Update to new APNS definitions

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Hagen 2022-06-30 09:10:47 +02:00
parent 4eb1e7f398
commit 86f9ee4ff8

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public struct PushMessage: Codable {
The notification content.
public let payload: APNSwiftPayload
public let payload: APNSPayload
The value of this header must accurately reflect the contents of your notifications payload.
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public struct PushMessage: Codable {
If theres a mismatch, or if the header is missing on required systems, APNs may return an error, delay the delivery of the notification, or drop it altogether.
- Note: Required for watchOS 6 and later; recommended for macOS, iOS, tvOS, and iPadOS
public let pushType: APNSwiftConnection.PushType
public let pushType: APNSClient.PushType
The date at which the notification is no longer valid.
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ public struct PushMessage: Codable {
- Parameter collapseIdentifier: An optional identifier to group push notifications
public init(recipients: [PushToken],
payload: APNSwiftPayload,
pushType: APNSwiftConnection.PushType,
payload: APNSPayload,
pushType: APNSClient.PushType,
expiration: Date? = nil,
lowPriority: Bool = false,
collapseIdentifier: String? = nil) {
@ -75,11 +75,63 @@ public struct PushMessage: Codable {
extension APNSwiftConnection.PushType: Codable {
extension APNSClient.PushType: Codable {
struct PushTypeDecodingError: Error {
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(rawValue)
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let raw = try container.decode(UInt8.self)
switch raw {
case 1:
self = .alert
case 2:
self = .background
case 3:
self = .mdm
case 4:
self = .voip
case 5:
self = .fileprovider
case 6:
self = .complication
throw PushTypeDecodingError()
private var rawValue: UInt8 {
switch self {
case .alert:
return 1
case .background:
return 2
case .mdm:
return 3
case .voip:
return 4
case .fileprovider:
return 5
case .complication:
return 6
//case .location:
// return ".location-query"
return 0
extension APNSwiftConnection.PushType {
extension APNSClient.PushType {
/// The extension to add to the push topic depending on the notification type
public var topicExtension: String {
@ -94,8 +146,11 @@ extension APNSwiftConnection.PushType {
return ".pushkit.fileprovider"
//case .location:
// return ".location-query"
//case .complication:
// return ".complication"
case .complication:
return ".complication"
return ""