// // Database.swift // CapCollector // // Created by Christoph on 14.04.20. // Copyright © 2020 CH. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import UIKit import CoreML import SQLite protocol DatabaseDelegate: class { func database(didAddCap cap: Cap) func database(didChangeCap cap: Int) func database(didLoadImageForCap cap: Int) func databaseNeedsFullRefresh() } final class Database { // MARK: Variables let db: Connection let upload: Upload let download: Download weak var delegate: DatabaseDelegate? init?(url: URL, server: URL) { guard let db = try? Connection(url.path) else { return nil } let upload = Upload(server: server) let download = Download(server: server) do { try db.run(Cap.createQuery) try db.run(upload.createQuery) try db.run(Database.Colors.createQuery) try db.run(Database.TileImage.createQuery) } catch { return nil } self.db = db self.upload = upload self.download = download log("Database loaded with \(capCount) caps") } // MARK: Computed properties /// All caps currently in the database var caps: [Cap] { (try? db.prepare(Cap.table))?.map(Cap.init) ?? [] } /// A dictionary of all caps, indexed by their ids var capDict: [Int : Cap] { caps.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.id] = $1 } } /// The ids of the caps which weren't included in the last classification var unmatchedCaps: [Int] { let query = Cap.table.select(Cap.columnId).filter(Cap.columnMatched == false) return (try? db.prepare(query).map { $0[Cap.columnId] }) ?? [] } /// The number of caps which could be recognized during the last classification var recognizedCapCount: Int { (try? db.scalar(Cap.table.filter(Cap.columnMatched == true).count)) ?? 0 } /// The number of caps currently in the database var capCount: Int { (try? db.scalar(Cap.table.count)) ?? 0 } /// The total number of images for all caps var imageCount: Int { (try? db.prepare(Cap.table).reduce(0) { $0 + $1[Cap.columnCount] }) ?? 0 } /// The caps without a downloaded image var capsWithoutImages: [Cap] { caps.filter({ !app.storage.hasImage(for: $0.id) }) } /// The number of caps without a downloaded image var capCountWithoutImages: Int { capsWithoutImages.count } /// The caps without a downloaded image var capsWithoutThumbnails: [Cap] { caps.filter({ !app.storage.hasThumbnail(for: $0.id) }) } /// The number of caps without a downloaded image var capCountWithoutThumbnails: Int { capsWithoutThumbnails.count } var pendingImageUploads: [(cap: Int, version: Int)] { do { return try db.prepare(upload.table).map { row in (cap: row[upload.rowCapId], version: row[upload.rowCapVersion]) } } catch { log("Failed to get pending image uploads") return [] } } /// Indicate if there are any unfinished uploads var hasPendingImageUploads: Bool { ((try? db.scalar(upload.table.count)) ?? 0) > 0 } var pendingCapUploads: [Cap] { do { return try db.prepare(Cap.table.filter(Cap.columnUploaded == false)).map(Cap.init) } catch { log("Failed to get pending cap uploads") return [] } } var classifierVersion: Int { set { UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: Classifier.userDefaultsKey) log("Classifier version set to \(newValue)") } get { UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: Classifier.userDefaultsKey) } } // MARK: Data updates /** Create a new cap with an image. The cap is inserted into the database, and the name and image will be uploaded to the server. - parameter image: The main image of the cap - parameter name: The name of the cap - note: Must be called on the main queue. - note: The registered delegates will be informed about the added cap through `database(didAddCap:)` - returns: `true`, if the cap was created. */ func createCap(image: UIImage, name: String) -> Bool { let cap = Cap(name: name, id: capCount + 1) guard insert(cap: cap) else { log("Cap not inserted") return false } guard app.storage.save(image: image, for: cap.id) else { log("Cap image not saved") return false } upload.upload(name: name, for: cap.id) { success in guard success else { return } self.update(uploaded: true, for: cap.id) self.upload.uploadImage(for: cap.id, version: 0) { actualVersion in guard let actualVersion = actualVersion else { self.log("Failed to upload first image for cap \(cap.id)") return } self.log("Uploaded first image for cap \(cap.id)") self.update(count: actualVersion + 1, for: cap.id) } } return true } /** Insert a new