import Foundation import WebSocketKit import Vapor import Clairvoyant enum DeviceState: UInt8 { case disconnected = 0 case connected = 1 case authenticated = 2 } extension DeviceState: MetricValue { static let valueType: MetricType = .customType(named: "DeviceState") } final class DeviceManager { /// The connection to the device private var connection: WebSocket? /// The authentication token of the device for the socket connection private let deviceKey: Data /// The authentication token of the remote private let remoteKey: Data /// Indicate that the socket is fully initialized with an authorized device private var deviceIsAuthenticated = false private let deviceTimeout: Int64 private let deviceStateMetric: Metric private let messagesToDeviceMetric: Metric private let scheduler: AsyncScheduler var deviceState: DeviceState { guard let connection, !connection.isClosed else { return .disconnected } guard deviceIsAuthenticated else { return .connected } return .authenticated } /// Indicator for device availability var deviceIsConnected: Bool { deviceIsAuthenticated && !(connection?.isClosed ?? true) } /// A promise to finish the request once the device responds or times out private var requestInProgress: CheckedContinuation? init(deviceKey: Data, remoteKey: Data, deviceTimeout: Int64, scheduler: AsyncScheduler) { self.deviceKey = deviceKey self.remoteKey = remoteKey self.deviceTimeout = deviceTimeout self.deviceStateMetric = .init( "sesame.device", name: "Device connected", description: "Shows if the device is connected via WebSocket") self.messagesToDeviceMetric = .init( "sesame.messages", name: "Forwarded Messages", description: "The number of messages transmitted to the device") self.scheduler = scheduler } private func updateDeviceConnectionMetric() async { _ = try? await deviceStateMetric.update(deviceState) } private func updateMessageCountMetric() async { let lastValue = await messagesToDeviceMetric.lastValue()?.value ?? 0 _ = try? await messagesToDeviceMetric.update(lastValue + 1) } // MARK: API private var deviceStatus: String { "\(deviceState.rawValue)" } func sendMessageToDevice(_ message: Data, on eventLoop: EventLoop) async throws -> Data { guard let socket = connection, !socket.isClosed else { connection = nil throw MessageResult.deviceNotConnected } guard requestInProgress == nil else { throw MessageResult.operationInProgress } do { try await socket.send(Array(message)) await updateMessageCountMetric() } catch { throw MessageResult.deviceNotConnected } startTimeoutForDeviceRequest(on: eventLoop) let result: Data = try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in self.requestInProgress = continuation } return result } private func startTimeoutForDeviceRequest(on eventLoop: EventLoop) { eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: .seconds(deviceTimeout)) { [weak self] in self?.resumeDeviceRequest(with: .deviceTimedOut) } } private func resumeDeviceRequest(with data: Data) { requestInProgress?.resume(returning: data) requestInProgress = nil } private func resumeDeviceRequest(with result: MessageResult) { requestInProgress?.resume(throwing: result) requestInProgress = nil } func authenticateDevice(hash: String) async { guard let key = Data(fromHexEncodedString: hash), SHA256.hash(data: key) == self.deviceKey else { log("Invalid device key") await removeDeviceConnection() return } guard let connection, !connection.isClosed else { await updateDeviceConnectionMetric() return } deviceIsAuthenticated = true await updateDeviceConnectionMetric() } func authenticateRemote(_ token: Data) -> Bool { let hash = SHA256.hash(data: token) return hash == remoteKey } func processDeviceResponse(_ buffer: ByteBuffer) { guard let data = buffer.getData(at: 0, length: buffer.readableBytes) else { log("Failed to get data buffer received from device") self.resumeDeviceRequest(with: .invalidDeviceResponse) return } self.resumeDeviceRequest(with: data) } func didCloseDeviceSocket() { deviceIsAuthenticated = false connection = nil } func removeDeviceConnection() async { try? await connection?.close() connection = nil deviceIsAuthenticated = false await updateDeviceConnectionMetric() } func createNewDeviceConnection(_ socket: WebSocket) async { await removeDeviceConnection() socket.onBinary { [weak self] _, data in self?.processDeviceResponse(data) } socket.onText { [weak self] _, text async in await self?.authenticateDevice(hash: text) } _ = socket.onClose.always { [weak self] _ in self?.didCloseDeviceSocket() } connection = socket await updateDeviceConnectionMetric() } }