2022-01-29 10:36:49 +01:00

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import Foundation
A result from sending a key to the device.
enum KeyResult: UInt8 {
/// Text content was received, although binary data was expected
case textReceived = 1
/// A socket event on the device was unexpected (not binary data)
case unexpectedSocketEvent = 2
/// The size of the payload (key id + key data, or just key) was invalid
case invalidPayloadSize = 3
/// The index of the key was out of bounds
case invalidKeyIndex = 4
/// The transmitted key data did not match the expected key
case invalidKey = 5
/// The key has been previously used and is no longer valid
case keyAlreadyUsed = 6
/// A later key has been used, invalidating this key (to prevent replay attacks after blocked communication)
case keyWasSkipped = 7
/// The key was accepted by the device, and the door will be opened
case keyAccepted = 8
/// The device produced an unknown error
case unknownDeviceError = 9
/// The request did not contain body data with the key
case noBodyData = 10
/// The body data could not be read
case corruptkeyData = 11
/// The device is not connected
case deviceNotConnected = 12
/// The device did not respond within the timeout
case deviceTimedOut = 13
extension KeyResult: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .invalidKeyIndex:
return "Invalid key id (too large)"
case .noBodyData:
return "No body data included in the request"
case .invalidPayloadSize:
return "Invalid key size"
case .corruptkeyData:
return "Key data corrupted"
case .deviceNotConnected:
return "Device not connected"
case .textReceived:
return "The device received unexpected text"
case .unexpectedSocketEvent:
return "Unexpected socket event for the device"
case .invalidKey:
return "The transmitted key was not correct"
case .keyAlreadyUsed:
return "The transmitted key was already used"
case .keyWasSkipped:
return "A newer key was already used"
case .keyAccepted:
return "Key successfully sent"
case .unknownDeviceError:
return "The device experienced an unknown error"
case .deviceTimedOut:
return "The device did not respond"