cap. Only inserts the cap into the database, and optionally notifies the delegates. - note: When a new cap is created, use `createCap(image:name:)` instead */ @discardableResult private func insert(cap: Cap, notify: Bool = true) -> Bool { do { try db.run(cap.insertQuery) if notify { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.delegate?.database(didAddCap: cap) } } return true } catch { log("Failed to insert cap \(cap.id): \(error)") return false } } func add(image: UIImage, for cap: Int) -> Bool { guard let version = count(for: cap) else { log("Failed to get count for cap \(cap)") return false } guard app.storage.save(image: image, for: cap, version: version) else { log("Failed to save image \(version) for cap \(cap) to disk") return false } guard update(count: version + 1, for: cap) else { log("Failed update count \(version) for cap \(cap)") return false } guard addPendingUpload(for: cap, version: version) else { log("Failed to add cap \(cap) version \(version) to upload queue") return false } upload.uploadImage(for: cap, version: version) { actualVersion in guard let actualVersion = actualVersion else { self.log("Failed to upload image \(version) for cap \(cap)") return } guard self.removePendingUpload(of: cap, version: version) else { self.log("Failed to remove version \(version) for cap \(cap) from upload queue") return } self.log("Uploaded version \(actualVersion) for cap \(cap)") self.update(count: actualVersion + 1, for: cap) } return true } // MARK: Updating cap properties private func update(_ property: String, for cap: Int, notify: Bool = true, setter: Setter...) -> Bool { do { let query = updateQuery(for: cap).update(setter) try db.run(query) if notify { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.delegate?.database(didChangeCap: cap) } } return true } catch { log("Failed to update \(property) for cap \(cap): \(error)") return false } } @discardableResult private func update(uploaded: Bool, for cap: Int) -> Bool { update("uploaded", for: cap, setter: Cap.columnUploaded <- uploaded) } @discardableResult private func update(count: Int, for cap: Int) -> Bool { update("count", for: cap, setter: Cap.columnCount <- count) } @discardableResult private func update(matched: Bool, for cap: Int) -> Bool { update("matched", for: cap, setter: Cap.columnMatched <- matched) } // MARK: External editing /** Update the `name` of a cap. */ @discardableResult func update(name: String, for cap: Int) -> Bool { guard update("name", for: cap, setter: Cap.columnName <- name, Cap.columnUploaded <- false) else { return false } uploadRemainingCaps() return true } @discardableResult private func updateWithoutUpload(name: String, for cap: Int) -> Bool { update("name", for: cap, notify: false, setter: Cap.columnName <- name) } func update(recognizedCaps: Set) { let unrecognized = self.unmatchedCaps // Update caps which haven't been recognized before let newlyRecognized = recognizedCaps.intersection(unrecognized) let logIndividualMessages = newlyRecognized.count < 10 if !logIndividualMessages { log("Marking \(newlyRecognized.count) caps as matched") } for cap in newlyRecognized { if logIndividualMessages { log("Marking cap \(cap) as matched") } update(matched: true, for: cap) } // Update caps which are no longer recognized let missing = Set(1...capCount).subtracting(recognizedCaps).subtracting(unrecognized) for cap in missing { log("Marking cap \(cap) as not matched") update(matched: false, for: cap) } } // MARK: Uploads private func addPendingUpload(for cap: Int, version: Int) -> Bool { do { try db.run(upload.insertQuery(for: cap, version: version)) return true } catch { log("Failed to add pending upload of cap \(cap) version \(version): \(error)") return false } } private func removePendingUpload(for cap: Int, version: Int) -> Bool { do { try db.run(upload.deleteQuery(for: cap, version: version)) return true } catch { log("Failed to remove pending upload of cap \(cap) version \(version): \(error)") return false } } // MARK: Information retrieval func cap(for id: Int) -> Cap? { do { guard let row = try db.pluck(updateQuery(for: id)) else { log("No cap with id \(id) in database") return nil } return Cap(row: row) } catch { log("Failed to get cap \(id): \(error)") return nil } } private func count(for cap: Int) -> Int? { do { let row = try db.pluck(updateQuery(for: cap).select(Cap.columnCount)) return row?