting for binary data.
case textReceived = 1
/// A socket event on the device was unexpected (not binary data)
/// An unexpected socket event occured while performing the exchange.
case unexpectedSocketEvent = 2
/// The size of the payload (i.e. message) was invalid
case invalidMessageSize = 3
/// The received message size is invalid.
case invalidMessageSizeFromRemote = 3
/// The transmitted message could not be authenticated using the key
case messageAuthenticationFailed = 4
/// The message signature was incorrect.
case invalidSignatureFromRemote = 4
/// The message time was not within the acceptable bounds
case messageTimeMismatch = 5
/// The server challenge of the message did not match previous messages
case invalidServerChallengeFromRemote = 5
/// A later key has been used, invalidating this key (to prevent replay attacks after blocked communication)
case messageCounterInvalid = 6
/// The client challenge of the message did not match previous messages
case invalidClientChallengeFromRemote = 6
/// The key was accepted by the device, and the door will be opened
case messageAccepted = 7
/// An unexpected or unsupported message type was received
case invalidMessageTypeFromRemote = 7
/// The device id is invalid
case messageDeviceInvalid = 8
/// A message is already being processed
case tooManyRequests = 8
/// The received message result was not ``messageAccepted``
case invalidMessageResultFromRemote = 9
/// The request did not contain body data with the key
case noBodyData = 10
/// An invalid Url parameter was set sending a message to the device over a local connection
case invalidUrlParameter = 10
/// The device is not connected
case deviceNotConnected = 12
// MARK: Server status
/// The device did not respond within the timeout
case deviceTimedOut = 13
/// The body data posting a message was missing or of wrong length
case noOrInvalidBodyDataFromRemote = 21
/// Another message is being processed by the device
case operationInProgress = 14
/// The authentication token for the server was invalid
case invalidServerAuthenticationFromRemote = 22
/// The device is connected
case deviceConnected = 15
/// The request took too long to complete
case deviceTimedOut = 23
case invalidUrlParameter = 20
/// The device is not connected to the server via web socket
case deviceNotConnected = 24
/// The device sent a response of invalid size
case invalidMessageSizeFromDevice = 25
/// The header with the authentication token was missing or invalid (not a hex string) from a server request.
case missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeaderFromRemote = 26
/// The server produced an internal error (500)
case internalServerError = 27
// MARK: Remote status
/// The initial state without information about the connection
case notChecked = 30
/// The url string is not a valid url
case serverUrlInvalid = 31
/// The device key or auth token is missing for a request.
case noKeyAvailable = 32
/// The Sesame server behind the proxy could not be found (502)
case serviceBehindProxyUnavailable = 33
/// The server url could not be found (404)
case pathOnServerNotFound = 34
/// The url session request returned an unknown response
case unexpectedUrlResponseType = 35
/// The request to the server returned an unhandled HTTP code
case unexpectedServerResponseCode = 36
/// A valid server challenge was received
case deviceAvailable = 37
case invalidSignatureFromDevice = 38
case invalidMessageTypeFromDevice = 39
case unknownMessageResultFromDevice = 40
/// The device sent a message with an invalid client challenge
case invalidClientChallengeFromDevice = 41
/// The device used an invalid server challenge in a response
case invalidServerChallengeFromDevice = 42
/// The unlock process was successfully completed
case unlocked = 43
extension MessageResult: Error {
case invalidResponseAuthentication = 21
extension MessageResult: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .messageAccepted:
return "Message accepted"
case .textReceived:
return "The device received unexpected text"
case .unexpectedSocketEvent:
return "Unexpected socket event for the device"
case .invalidMessageSize:
return "Invalid message data"
case .messageAuthenticationFailed:
case .invalidMessageSizeFromRemote:
return "Invalid message data from remote"
case .invalidSignatureFromRemote:
return "Message authentication failed"
case .messageTimeMismatch:
return "Message time invalid"
case .messageCounterInvalid:
return "Message counter invalid"
case .messageAccepted:
return "Message accepted"
case .messageDeviceInvalid:
return "Invalid device ID"
case .noBodyData:
return "No body data included in the request"
case .deviceNotConnected:
return "Device not connected"
case .deviceTimedOut:
return "The device did not respond"
case .operationInProgress:
return "Another operation is in progress"
case .deviceConnected:
return "The device is connected"
case .invalidServerChallengeFromRemote:
return "Remote used wrong server challenge"
case .invalidClientChallengeFromRemote:
return "Wrong client challenge sent"
case .invalidMessageTypeFromRemote:
return "Message type from remote invalid"
case .tooManyRequests:
return "Device busy"
case .invalidMessageResultFromRemote:
return "Invalid message result"
case .invalidUrlParameter:
return "The url parameter could not be found"
case .invalidResponseAuthentication:
return "The response could not be authenticated"
case .noOrInvalidBodyDataFromRemote:
