import Vapor import Dispatch import Logging /// This extension is temporary and can be removed once Vapor gets this support. private extension Vapor.Application { static let baseExecutionQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "") func runFromAsyncMainEntrypoint() async throws { try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in Vapor.Application.baseExecutionQueue.async { [self] in do { try continuation.resume() } catch { continuation.resume(throwing: error) } } } } } @main enum Entrypoint { static func main() async throws { var env = Environment.production try LoggingSystem.bootstrap(from: &env) let app = Application(env) func cleanup() async { await shutdown() app.shutdown() } do { try await configure(app) } catch { error) await cleanup() throw error } do { try await app.runFromAsyncMainEntrypoint() await cleanup() } catch { await cleanup() throw error } } }