[Cap.columnCount] } catch { log("Failed to get count for cap \(cap)") return nil } } func countOfCaps(withImageCountLessThan limit: Int) -> Int { do { return try db.scalar(Cap.table.filter(Cap.columnCount < limit).count) } catch { log("Failed to get caps with less than \(limit) images") return 0 } } func lowestImageCountForCaps(startingAt start: Int) -> (count: Int, numberOfCaps: Int) { do { var currentCount = start - 1 var capsFound = 0 repeat { currentCount += 1 capsFound = try db.scalar(Cap.table.filter(Cap.columnCount == currentCount).count) } while capsFound == 0 return (currentCount, capsFound) } catch { return (0,0) } } func updateQuery(for cap: Int) -> Table { Cap.table.filter(Cap.columnId == cap) } // MARK: Downloads @discardableResult func downloadMainImage(for cap: Int, completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) -> Bool { return download.mainImage(for: cap) { success in guard success else { completion(false) return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.delegate?.database(didLoadImageForCap: cap) } completion(true) } } @discardableResult func downloadImage(for cap: Int, version: Int, completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) -> Bool { return download.image(for: cap, version: version, completion: completion) } func downloadCapNames(completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) { log("Downloading cap names") download.names { names in guard let names = names else { DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(false) } return } self.update(names: names) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(true) } } } private func update(names: [String]) { let notify = capCount > 0 log("Downloaded cap names (initialDownload: \(!notify))") let caps = self.capDict let changed: [Int] = names.enumerated().compactMap { id, name in let id = id + 1 guard let existingName = caps[id]?.name else { // Insert cap let cap = Cap(id: id, name: name, count: 0) guard insert(cap: cap, notify: notify) else { return nil } return id } guard existingName != name else { // Name unchanged return nil } guard updateWithoutUpload(name: name, for: id) else { return nil } return id } if !notify { log("Added \(changed.count) new caps after initial download") delegate?.databaseNeedsFullRefresh() } } func downloadMainCapImages(progress: @escaping (_ current: Int, _ total: Int) -> Void) { let caps = capsWithoutImages.map { $0.id } var downloaded = 0 let total = caps.count func update() { DispatchQueue.main.async { progress(downloaded, total) } } update() guard total > 0 else { log("No images to download") return } log("Starting to download \(total) images") let group = DispatchGroup() let split = 50 DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async { for part in caps.split(intoPartsOf: split) { for id in part { let downloading = self.downloadMainImage(for: id) { _ in group.leave() } if downloading { group.enter() } } if group.wait(timeout: .now() + .seconds(30)) != .success { self.log("Timed out waiting for images to be downloaded") } downloaded += part.count self.log("Finished \(downloaded) of \(total) image downloads") update() } self.log("Finished all image downloads") } } func hasNewClassifier(completion: @escaping (_ version: Int?, _ size: Int64?) -> Void) { download.classifierVersion { version in guard let version = version else { self.log("Failed to download server model version") completion(nil, nil) return } let ownVersion = self.classifierVersion guard ownVersion < version else { self.log("Not updating classifier: Own version \(ownVersion), server version \(version)") completion(nil, nil) return } self.log("Getting size of classifier \(version)") self.download.classifierSize { size in completion(version, size) } } } func downloadClassifier(progress: Download.Delegate.ProgressHandler? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) { download.classifier(progress: progress) { url in guard let url = url else { self.log("Failed to download classifier") completion(false) return } let compiledUrl: URL do { compiledUrl = try MLModel.compileModel(at: url) } catch { self.log("Failed to compile downloaded classifier: \(error)") completion(false) return } guard app.storage.save(recognitionModelAt: compiledUrl) else { self.log("Failed to save classifier") completion(false) return } completion(true) self.download.classifierVersion { version in guard let version = version else { self.log("Failed to download classifier version") return } self.classifierVersion = version } } } func downloadImageCounts(completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) { log("Refreshing server image counts") download.imageCounts { counts in guard let counts = counts else { self.log("Failed to download server image counts") DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(false) } return } let newCaps = self.didDownload(imageCounts: counts) guard newCaps.count > 0 else { DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(true) } return } self.log("Found \(newCaps.count) new caps on the server.") self.downloadInfo(for: newCaps) { success in DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(success) } } } } private func didDownload(imageCounts newCounts: [Int]) -> [Int : Int] { let capsCounts = capDict if newCounts.count != capsCounts.count { log("Downloaded \(newCounts.count) image counts, but \(capsCounts.count) caps stored locally") } var newCaps = [Int : Int]() let changed = newCounts.enumerated().compactMap { id, newCount -> Int? in let id = id + 1 guard let oldCount = capsCounts[id]?.count else { log("Received count \(newCount) for unknown cap \(id)") newCaps[id] = newCount return nil } guard oldCount != newCount else { return nil } self.update(count: newCount, for: id) return id } switch changed.count { case 0: log("Refreshed image counts for all caps without changes") case 1: log("Refreshed image counts for caps, changed cap \(changed[0])") case 2...10: log("Refreshed image counts for caps \(changed.map(String.init).joined(separator: ", ")).") default: log("Refreshed image counts for all caps (\(changed.count) changed)") } return newCaps } private func downloadInfo(for newCaps: [Int : Int], completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) { var success = true let group = DispatchGroup() for (id, count) in newCaps { group.enter() download.name(for: id) { name in guard let name = name else { self.log("Failed to get name for new cap \(id)") success = false group.leave() return } let cap = Cap(id: id, name: name, count: count) self.insert(cap: cap) group.leave() } } if group.wait(timeout: .now() + .seconds(30)) != .success { self.log("Timed out waiting for images to be downloaded") } completion(success) } func downloadImageCount(for cap: Int) { download.imageCount(for: cap) { count in guard let count = count else { return } self.update(count: count, for: cap) } } func uploadRemainingCaps() { let uploads = self.pendingCapUploads guard uploads.count > 0 else { log("No pending cap uploads") return } log("\(uploads.count) cap uploads pending") for cap in uploads { upload.upload(name: cap.name, for: cap.id) { success in guard success else { self.log("Failed to upload cap \(cap.id)") return } self.log("Uploaded cap \(cap.id)") self.update(uploaded: true, for: cap.id) } } } func uploadRemainingImages() { let uploads = pendingImageUploads guard uploads.count > 0 else { log("No pending image uploads") return } log("\(uploads.count) image uploads pending") for (cap, version) in uploads { upload.uploadImage(for: cap, version: version) { count in guard let _ = count else { self.log("Failed to upload version \(version) of cap \(cap)") return } self.log("Uploaded version \(version) of cap \(cap)") self.removePendingUpload(of: cap, version: version) } } } @discardableResult func removePendingUpload(of cap: Int, version: Int) -> Bool { do { let query = upload.table.filter(upload.rowCapId == cap && upload.rowCapVersion == version).delete() try db.run(query) log("Deleted pending upload of cap \(cap) version \(version)") return true } catch { log("Failed to delete pending upload of cap \(cap) version \(version)") return false } } func setMainImage(of cap: Int, to version: Int) { guard version != 0 else { log("No need to switch main image with itself for cap \(cap)") return } upload.setMainImage(for: cap, to: version) { success in guard success else { self.log("Could not make \(version) the main image for cap \(cap)") return } guard app.storage.switchMainImage(to: version, for: cap) else { self.log("Could not switch \(version) to main image for cap \(cap)") return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.delegate?.database(didLoadImageForCap: cap) } } } } extension Database: Logger { }