import Foundation typealias Hand = [Card] /// The number of tricks ("Stich") per game let tricksPerGame = 8 struct Game: Codable { let type: GameType let numberOfDoubles: Int /// The player(s) leading the game, i.e. they lose on 60-60 let leaders: [Int] /// The remaining cards for all players var cards: [Hand] /// The total number of consecutive trump cards for one party (starts counting at 3) let consecutiveTrumps: Int var lastTrickWinner: Int var currentActor: Int /// The finished tricks, with each trick sorted according to the player order of the table var completedTricks: [Trick] init(type: GameType, doubles: Int, cards: [Hand], leaders: [Int], starter: Int) { self.type = type self.numberOfDoubles = doubles = cards self.leaders = leaders self.consecutiveTrumps = Dealer.consecutiveTrumps( in: { cards[$0] }.joined(), for: type) self.currentActor = starter self.lastTrickWinner = starter self.completedTricks = [] } var isAtEnd: Bool { completedTricks.count == tricksPerGame } var hasNotStarted: Bool { !cards.contains { !$0.isEmpty } } var pointsOfLeaders: Int {, +) } func pointsOfPlayer(index: Int) -> Int { completedTricks .filter { $0.winnerIndex(forGameType: type) == index } .map { $0.points } .reduce(0, +) } /// The cost of the game, in cents var cost: Int { // TODO: Add läufer and schwarz, schneider type.basicCost * costMultiplier } var costMultiplier: Int { 2 ^^ numberOfDoubles } }