return "Invalid body data in server request"
case .invalidServerAuthenticationFromRemote:
return "Invalid server token"
case .deviceTimedOut:
return "The device did not respond"
case .deviceNotConnected:
return "Device not connected to server"
case .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice:
return "Invalid device message size"
case .missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeaderFromRemote:
return "Invalid server token format"
case .internalServerError:
return "Internal server error"
case .notChecked:
return "Not checked"
case .serverUrlInvalid:
return "Invalid server url"
case .noKeyAvailable:
return "No key available"
case .serviceBehindProxyUnavailable:
return "Service behind proxy not found"
case .pathOnServerNotFound:
return "Invalid server path"
case .unexpectedUrlResponseType:
return "Unexpected URL response"
case .unexpectedServerResponseCode:
return "Unexpected server response code"
case .deviceAvailable:
return "Device available"
case .invalidSignatureFromDevice:
return "Invalid device signature"
case .invalidMessageTypeFromDevice:
return "Message type from device invalid"
case .unknownMessageResultFromDevice:
return "Unknown message result"
case .invalidClientChallengeFromDevice:
return "Device used wrong client challenge"
case .invalidServerChallengeFromDevice:
return "Invalid"
case .unlocked:
return "Unlocked"
extension MessageResult: Codable {
extension MessageResult {
var encoded: Data {
extension MessageResult {
init(httpCode: Int) {
switch httpCode {
case 200: self = .messageAccepted
case 204: self = .noOrInvalidBodyDataFromRemote
case 403: self = .invalidServerAuthenticationFromRemote
case 404: self = .pathOnServerNotFound
case 408: self = .deviceTimedOut
case 412: self = .deviceNotConnected
case 413: self = .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice
case 422: self = .missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeaderFromRemote
case 429: self = .tooManyRequests
case 500: self = .internalServerError
case 501: self = .unexpectedServerResponseCode
case 502: self = .serviceBehindProxyUnavailable
default: self = .unexpectedServerResponseCode
var statusCode: Int {
switch self {
case .messageAccepted: return 200 // ok
case .noOrInvalidBodyDataFromRemote: return 204 // noContent
case .invalidServerAuthenticationFromRemote: return 403 // forbidden
case .pathOnServerNotFound: return 404 // notFound
case .deviceTimedOut: return 408 // requestTimeout
case .invalidMessageSizeFromRemote: return 411 // lengthRequired
case .deviceNotConnected: return 412 // preconditionFailed
case .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice: return 413 // payloadTooLarge
case .missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeaderFromRemote: return 422 // unprocessableEntity
case .tooManyRequests: return 429 // tooManyRequests
case .internalServerError: return 500 // internalServerError
case .unexpectedServerResponseCode: return 501 // notImplemented
case .serviceBehindProxyUnavailable: return 502 // badGateway
default: return 501 // == unexpectedServerResponseCode
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
import NIOCore
#if canImport(CryptoKit)
import CryptoKit
import Crypto
struct ServerMessage {
static let authTokenSize = SHA256.byteCount
let authToken: Data
let message: Message
init(authToken: Data, message: Message) {
self.authToken = authToken
self.message = message
var encoded: Data {
authToken + message.encoded
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import Foundation
#if canImport(CryptoKit)
import CryptoKit
import Crypto
enum SesameHeader {
static let authenticationHeader = "Authorization"
static let serverAuthenticationTokenSize = SHA256.byteCount
@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ import Foundation
The active urls on the server, for the device and the remote to connect
enum RouteAPI: String {
/// Check the device status
case getDeviceStatus = "status"
enum SesameRoute: String {
/// Send a message to the server, to relay to the device
case postMessage = "message"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Foundation
#if canImport(CryptoKit)
import CryptoKit
import Crypto
extension SignedMessage {
/// The length of a message in bytes
static var size: Int {
SHA256.byteCount + Message.size
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import Foundation
enum RequestType {
case challenge
case unlock
extension RequestType: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .challenge:
return "Challenge"
case .unlock:
return "Unlock"
@ -3,91 +3,100 @@ import CryptoKit
final class Client {
// TODO: Use or delete
private let delegate = NeverCacheDelegate()
private let localRequestRoute = "message"
private let urlMessageParameter = "m"
init() {}
func deviceStatus(authToken: Data, server: String) async -> ClientState {
await send(path: .getDeviceStatus, server: server, data: authToken).state
func send(_ message: Message, to url: String, through route: TransmissionType, using keys: KeySet) async -> ServerResponse {
let sentTime =
let signedMessage = message.authenticate(using: keys.remote)
let response: Message
switch route {
case .throughServer:
response = await send(signedMessage, toServerUrl: url, authenticateWith: keys.server, verifyUsing: keys.device)
case .overLocalWifi:
response = await send(signedMessage, toLocalDeviceUrl: url, verifyUsing: keys.device)
let receivedTime =
// Create best guess for creation of challenge.
