const elementIdTableListBar = "table-list-bar" const elementIdTableList = "table-list" const elementIdTableNameField = "table-name-field" const elementIdPublicTableCheckbox = "table-public-checkbox" function setTableListContent(content) { document.getElementById(elementIdTableList).innerHTML = content; } function getTableName() { return document.getElementById(elementIdTableNameField).value } function getTableVisibility() { return document.getElementById(elementIdPublicTableCheckbox).checked } function showAlertWithError(error) { window.alert(error.message); } function showLoginPage() { deleteSessionToken(); window.location.href = "login.html"; } function didJoinTable(table, token) { console.log("Current table loaded"); storeTableId(table); window.location.href = "play.html"; } function logoutUser() { const token = loadSessionToken(); if (token == null) { showLoginPage(); return } performLogoutRequest(token) .then(function() { showLoginPage(); }).catch(showAlertWithError) } function loadExistingSession() { const token = loadSessionToken(); if (token == null) { console.log("No session token, returning to login page"); showLoginPage(); return } console.log(token); resumeSessionRequest(token) .catch(function(error) { console.log("Failed to resume session"); console.log(error); showLoginPage(); }) .then(function(name) { storePlayerName(name); loadCurrentTable(token); }) } function loadCurrentTable(token) { performGetCurrentTableRequest(token) .then(function(tableId) { if (tableId == null) { console.log("No table previously joined."); refreshTables(); return; } didJoinTable(tableId, token); }) .catch(showAlertWithError) } function createTable() { const tableName = getTableName() if (tableName == "") { return } const token = loadSessionToken() if (token == null) { showLoginPage(); return; } const isVisible = getTableVisibility() performCreateTableRequest(token, tableName, isVisible) .then(function(tableId) { didJoinTable(tableId, token); }) .catch(showAlertWithError) } function joinTable(tableId) { const token = loadSessionToken() if (token == null) { showLoginPage(); return; } performJoinTableRequest(tableId, token) .then(function(tableId) { didJoinTable(tableId, token); }) .catch(showAlertWithError) } function refreshTables() { const token = loadSessionToken(); if (token == null) { console.log("No token to refresh tables"); showLoginPage(); return; } console.log("Refreshing"); performGetPublicTablesRequest(token) .then(processTableList) .catch(showAlertWithError) } const createTableRow = '
' + '' + '' + '' + 'Public' + '
' function processTableList(tables) { var html = createTableRow; for (let i = 0, len = tables.length; i < len; i++) { tableInfo = tables[i] html += "
" if (tableInfo.players.length < 4) { html += "" } else { html += "" } html += "
" + + "
" if (tableInfo.players.length == 0) { html += "
No players
" } else { const names = tableInfo.players.join(", ") html += "
" + names + "
" } html += "
" // table-row } setTableListContent(html) }