2021-12-21 15:50:49 +01:00

255 lines
9.0 KiB

import Foundation
import WebSocketKit
import Vapor
let maximumPlayersPerTable = 4
typealias TableId = String
typealias TableName = String
final class TableManagement: DiskWriter {
/// All tables indexed by their id
private var tables = [TableId : ManageableTable]()
/// The handle to the file where the tables are persisted
var storageFile: FileHandle
/// The url to the file where the tables are persisted
let storageFileUrl: URL
Load the tables from a file in the storage folder
- Parameter storageFolder: The url to the folder where the table file is stored
- Throws: Errors when the file could not be read
init(storageFolder: URL) throws {
let url = storageFolder.appendingPathComponent("tables.txt")
storageFileUrl = url
storageFile = try Self.prepareFile(at: url)
var entries = [TableId : (name: TableName, isPublic: Bool, players: [PlayerName])]()
var redundantEntries = 0
try readLinesFromDisk().forEach { line in
// Each line has parts: ID | NAME | PLAYER, PLAYER, ...
let parts = line.components(separatedBy: ":")
guard parts.count == 4 else {
print("Invalid line in table file")
let id = parts[0]
let name = parts[1]
let isPublic = parts[2] == "public"
let players = parts[3].components(separatedBy: ",")
if name == "" {
entries[id] = nil
redundantEntries += 2 // One for creation, one for deletion
if entries[id] != nil {
redundantEntries += 1
entries[id] = (name, isPublic, players)
entries.forEach { id, tableData in
tables[id] = WaitingTable(id: id, name:, isPublic: tableData.isPublic, players: tableData.players)
let totalEntries = entries.count + redundantEntries
let percentage = entries.count * 100 / totalEntries
print("Loaded \(tables.count) tables from \(totalEntries) entries (\(percentage) % useful)")
if percentage < 80 && redundantEntries > 10 {
try optimizeTableFile()
private func optimizeTableFile() throws {
print("Optimizing tables file...")
let lines = "\n") + "\n"
try replaceFile(data: lines)
private func entry(for table: ManageableTable) -> String {
let visible = table.isPublic ? "public" : "private"
let players = table.playerNames
.joined(separator: ",")
return [,, visible, players].joined(separator: ":")
Writes the table info to disk.
Currently only the id, name, visibility and players are stored, all other information is lost.
- Parameter table: The changed table information to persist
- Returns: `true`, if the entry was written, `false` on error
private func writeTableToDisk(table: ManageableTable) -> Bool {
let entry = entry(for: table)
return writeToDisk(line: entry)
Writes the deletion of a table to disk.
The deletion is written as a separate entry and appended to the file, in order to reduce disk I/O.
- Parameter tableId: The id of the deleted table
- Returns: `true`, if the entry was written, `false` on error
private func writeTableDeletionEntry(tableId: TableId) -> Bool {
let entry = [tableId, "", "", ""]
.joined(separator: ":")
return writeToDisk(line: entry)
Create a new table with optional players.
- Parameter name: The name of the table
- Parameter players: The player creating the table
- Parameter isPublic: Indicates that this is a game joinable by everyone
- Returns: The table id
func createTable(named name: TableName, player: PlayerName, isPublic: Bool) -> TableInfo {
let table = WaitingTable(newTable: name, isPublic: isPublic, creator: player)
tables[] = table
writeTableToDisk(table: table)
return table.tableInfo(forPlayer: player)
/// A list of all public tables
var publicTableList: [PublicTableInfo] {
tables.values.filter { $0.isPublic }.map { $0.publicInfo }
Get the table info for a player
- Parameter player: The name of the player
- Returns: The table info, if the player has joined a table
func tableInfo(player: PlayerName) -> TableInfo? {
currentTable(for: player)?.tableInfo(forPlayer: player)
private func currentTable(for player: PlayerName) -> ManageableTable? {
tables.values.first(where: { $0.playerNames.contains(player) })
Join a table.
- Parameter tableId: The table to join
- Parameter player: The name of the player who wants to join.
- Returns: The result of the join operation
func join(tableId: TableId, player: PlayerName) -> Result<TableInfo, JoinTableResult> {
if let existing = currentTable(for: player) {
guard == tableId else {
return .failure(.alreadyJoinedOtherTable)
return .success(existing.tableInfo(forPlayer: player))
guard let table = tables[tableId] else {
return .failure(.tableNotFound)
guard let joinableTable = table as? WaitingTable else {
return .failure(.tableIsFull)
guard joinableTable.add(player: player) else {
return .failure(.tableIsFull)
writeTableToDisk(table: table)
return .success(joinableTable.tableInfo(forPlayer: player))
A player leaves the table it previously joined
- Parameter player: The name of the player
func leaveTable(player: PlayerName) {
guard let oldTable = currentTable(for: player) else {
/// `player.canStartGame` is automatically set to false, because table is not full
let table = WaitingTable(oldTable: oldTable, removing: player)
tables[] = table
writeTableToDisk(table: table)
func connect(player: PlayerName, using socket: WebSocket) -> Bool {
guard let table = currentTable(for: player) else {
return false
return table.connect(player: player, using: socket)
func disconnect(player: PlayerName) {
guard let table = currentTable(for: player) else {
table.disconnect(player: player)
func performAction(player: PlayerName, action: PlayerAction) -> PlayerActionResult {
guard let table = currentTable(for: player) else {
print("Player \(player) wants to \(, but no table joined")
return .noTableJoined
let (result, newTable) = table.perform(action: action, forPlayer: player)
guard result == .success else {
return result
guard let newTable = newTable else {
return .success
tables[] = newTable
if newTable is FinishedTable || newTable is DealingTable {
writeTableToDisk(table: newTable)
return .success
func select(game: GameType, player: PlayerName) -> PlayerActionResult {
guard let aTable = currentTable(for: player) else {
print("Player \(player) wants to play \(game.rawValue), but no table joined")
return .noTableJoined
guard let table = aTable as? BiddingTable else {
return .tableStateInvalid
let (result, newTable) = game, player: player)
guard result == .success else {
return result
guard let newTable = newTable else {
print("Game selected by \(player), but no playing table \( created")
return result
tables[] = newTable
return .success
func play(card: Card, player: PlayerName) -> PlayerActionResult {
guard let table = currentTable(for: player) else {
return .noTableJoined
let (result, newTable) = card, player: player)
guard result == .success else {
return result
guard let newTable = newTable else {
return .success
tables[] = newTable
return .success