let roundTripTime = receivedTime.timeIntervalSince(sentTime)
let serverChallenge = ServerChallenge(
creationDate: sentTime.addingTimeInterval(roundTripTime / 2),
message: response)
// Validate message content
guard response.result == .messageAccepted else {
print("Failure: \(response)")
return (response, nil)
func sendMessageOverLocalNetwork(_ message: Message, server: String) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
guard response.clientChallenge == message.clientChallenge else {
print("Invalid client challenge: \(response)")
return (response.with(result: .invalidClientChallengeFromDevice), nil)
return (response, serverChallenge)
private func send(_ message: SignedMessage, toLocalDeviceUrl server: String, verifyUsing deviceKey: SymmetricKey) async -> Message {
let data = message.encoded.hexEncoded
guard let url = URL(string: server + "message?m=\(data)") else {
return (.internalError("Invalid server url"), nil)
guard let url = URL(string: server)?.appendingPathComponent("\(localRequestRoute)?\(urlMessageParameter)=\(data)") else {
return message.message.with(result: .serverUrlInvalid)
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
return await requestAndDecode(request)
func send(_ message: Message, server: String, authToken: Data) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
let serverMessage = ServerMessage(authToken: authToken, message: message)
return await send(path: .postMessage, server: server, data: serverMessage.encoded)
private func send(path: RouteAPI, server: String, data: Data) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
guard let url = URL(string: server) else {
return (.internalError("Invalid server url"), nil)
let fullUrl = url.appendingPathComponent(path.rawValue)
return await send(to: fullUrl, data: data)
private func send(to url: URL, data: Data) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpBody = data
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.timeoutInterval = 10
return await requestAndDecode(request)
return await perform(request, inResponseTo: message.message, verifyUsing: deviceKey)
private func requestAndDecode(_ request: URLRequest) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
guard let data = await fulfill(request) else {
return (.deviceNotAvailable(.serverNotReached), nil)
guard let byte = data.first else {
return (.internalError("Empty response"), nil)
guard let status = MessageResult(rawValue: byte) else {
return (.internalError("Invalid message response: \(byte)"), nil)
let result = ClientState(keyResult: status)
guard data.count == Message.length + 1 else {
if data.count != 1 {
print("Device response with only \(data.count) bytes")
return (result, nil)
let messageData = Array(data.advanced(by: 1))
let message = Message(decodeFrom: messageData)
return (result, message)
private func send(_ message: SignedMessage, toServerUrl server: String, authenticateWith authToken: Data, verifyUsing deviceKey: SymmetricKey) async -> Message {
guard let url = URL(string: server)?.appendingPathComponent(SesameRoute.postMessage.rawValue) else {
return message.message.with(result: .serverUrlInvalid)
private func fulfill(_ request: URLRequest) async -> Data? {
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpBody = message.encoded
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.timeoutInterval = 10
request.addValue(authToken.hexEncoded, forHTTPHeaderField: SesameHeader.authenticationHeader)
return await perform(request, inResponseTo: message.message, verifyUsing: deviceKey)
private func perform(_ request: URLRequest, inResponseTo message: Message, verifyUsing deviceKey: SymmetricKey) async -> Message {
let (response, responseData) = await fulfill(request)
guard response == .messageAccepted, let data = responseData else {
return message.with(result: response)
guard data.count == SignedMessage.size else {
print("[WARN] Received message with \(data.count) bytes (\(Array(data)))")
return message.with(result: .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice)
let decodedMessage: SignedMessage
do {
decodedMessage = try SignedMessage(decodeFrom: data)
} catch {
return message.with(result: error as! MessageResult)
guard decodedMessage.isValid(using: deviceKey) else {
return message.with(result: .invalidSignatureFromDevice)
return decodedMessage.message
private func fulfill(_ request: URLRequest) async -> (response: MessageResult, data: Data?) {
do {
let (data, response) = try await request)
guard let code = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode else {
print("No response from server")
return nil
return (.unexpectedUrlResponseType, nil)
guard code == 200 else {
print("Invalid server response \(code)")
return nil
return data
return (.init(httpCode: code), data)
} catch {
print("Request failed: \(error)")
return nil
return (.deviceTimedOut, nil)
class NeverCacheDelegate: NSObject, NSURLConnectionDataDelegate {
func connection(_ connection: NSURLConnection, willCacheResponse cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse) -> CachedURLResponse? {
return nil
@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import SFSafeSymbols
enum ConnectionError {
case serverNotReached
case deviceDisconnected
extension ConnectionError: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .serverNotReached:
return "Server unavailable"
case .deviceDisconnected:
return "Device disconnected"
enum RejectionCause {
case invalidDeviceId
case invalidCounter
case invalidTime
case invalidAuthentication
case timeout
case missingKey
extension RejectionCause: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .invalidDeviceId:
return "Invalid device ID"
case .invalidCounter:
return "Invalid counter"
case .invalidTime:
return "Invalid time"
case .invalidAuthentication:
return "Invalid authentication"
case .timeout:
return "Device not responding"
case .missingKey:
return "No key to verify message"
enum ClientState {
/// There is no key stored locally on the client. A new key must be generated before use.
case noKeyAvailable
/// The device status is being requested
case requestingStatus
/// The remote device is not connected (no socket opened)
case deviceNotAvailable(ConnectionError)
/// The device is connected and ready to receive a message
case ready
/// The message is being transmitted and a response is awaited
case waitingForResponse
/// The transmitted message was rejected (multiple possible reasons)
case messageRejected(RejectionCause)
case responseRejected(RejectionCause)
/// The device responded that the opening action was started
case openSesame
case internalError(String)
var canSendKey: Bool {
switch self {
case .ready, .openSesame, .messageRejected:
return true
return false
init(keyResult: MessageResult) {
switch keyResult {
case .messageAuthenticationFailed:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidAuthentication)
case .messageTimeMismatch:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidTime)
case .messageCounterInvalid:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidCounter)
case .deviceTimedOut:
self = .messageRejected(.timeout)
case .messageAccepted:
self = .openSesame
case .messageDeviceInvalid:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidDeviceId)
case .noBodyData, .invalidMessageSize, .textReceived, .unexpectedSocketEvent, .invalidUrlParameter, .invalidResponseAuthentication:
print("Unexpected internal error: \(keyResult)")
self = .internalError(keyResult.description)
case .deviceNotConnected:
self = .deviceNotAvailable(.deviceDisconnected)
case .operationInProgress:
self = .waitingForResponse
case .deviceConnected:
self = .ready
var actionText: String {
switch self {
case .noKeyAvailable:
return "No key"
case .requestingStatus:
return "Checking..."
case .deviceNotAvailable(let connectionError):
switch connectionError {
case .serverNotReached:
return "Server not found"
case .deviceDisconnected:
return "Device disconnected"
case .ready:
return "Unlock"
case .waitingForResponse:
return "Unlocking..."
