Sesame-iOS/Sesame/API Extensions/Message+Crypto.swift

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935 B
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2023-12-12 17:33:42 +01:00
import Foundation
import CryptoKit
extension Message {
Calculate an authentication code for the message content.
- Parameter key: The key to use to sign the content.
- Returns: The new message signed with the key.
func authenticate(using key: SymmetricKey) -> SignedMessage {
let mac = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: encoded, using: key)
return .init(mac: Data( { $0 }), message: self)
Calculate an authentication code for the message content and convert everything to data.
- Parameter key: The key to use to sign the content.
- Returns: The new message signed with the key, serialized to bytes.
func authenticateAndSerialize(using key: SymmetricKey) -> Data {
let encoded = self.encoded
let mac = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: encoded, using: key)
return Data( { $0 }) + encoded