import Foundation import UIKit final class ImageCache { let folder: URL let server: URL let thumbnailSize: CGFloat private let fm: FileManager = .default private let session: URLSession = .shared private let thumbnailQuality: CGFloat = 0.7 init(folder: URL, server: URL, thumbnailSize: CGFloat) throws { self.folder = folder self.server = server self.thumbnailSize = thumbnailSize * UIScreen.main.scale if !fm.fileExists(atPath: folder.path) { try fm.createDirectory(at: folder, withIntermediateDirectories: true) } } private func localImageUrl(_ image: CapImage) -> URL { folder.appendingPathComponent(String(format: "%04d-%02d.jpg", image.cap, image.cap, image.version)) } private func remoteImageUrl(_ image: CapImage) -> URL { server.appendingPathComponent(String(format: "images/%04d/%04d-%02d.jpg", image.cap, image.cap, image.version)) } func image(_ image: CapImage, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> ()) { Task { let image = await self.image(image) completion(image) } } func image(_ image: CapImage, download: Bool = true) async -> UIImage? { if let localUrl = existingLocalImageUrl(image) { return UIImage(at: localUrl) } guard download else { return nil } guard let downloadedImageUrl = await loadRemoteImage(image) else { return nil } guard saveImage(image, at: downloadedImageUrl) else { return UIImage(at: downloadedImageUrl) } let localUrl = localImageUrl(image) return UIImage(at: localUrl) } func cachedImage(_ image: CapImage) -> UIImage? { guard let localUrl = existingLocalImageUrl(image) else { return nil } return UIImage(at: localUrl) } @discardableResult func removeImage(_ image: CapImage) -> Bool { let localUrl = localImageUrl(image) return removePossibleFile(localUrl) } @discardableResult func refreshImage(_ image: CapImage) async -> Bool { guard let downloadedImageUrl = await loadRemoteImage(image) else { return false } return saveImage(image, at: downloadedImageUrl) } private func loadRemoteImage(_ image: CapImage) async -> URL? { let remoteURL = remoteImageUrl(image) return await loadRemoteImage(at: remoteURL) } private func loadRemoteImage(at url: URL) async -> URL? { let tempUrl: URL let response: URLResponse do { (tempUrl, response) = try await url) } catch { print("Failed to download image \(url.lastPathComponent): \(error)") return nil } guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { print("Failed to download image \(url.lastPathComponent): Not a HTTP response: \(response)") return nil } guard httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else { print("Failed to download image \(url.path): Response \(httpResponse.statusCode)") return nil } return tempUrl } private func saveImage(_ image: CapImage, at tempUrl: URL) -> Bool { let localUrl = localImageUrl(image) guard removePossibleFile(localUrl) else { return false } do { try fm.moveItem(at: tempUrl, to: localUrl) return true } catch { print("failed to save image \(localUrl.lastPathComponent): \(error)") return false } } private func existingLocalImageUrl(_ image: CapImage) -> URL? { let localFile = localImageUrl(image) guard exists(localFile) else { return nil } return localFile } private func exists(_ url: URL) -> Bool { fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path) } @discardableResult private func removePossibleFile(_ file: URL) -> Bool { guard exists(file) else { return true } return remove(file) } @discardableResult private func remove(_ url: URL) -> Bool { do { try fm.removeItem(at: url) return true } catch { print("Failed to remove \(url.lastPathComponent): \(error)") return false } } // MARK: Thumbnails private func localThumbnailUrl(cap: Int) -> URL { folder.appendingPathComponent(String(format: "%04d.jpg", cap)) } func thumbnail(for image: CapImage, download: Bool = true) async -> UIImage? { let localUrl = localThumbnailUrl(cap: image.cap) if exists(localUrl) { return UIImage(at: localUrl) } guard let mainImage = await self.image(image, download: download) else { return nil } let thumbnail = await createThumbnail(mainImage) save(thumbnail: thumbnail, for: image.cap) return thumbnail } func cachedThumbnail(for image: CapImage) -> UIImage? { let localUrl = localThumbnailUrl(cap: image.cap) guard exists(localUrl) else { return nil } return UIImage(at: localUrl) } @discardableResult func createThumbnail(for image: CapImage, download: Bool = false) async -> Bool { await thumbnail(for: image, download: download) != nil } private func createThumbnail(_ image: UIImage) async -> UIImage { let size = thumbnailSize return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in .background).async { let small = image.resize(to: CGSize(width: size, height: size)) continuation.resume(returning: small) } } } @discardableResult private func save(thumbnail: UIImage, for cap: Int) -> Bool { guard let data = thumbnail.jpegData(compressionQuality: thumbnailQuality) else { print("Failed to get thumbnail JPEG data") return false } let localUrl = localThumbnailUrl(cap: cap) do { try data.write(to: localUrl) return true } catch { print("Failed to save thumbnail \(cap): \(error)") return false } } }