case .messageRejected(let rejectionCause):
switch rejectionCause {
case .invalidDeviceId:
return "Invalid device ID"
case .invalidCounter:
return "Invalid counter"
case .invalidTime:
return "Invalid timestamp"
case .invalidAuthentication:
return "Invalid signature"
case .timeout:
return "Device not responding"
case .missingKey:
return "Device key missing"
case .responseRejected(let rejectionCause):
switch rejectionCause {
case .invalidDeviceId:
return "Invalid device id (response)"
case .invalidCounter:
return "Invalid counter (response)"
case .invalidTime:
return "Invalid time (response)"
case .invalidAuthentication:
return "Invalid signature (response)"
case .timeout:
return "Timed out (response)"
case .missingKey:
return "Missing key (response)"
case .openSesame:
return "Unlocked"
case .internalError(let string):
return string
var requiresDescription: Bool {
switch self {
case .deviceNotAvailable, .messageRejected, .internalError, .responseRejected:
return true
return false
var color: Color {
switch self {
case .noKeyAvailable:
return Color(red: 50/255, green: 50/255, blue: 50/255)
case .deviceNotAvailable:
return Color(red: 150/255, green: 90/255, blue: 90/255)
case .messageRejected, .responseRejected:
return Color(red: 160/255, green: 30/255, blue: 30/255)
case .internalError:
return Color(red: 100/255, green: 0/255, blue: 0/255)
case .ready:
return Color(red: 115/255, green: 140/255, blue: 90/255)
case .requestingStatus, .waitingForResponse:
return Color(red: 160/255, green: 170/255, blue: 110/255)
case .openSesame:
return Color(red: 65/255, green: 110/255, blue: 60/255)
var allowsAction: Bool {
switch self {
case .noKeyAvailable, .waitingForResponse:
return false
return true
extension ClientState: Equatable {
extension ClientState: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .noKeyAvailable:
return "No key set."
case .requestingStatus:
return "Checking device status"
case .deviceNotAvailable(let status):
return status.description
case .ready:
return "Ready"
case .waitingForResponse:
return "Unlocking..."
case .messageRejected(let cause):
return cause.description
case .openSesame:
return "Unlocked"
case .internalError(let e):
return "Error: \(e)"
case .responseRejected(let cause):
switch cause {
case .invalidAuthentication:
return "Device message not authenticated"
return cause.description
// MARK: Coding
extension ClientState {
var encoded: Data {
var code: UInt8 {
switch self {
case .noKeyAvailable:
return 1
case .requestingStatus:
return 2
case .deviceNotAvailable(let connectionError):
switch connectionError {
case .serverNotReached:
return 3
case .deviceDisconnected:
return 4
case .ready:
return 5
case .waitingForResponse:
return 6
case .messageRejected(let rejectionCause):
switch rejectionCause {
case .invalidDeviceId:
return 19
case .invalidCounter:
return 7
case .invalidTime:
return 8
case .invalidAuthentication:
return 9
case .timeout:
return 10
case .missingKey:
return 11
case .responseRejected(let rejectionCause):
switch rejectionCause {
case .invalidCounter:
return 12
case .invalidTime:
return 13
case .invalidAuthentication:
return 14
case .timeout:
return 15
case .missingKey:
return 16
case .invalidDeviceId:
return 20
case .openSesame:
return 17
case .internalError:
return 18
init(code: UInt8) {
switch code {
case 1:
self = .noKeyAvailable
case 2:
self = .requestingStatus
case 3:
self = .deviceNotAvailable(.serverNotReached)
case 4:
self = .deviceNotAvailable(.deviceDisconnected)
case 5:
self = .ready
case 6:
self = .waitingForResponse
case 7:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidCounter)
case 8:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidTime)
case 9:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidAuthentication)
case 10:
self = .messageRejected(.timeout)
case 11:
self = .messageRejected(.missingKey)
case 12:
self = .responseRejected(.invalidCounter)
case 13:
self = .responseRejected(.invalidTime)
case 14:
self = .responseRejected(.invalidAuthentication)
case 15:
self = .responseRejected(.timeout)
case 16:
self = .responseRejected(.missingKey)
case 17:
self = .openSesame
case 18:
self = .internalError("")
case 19:
self = .messageRejected(.invalidDeviceId)
case 20:
self = .responseRejected(.invalidDeviceId)
self = .internalError("Unknown code \(code)")
extension ClientState {
@available(iOS 16, *)
var symbol: SFSymbol {
switch self {
case .deviceNotAvailable:
return .wifiExclamationmark
case .internalError:
return .applewatchSlash
case .noKeyAvailable:
return .lockTrianglebadgeExclamationmark
case .openSesame:
return .lockOpen
case .messageRejected:
return .nosign
case .responseRejected:
return .exclamationmarkTriangle
case .requestingStatus, .ready, .waitingForResponse:
return .wifiExclamationmark
@ -1,10 +1,27 @@
import Foundation
import CryptoKit
enum ConnectionStrategy: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
case local = "Local"
case localFirst = "Local first"
case remote = "Remote"
case remoteFirst = "Remote first"
enum ConnectionStrategy: Int, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
case local = 0
case remote = 1
case localFirst = 2
case remoteFirst = 3
var id: Self { self }
var id: Int { rawValue }
var transmissionTypes: [TransmissionType] {
switch self {
case .local: return [.overLocalWifi]
case .localFirst: return [.overLocalWifi, .throughServer]
case .remote: return [.throughServer]
case .remoteFirst: return [.throughServer, .overLocalWifi]
extension ConnectionStrategy: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
|||| { $0.displayName }.joined(separator: "+")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
extension Text {
init(display: CustomStringConvertible) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import Foundation
extension UInt32 {
static func random() -> UInt32 {
random(in: UInt32.min...UInt32.max)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Foundation
import CBORCoding
class HistoryManagerBase: ObservableObject {
@ -141,3 +142,4 @@ final class HistoryManagerMock: HistoryManagerBase, HistoryManagerProtocol {
return true
@ -129,9 +129,8 @@ final class KeyManagement: ObservableObject {
private(set) var hasAuthToken = false
var hasAllKeys: Bool {
hasRemoteKey && hasDeviceKey && hasAuthToken
private(set) var hasAllKeys = false
init() {
self.keyChain = KeyChain(domain: "")
@ -189,5 +188,6 @@ final class KeyManagement: ObservableObject {
self.hasRemoteKey = keyChain.has(.remoteKey)
self.hasDeviceKey = keyChain.has(.deviceKey)
self.hasAuthToken = keyChain.has(.authToken)
self.hasAllKeys = hasRemoteKey && hasDeviceKey && hasAuthToken
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Foundation
struct PendingOperation {
let route: TransmissionType
let operation: RequestType
extension PendingOperation: Equatable {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
final class RequestCoordinator: ObservableObject {
var serverChallenge: ServerChallenge? = nil
var state: MessageResult = .noKeyAvailable
private var timer: Timer?
