2023-12-08 12:39:10 +01:00

215 lines
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import Foundation
A result from sending a key to the device.
enum MessageResult: UInt8 {
/// The message was accepted.
case messageAccepted = 0
/// The web socket received text while waiting for binary data.
case textReceived = 1
/// An unexpected socket event occured while performing the exchange.
case unexpectedSocketEvent = 2
/// The received message size is invalid.
case invalidMessageSizeFromRemote = 3
/// The message signature was incorrect.
case invalidSignatureByRemote = 4
/// The server challenge of the message did not match previous messages
case serverChallengeMismatch = 5
/// The client challenge of the message did not match previous messages
case clientChallengeMismatchFromRemote = 6
/// An unexpected or unsupported message type was received
case invalidMessageTypeFromRemote = 7
/// A message is already being processed
case tooManyRequests = 8
/// The received message result was not ``messageAccepted``
case invalidMessageResultFromRemote = 9
/// An invalid Url parameter was set sending a message to the device over a local connection
case invalidUrlParameter = 10
/// The request took too long to complete
case deviceTimedOut = 20
case noOrInvalidBodyDataInServerRequest = 21
/// The device is not connected to the server via web socket
case deviceNotConnected = 22
case serverNotReached = 23
case serverUrlInvalid = 24
case invalidDeviceResponseSize = 25
case invalidSignatureByDevice = 26
case noKeyAvailable = 27
case unlocked = 28
case unknownMessageResultFromDevice = 29
/// The device sent a message with an invalid client challenge
case clientChallengeMismatchFromDevice = 30
/// A valid server challenge was received
case deviceAvailable = 31
case invalidMessageTypeFromDevice = 32
/// The url session request returned an unknown response
case unexpectedUrlResponseType = 33
/// The request to the server returned an unhandled HTTP code
case unexpectedServerResponseCode = 34
/// The server produced an internal error (500)
case internalServerError = 35
/// The Sesame server behind the proxy could not be found (502)
case serviceBehindProxyUnavailable = 36
/// The server url could not be found (404)
case pathOnServerNotFound = 37
/// The header with the authentication token was missing or invalid (not a hex string) from a server request.
case missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeader = 38
/// The authentication token for the server was invalid
case invalidServerAuthentication = 39
/// The device sent a response of invalid size
case invalidMessageSizeFromDevice = 40
extension MessageResult: Error {
extension MessageResult: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .messageAccepted:
return "Message accepted"
case .textReceived:
return "The device received unexpected text"
case .unexpectedSocketEvent:
return "Unexpected socket event for the device"
case .invalidMessageSizeFromRemote:
return "Invalid message data from remote"
case .invalidSignatureByRemote:
return "Message authentication failed"
case .noOrInvalidBodyDataInServerRequest:
return "Invalid body data in server request"
case .deviceNotConnected:
return "Device not connected to server"
case .deviceTimedOut:
return "The device did not respond"
case .serverChallengeMismatch:
return "Server challenge mismatch"
case .clientChallengeMismatchFromRemote:
return "Wrong client challenge sent"
case .invalidMessageTypeFromRemote:
return "Message type from remote invalid"
case .tooManyRequests:
return "Device busy"
case .invalidUrlParameter:
return "The url parameter could not be found"
case .invalidMessageResultFromRemote:
return "Invalid message result"
case .serverNotReached:
return "Server unavailable"
case .serverUrlInvalid:
return "Invalid server url"
case .invalidDeviceResponseSize:
return "Invalid Response size"
case .invalidSignatureByDevice:
return "Invalid device signature"
case .noKeyAvailable:
return "No key available"
case .unlocked:
return "Unlocked"
case .unknownMessageResultFromDevice:
return "Unknown message result"
case .deviceAvailable:
return "Device available"
case .clientChallengeMismatchFromDevice:
return "Device sent invalid client challenge"
case .invalidMessageTypeFromDevice:
return "Message type from device invalid"
case .unexpectedUrlResponseType:
return "Unexpected URL response"
case .unexpectedServerResponseCode:
return "Unexpected server response code"
case .internalServerError:
return "Internal server error"
case .serviceBehindProxyUnavailable:
return "Service behind proxy not found"
case .pathOnServerNotFound:
return "Invalid server path"
case .missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeader:
return "Invalid server token format"
case .invalidServerAuthentication:
return "Invalid server token"
case .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice:
return "Invalid device message size"
extension MessageResult: Codable {
extension MessageResult {
var encoded: Data {
extension MessageResult {
init(httpCode: Int) {
switch httpCode {
case 200: self = .messageAccepted
case 204: self = .noOrInvalidBodyDataInServerRequest
case 403: self = .invalidServerAuthentication
case 404: self = .pathOnServerNotFound
case 408: self = .deviceTimedOut
case 412: self = .deviceNotConnected
case 413: self = .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice
case 422: self = .missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeader
case 429: self = .tooManyRequests
case 500: self = .internalServerError
case 501: self = .unexpectedServerResponseCode
case 502: self = .serviceBehindProxyUnavailable
default: self = .unexpectedServerResponseCode
var statusCode: Int {
switch self {
case .messageAccepted: return 200 // ok
case .noOrInvalidBodyDataInServerRequest: return 204 // noContent
case .invalidServerAuthentication: return 403 // forbidden
case .pathOnServerNotFound: return 404 // notFound
case .deviceTimedOut: return 408 // requestTimeout
case .invalidMessageSizeFromRemote: return 411 // lengthRequired
case .deviceNotConnected: return 412 // preconditionFailed
case .invalidMessageSizeFromDevice: return 413 // payloadTooLarge
case .missingOrInvalidAuthenticationHeader: return 422 // unprocessableEntity
case .tooManyRequests: return 429 // tooManyRequests
case .internalServerError: return 500 // internalServerError
case .unexpectedServerResponseCode: return 501 // notImplemented
case .serviceBehindProxyUnavailable: return 502 // badGateway
default: return 501 // == unexpectedServerResponseCode