var pendingRequests: [PendingOperation] = []
var activeRequest: PendingOperation?
var keyManager = KeyManagement()
var serverPath: String = ""
var localAddress: String = ""
var connectionType: ConnectionStrategy = .remoteFirst
let modelContext: ModelContext
init(modelContext: ModelContext) {
self.modelContext = modelContext
if keyManager.hasAllKeys {
self.state = .notChecked
let client = Client()
var needsNewServerChallenge: Bool {
serverChallenge?.isExpired ?? true
var isPerformingRequest: Bool = false
func startUnlock() {
addOperations(.challenge, .unlock)
func startChallenge() {
private func addOperations(_ operations: RequestType...) {
#warning("Only perform challenge when doing unlock? Remove code complexity")
// Just add all operations for an unlock
// For every completed operation, the unnecessary ones will be removed without executing them
let operations = { route in
|||| { PendingOperation(route: route, operation: $0) }
pendingRequests.append(contentsOf: operations)
private func continueRequests() {
guard activeRequest == nil else {
guard !pendingRequests.isEmpty else {
self.isPerformingRequest = false
let activeRequest = pendingRequests.removeFirst()
self.activeRequest = activeRequest
self.isPerformingRequest = true
Task {
await process(request: activeRequest)
private func process(request: PendingOperation) async {
let startTime =
let (success, response, challenge) = await self.start(request)
let endTime =
let roundTripTime = endTime.timeIntervalSince(startTime)
if let s = challenge?.message {
print("\(s) took \(Int(roundTripTime * 1000)) ms")
} else {
print("\(request.operation.description) took \(Int(roundTripTime * 1000)) ms")
if request.operation == .unlock, let response {
print("Saving history item")
let item = HistoryItem(message: response, startDate: startTime, route: request.route, finishDate: endTime)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.filterPendingRequests(after: request, success: success, hasChallenge: challenge != nil)
if let response {
self.state = response.result
if let challenge {
self.serverChallenge = challenge
self.activeRequest = nil
private func filterPendingRequests(after operation: PendingOperation, success: Bool, hasChallenge: Bool) {
if success {
// Filter all unlocks
if operation.operation == .unlock {
// Successful unlock means no need for next challenge or unlocks, so remove all
self.pendingRequests = []
} else {
// Successful challenge means no need for additional challenges, but keep unlocks
self.pendingRequests = pendingRequests.filter { $0.operation != .challenge }
} else {
// Filter all operations with the same route for connection errors
// And with type, depending on error?
private func start(_ operation: PendingOperation) async -> OptionalServerResponse {
switch operation.operation {
case .challenge:
if let serverChallenge, !serverChallenge.isExpired {
return (true, serverChallenge.message, serverChallenge)
return await performChallenge(route: operation.route)
case .unlock:
guard let serverChallenge, !serverChallenge.isExpired else {
return (false, nil, nil)
return await performUnlock(with: serverChallenge.message, route: operation.route)
private func performChallenge(route: TransmissionType) async -> OptionalServerResponse {
let initialMessage = Message.initial()
let (result, challenge) = await send(initialMessage, route: route)
guard let message = challenge?.message else {
return (false, result, nil)
// Can't get here without the message being accepted
guard message.messageType == .challenge else {
print("Invalid message type for challenge: \(message)")
return (false, result.with(result: .invalidMessageTypeFromDevice), nil)
return (true, result.with(result: .deviceAvailable), challenge)
private func performUnlock(with challenge: Message, route: TransmissionType) async -> OptionalServerResponse {
let request = challenge.requestMessage()
let (unlockState, responseData) = await send(request, route: route)
guard let response = responseData?.message else {
return (false, unlockState, nil)
switch response.messageType {
case .initial, .request:
print("Invalid message type for response: \(response)")
return (false, response.with(result: .invalidMessageTypeFromDevice), nil)
case .challenge:
// New challenge received, challenge was expired
return (true, unlockState, responseData)
case .response:
guard response.serverChallenge == request.serverChallenge else {
print("Invalid server challenge for unlock: \(response)")
return (false, response.with(result: .invalidServerChallengeFromDevice), nil)
return (true, response.with(result: .unlocked), nil)
private func url(for route: TransmissionType) -> String {
switch route {
case .throughServer:
return serverPath
case .overLocalWifi:
return localAddress
private func send(_ message: Message, route: TransmissionType) async -> ServerResponse {
guard let keys = keyManager.getAllKeys() else {
return (message.with(result: .noKeyAvailable), nil)
let url = url(for: route)
return await client.send(message, to: url, through: route, using: keys)
func startUpdatingServerChallenge() {
guard timer == nil else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in
guard let self else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func endUpdatingServerChallenge() {
timer = nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import Foundation
struct ServerChallenge {
private static let challengeExpiryTime: TimeInterval = 25.0
let creationDate: Date
let message: Message
var isExpired: Bool {
creationDate.addingTimeInterval(ServerChallenge.challengeExpiryTime) <
typealias ServerResponse = (result: Message, challenge: ServerChallenge?)
typealias OptionalServerResponse = (success: Bool, result: Message?, challenge: ServerChallenge?)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import Foundation
import SFSafeSymbols
enum TransmissionType: Int {
case throughServer = 0
case overLocalWifi = 1
extension TransmissionType: Codable {
extension TransmissionType {
var symbol: SFSymbol {
switch self {
case .throughServer: return .network
case .overLocalWifi: return .wifi
extension TransmissionType: CaseIterable {
extension TransmissionType: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
extension TransmissionType {
var displayName: String {
switch self {
case .throughServer: return "Mobile"
case .overLocalWifi: return "WiFi"
@ -1,288 +1,98 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
import CryptoKit
struct ContentView: View {
var serverPath: String = ""
var localAddress: String = ""
var nextMessageCounter: Int = 0
var isCompensatingDaylightTime: Bool = false
private var useLocalConnection = false
private var deviceID: Int = 0
private let unlockButtonSize: CGFloat = 250
private let smallButtonSize: CGFloat = 50
private let buttonBackground: Color = .white.opacity(0.2)
private let buttonColor: Color = .white
var keyManager = KeyManagement()
var coordinator: RequestCoordinator
let history = HistoryManager()
@State private var showSettingsSheet = false
@State private var showHistorySheet = false
@State private var didShowKeySheetOnce = false
var state: ClientState = .noKeyAvailable
private var timer: Timer?
private var hasActiveRequest = false
private var responseTime: Date? = nil
private var showSettingsSheet = false
private var showHistorySheet = false
private var didShowKeySheetOnce = false
let server = Client()
var compensationTime: UInt32 {
isCompensatingDaylightTime ? 3600 : 0
init(modelContext: ModelContext) {
self.coordinator = .init(modelContext: modelContext)
var isPerformingRequests: Bool {
hasActiveRequest ||
state == .waitingForResponse
var buttonBackground: Color {
state.allowsAction ?
.white.opacity(0.2) :
let buttonBorderWidth: CGFloat = 3
var buttonColor: Color {
state.allowsAction ? .white : .gray
private let buttonWidth: CGFloat = 250
private let smallButtonHeight: CGFloat = 50
private let smallButtonWidth: CGFloat = 120
private let smallButtonBorderWidth: CGFloat = 1
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
VStack(spacing: 20) {
HStack {
Button("History", action: { showHistorySheet = true })
.frame(width: smallButtonWidth,
height: smallButtonHeight)
.cornerRadius(smallButtonHeight / 2)
.overlay(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: smallButtonHeight / 2).stroke(lineWidth: smallButtonBorderWidth).foregroundColor(.white))
Button("Settings", action: { showSettingsSheet = true })
.frame(width: smallButtonWidth,
height: smallButtonHeight)
.cornerRadius(smallButtonHeight / 2)
.overlay(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: smallButtonHeight / 2).stroke(lineWidth: smallButtonBorderWidth).foregroundColor(.white))
if state.requiresDescription {
Button(state.actionText, action: mainButtonPressed)
.frame(width: buttonWidth,
height: buttonWidth)
HStack(alignment: .bottom, spacing: 0) {
Button(action: { showHistorySheet = true }) {
Image(systemSymbol: .clockArrowCirclepath)
.frame(width: smallButtonSize, height: smallButtonSize)
.cornerRadius(smallButtonSize / 2)
Button("Unlock", action: coordinator.startUnlock)
.frame(width: unlockButtonSize, height: unlockButtonSize)
.cornerRadius(buttonWidth / 2)
.overlay(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: buttonWidth / 2)
.stroke(lineWidth: buttonBorderWidth).foregroundColor(buttonColor))
.cornerRadius(unlockButtonSize / 2)
.padding(.bottom, (geo.size.width-buttonWidth) / 2)
Button(action: { showSettingsSheet = true }) {
Image(systemSymbol: .gearshape)
.frame(width: smallButtonSize, height: smallButtonSize)
.cornerRadius(smallButtonSize / 2)
.onAppear {
if keyManager.hasAllKeys {
state = .requestingStatus
Picker("Connection type", selection: $coordinator.connectionType) {
ForEach(ConnectionStrategy.allCases, id: \.rawValue) { connection in
.onDisappear {
.frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height)
.animation(.easeInOut, value: state.color)
.padding(.horizontal, 30)
.onAppear(perform: coordinator.startUpdatingServerChallenge)
.onDisappear(perform: coordinator.endUpdatingServerChallenge)
.animation(.easeInOut, value: coordinator.state.color)
.sheet(isPresented: $showSettingsSheet) {
keyManager: keyManager,
serverAddress: $serverPath,
localAddress: $localAddress,
deviceID: $deviceID,
nextMessageCounter: $nextMessageCounter,
isCompensatingDaylightTime: $isCompensatingDaylightTime,
useLocalConnection: $useLocalConnection)
.sheet(isPresented: $showHistorySheet) {
HistoryView(history: history)
keyManager: coordinator.keyManager,
serverAddress: $coordinator.serverPath,
localAddress: $coordinator.localAddress)
.sheet(isPresented: $showHistorySheet) { HistoryView() }
func mainButtonPressed() {
guard let key = keyManager.get(.remoteKey),
let token = keyManager.get(.authToken)?.data,
let deviceId = UInt8(exactly: deviceID) else {
let count = UInt32(nextMessageCounter)
let sentTime = Date()
// Add time to compensate that the device is using daylight savings time
let content = Message.Content(
time: sentTime.timestamp + compensationTime,
id: count,
device: deviceId)
let message = content.authenticate(using: key)
let historyItem = HistoryItem(sent: message.content, date: sentTime, local: useLocalConnection)
state = .waitingForResponse
print("Sending message \(count)")
Task {
let (newState, responseMessage) = await send(message, authToken: token)
let receivedTime =
responseTime = receivedTime
state = newState
let finishedItem = historyItem.didReceive(response: newState, date: receivedTime, message: responseMessage?.content)
guard let key = keyManager.get(.deviceKey) else {
save(historyItem: finishedItem.notAuthenticated())
guard let responseMessage else {
save(historyItem: finishedItem)
guard responseMessage.isValid(using: key) else {
save(historyItem: finishedItem.invalidated())
nextMessageCounter = Int(
save(historyItem: finishedItem)
private func send(_ message: Message, authToken: Data) async -> (state: ClientState, response: Message?) {
if useLocalConnection {
return await server.sendMessageOverLocalNetwork(message, server: localAddress)
} else {
return await server.send(message, server: serverPath, authToken: authToken)
private func save(historyItem: HistoryItem) {
#Preview {
do {
try historyItem)
let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self, configurations: config)
let item = HistoryItem.mock
return ContentView(modelContext: container.mainContext)
} catch {
print("Failed to save item: \(error)")
private func startRegularStatusUpdates() {
guard timer == nil else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5, repeats: true, block: checkDeviceStatus)
private func endRegularStatusUpdates() {
timer = nil
func checkDeviceStatus(_ timer: Timer) {
guard !useLocalConnection else {
guard let authToken = keyManager.get(.authToken) else {
if !didShowKeySheetOnce {
didShowKeySheetOnce = true
//showSettingsSheet = true
guard !hasActiveRequest else {
hasActiveRequest = true
Task {
let newState = await server.deviceStatus(authToken:, server: serverPath)
hasActiveRequest = false
switch state {
case .noKeyAvailable:
case .requestingStatus, .deviceNotAvailable, .ready:
state = newState
case .waitingForResponse:
case .messageRejected, .openSesame, .internalError, .responseRejected:
guard let time = responseTime else {
state = newState
responseTime = nil
// Wait at least 5 seconds after these states have been reached before changing the
// interface to allow sufficient time to see the result
let elapsed =
guard elapsed < 5 else {
state = newState
let secondsToWait = Int(elapsed.rounded(.up))
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(secondsToWait)) {
state = newState
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
.previewDevice("iPhone 8")
extension Date {
var timestamp: UInt32 {
init(timestamp: UInt32) {
self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
fatalError("Failed to create model container.")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Foundation
extension Date {
var timestamp: UInt32 {
init(timestamp: UInt32) {
self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
@ -1,114 +1,55 @@
import Foundation
import SwiftData
final class HistoryItem {
struct HistoryItem {
let startDate: Date
/// The sent/received date (local time, not including compensation offset)
let requestDate: Date
let message: Message
let request: Message.Content
let route: TransmissionType
let usedLocalConnection: Bool
let finishDate: Date
var response: ClientState
let responseMessage: Message.Content?
let responseDate: Date
init(sent message: Message.Content, sentDate: Date, local: Bool, response: ClientState, responseDate: Date, responseMessage: Message.Content?) {
self.requestDate = sentDate
self.request = message
self.responseMessage = responseMessage
self.response = response
self.responseDate = responseDate
self.usedLocalConnection = local
init(message: Message, startDate: Date, route: TransmissionType, finishDate: Date) {
self.startDate = startDate
self.message = message
self.finishDate = finishDate
self.route = route
// MARK: Statistics
var roundTripTime: TimeInterval {
var deviceTime: Date? {
guard let timestamp = responseMessage?.time else {
return nil
return Date(timestamp: timestamp)
var requestLatency: TimeInterval? {
var responseLatency: TimeInterval? {
guard let deviceTime = deviceTime else {
return nil
return responseDate.timeIntervalSince(deviceTime)
var clockOffset: Int? {
guard let deviceTime = deviceTime else {
return nil
let estimatedArrival = requestDate.advanced(by: roundTripTime / 2)
return Int(deviceTime.timeIntervalSince(estimatedArrival))
extension HistoryItem: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: Int, CodingKey {
case requestDate = 1
case request = 2
case usedLocalConnection = 3
case response = 4
case responseMessage = 5
case responseDate = 6
extension ClientState: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let code = try decoder.singleValueContainer().decode(UInt8.self)
self.init(code: code)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(code)
var response: MessageResult {
extension HistoryItem: Identifiable {
var id: UInt32 {
var id: Double {
extension HistoryItem: Comparable {
static func < (lhs: HistoryItem, rhs: HistoryItem) -> Bool {
lhs.requestDate < rhs.requestDate
lhs.startDate < rhs.startDate
extension HistoryItem {
static var mock: HistoryItem {
let content = Message.Content(time:, id: 123, device: 0)
let content2 = Message.Content(time: ( + 1).timestamp, id: 124, device: 0)
let message = Message(messageType: .request, clientChallenge: 123, serverChallenge: 234, result: .unlocked)
return .init(
sent: content,
sentDate: .now,
local: false,
response: .openSesame,
responseDate: .now + 2,
responseMessage: content2)
message: message,
route: .throughServer,
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
import SFSafeSymbols
private let df: DateFormatter = {
let df = DateFormatter()
df.dateStyle = .short
@ -13,60 +15,55 @@ struct HistoryListItem: View {
let entry: HistoryItem
var entryTime: String {
df.string(from: entry.requestDate)
df.string(from: entry.startDate)
var roundTripText: String {
"\(Int(entry.roundTripTime * 1000)) ms"
var counterText: String {
let sentCounter =
let startText = "\(sentCounter)"
guard let rCounter = entry.responseMessage?.id else {
return startText
let diff = Int(rCounter) - Int(sentCounter)
guard diff != 1 && diff != 0 else {
return startText
return startText + " (\(diff))"
var clientNonceText: String {
var timeOffsetText: String? {
guard let offset = entry.clockOffset else {
return nil
return "\(offset) s"
var serverNonceText: String {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack {
Image(systemSymbol: entry.route.symbol)
}.padding(.bottom, 1)
HStack {
Image(systemSymbol: entry.usedLocalConnection ? .wifi : .network)
Image(systemSymbol: .personalhotspot)
if let timeOffsetText {
Image(systemSymbol: .stopwatch)
HStack {
Image(systemSymbol: .arrowUpArrowDownCircle)
Image(systemSymbol: .lockIphone)
Image(systemSymbol: .doorRightHandClosed)
struct HistoryListItem_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
HistoryListItem(entry: .mock)
#Preview {
do {
let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self, configurations: config)
let item = HistoryItem.mock
return HistoryListItem(entry: item)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create model container.")
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct HistoryView: View {
let history: HistoryManagerProtocol
private var items: [HistoryItem] = []
private var unlockCount = 0
private var unlockCount: Int {
items.count { $0.response == .unlocked }
private var percentage: Double {
guard items.count > 0 else {
@ -17,11 +17,18 @@ struct HistoryView: View {
return Double(unlockCount * 100) / Double(items.count)
private var requestNumberText: String {
guard items.count != 1 else {
return "1 Request"
return "\(items.count) Requests"
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
HStack {
Text("\(items.count) requests")
@ -35,26 +42,20 @@ struct HistoryView: View {
.onAppear {
private func load() {
Task {
let entries = history.loadEntries()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
items = entries
unlockCount = items.count {
$0.response == .openSesame
#Preview {
do {
let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self, configurations: config)
struct HistoryView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
HistoryView(history: HistoryManagerMock())
let item = HistoryItem.mock
return HistoryView()
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create model container.")
@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct SesameApp: App {
var modelContainer: ModelContainer
init() {
do {
self.modelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: HistoryItem.self)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create model container: \(error)")
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ContentView(modelContext: modelContainer.mainContext)
@ -10,31 +10,6 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
var localAddress: String
var deviceID: Int
var nextMessageCounter: Int
var isCompensatingDaylightTime: Bool
var useLocalConnection: Bool
private var showDeviceIdInput = false
private var deviceIdText = ""
private var showCounterInput = false
private var counterText = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
@ -53,49 +28,11 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
.padding(.leading, 8)
}.padding(.vertical, 8)
Toggle(isOn: $useLocalConnection) {
Text("Use direct connection to device")
Text("Attempt to communicate directly with the device. This is useful if the server is unavailable. Requires a WiFi connection on the same network as the device.")
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Device id")
HStack(alignment: .bottom) {
.font(.system(.body, design: .monospaced))
.padding([.trailing, .bottom])
Button("Edit", action: showAlertToChangeDeviceID)
.padding([.horizontal, .bottom])
.padding(.top, 4)
}.padding(.vertical, 8)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Message counter")
HStack(alignment: .bottom) {
.font(.system(.body, design: .monospaced))
.padding([.trailing, .bottom])
Button("Edit", action: showAlertToChangeCounter)
.padding([.horizontal, .bottom])
.padding(.top, 4)
}.padding(.vertical, 8)
ForEach(KeyManagement.KeyType.allCases) { keyType in
keyManager: keyManager,
type: keyType)
Toggle(isOn: $isCompensatingDaylightTime) {
Text("Compensate daylight savings time")
Text("If the remote has daylight savings time wrongly set, then the time validation will fail. Use this option to send messages with adjusted timestamps. Warning: Incorrect use of this option will allow replay attacks.")
}.onDisappear {
if !localAddress.hasSuffix("/") {
@ -103,54 +40,8 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
.alert("Update device ID", isPresented: $showDeviceIdInput, actions: {
TextField("Device ID", text: $deviceIdText)
.font(.system(.body, design: .monospaced))
Button("Save", action: saveDeviceID)
Button("Cancel", role: .cancel, action: {})
}, message: {
Text("Enter the device ID")
.alert("Update message counter", isPresented: $showCounterInput, actions: {
TextField("Message counter", text: $counterText)
.font(.system(.body, design: .monospaced))
Button("Save", action: saveCounter)
Button("Cancel", role: .cancel, action: {})
}, message: {
Text("Enter the message counter")
private func showAlertToChangeDeviceID() {
deviceIdText = "\(deviceID)"
showDeviceIdInput = true
private func saveDeviceID() {
guard let id = UInt8(deviceIdText) else {
print("Invalid device id '\(deviceIdText)'")
self.deviceID = Int(id)
private func showAlertToChangeCounter() {
counterText = "\(nextMessageCounter)"
showCounterInput = true
private func saveCounter() {
guard let id = UInt32(counterText) else {
print("Invalid message counter '\(counterText)'")
self.nextMessageCounter = Int(id)
struct SettingsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
@ -158,10 +49,6 @@ struct SettingsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
keyManager: KeyManagement(),
serverAddress: .constant(""),
localAddress: .constant(""),
deviceID: .constant(0),
nextMessageCounter: .constant(12345678),
isCompensatingDaylightTime: .constant(true),
useLocalConnection: .constant(false))
localAddress: .constant(""))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user