2023-02-18 23:47:52 +01:00

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import Foundation
import Vapor
import Clairvoyant
final class CapServer {
// MARK: Paths
private let imageFolder: URL
private let thumbnailFolder: URL
/// The file where the cap count is stored for the grid webpage
private let gridCountFile: URL
/// The file where the database of caps is stored
private let dbFile: URL
/// The file to store the HTML info of the cap count
private let htmlFile: URL
private let classifierVersionFile: URL
private let classifierFile: URL
private let changedImagesFile: URL
private let fm = FileManager.default
private let changedImageEntryDateFormatter: DateFormatter
/// Indicates that the data is loaded
private(set) var isOperational = false
// MARK: Caps
/// The changed images not yet written to disk
private var unwrittenImageChanges: [(cap: Int, image: Int)] = []
var classifierVersion: Int = 0 {
didSet {
Task {
try? await classifierMetric.update(classifierVersion)
The time to wait for changes to be written to disk.
This delay is used to prevent file writes for each small update to the caps.
private let saveDelay: TimeInterval = 1
The time when a save should occur.
No save is necessary if this property is `nil`.
private var nextSaveTime: Date?
private var caps = [Int: Cap]() {
didSet {
Task {
try? await capCountMetric.update(caps.count)
try? await imageCountMetric.update(imageCount)
var nextClassifierVersion: Int {
caps.values.compactMap { $0.classifierVersion }.max() ?? 1
var capCount: Int {
var imageCount: Int {
caps.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.value.count }
init(in folder: URL) async {
self.imageFolder = folder.appendingPathComponent("images")
self.thumbnailFolder = folder.appendingPathComponent("thumbnails")
self.gridCountFile = folder.appendingPathComponent("count.js")
self.dbFile = folder.appendingPathComponent("caps.json")
self.htmlFile = folder.appendingPathComponent("count.html")
self.classifierVersionFile = folder.appendingPathComponent("classifier.version")
self.classifierFile = folder.appendingPathComponent("classifier.mlmodel")
self.changedImagesFile = folder.appendingPathComponent("changes.txt")
self.changedImageEntryDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
changedImageEntryDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"
// Metric initializers only fail if observer is missing or ID is duplicate
self.capCountMetric = try! await .init("caps.count",
name: "Number of caps",
description: "The total number of caps in the database")
self.imageCountMetric = try! await .init("caps.images",
name: "Total images",
description: "The total number of images for all caps")
self.classifierMetric = try! await .init("caps.classifier",
name: "Classifier Version",
description: "The current version of the image classifier")
func loadData() throws {
loadClassifierVersion(at: classifierVersionFile)
try loadCaps()
try ensureExistenceOfChangedImagesFile()
isOperational = true
private func loadClassifierVersion(at url: URL) {
guard exists(url) else {
let content: String
do {
content = try String(contentsOf: url)
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
} catch {
log("Failed to read classifier version file: \(error)")
guard let value = Int(content) else {
log("Invalid classifier version: \(content)")
self.classifierVersion = value
private func writeClassifierVersion() {
do {
try "\(classifierVersion)".data(using: .utf8)!
.write(to: classifierVersionFile)
} catch {
log("Failed to save classifier version: \(error)")
private func loadCaps() throws {
guard exists(dbFile) else {
log("No cap database found")
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: dbFile)
caps = try JSONDecoder().decode([Cap].self, from: data)
.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$] = $1 }
} catch {
log("Failed to load caps: \(error)")
throw error
log("\(caps.count) caps loaded")
private func scheduleSave() {
nextSaveTime = Date().addingTimeInterval(saveDelay) .now() + saveDelay) {
private func performScheduledSave() {
guard let date = nextSaveTime else {
// No save necessary, or already saved
guard date < Date() else {
// Save pushed to future
do {
try saveCaps()
nextSaveTime = nil
} catch {
// Attempt save again
private func saveCaps() throws {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(caps.values.sorted())
try data.write(to: dbFile)
private func saveCapCountHTML() {
let count = caps.count
let content =
<body style="margin: 0;">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<div style="font-size: 60px; font-family: 'SF Pro Display',-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Helvetica,sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">\(count)</div>
try? .utf8)!.write(to: htmlFile)
private func organizeImages() {
private func createImageFolder(for cap: Int) throws {
let folderUrl = folder(of: cap)
do {
try fm.createDirectory(at: folderUrl, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
} catch {
log("Failed to create folder for cap \(cap): \(error)")
throw error
private func organizeImages(for cap: Cap) {
var cap = cap
let folderUrl = folder(of:
guard exists(folderUrl) else {
try? createImageFolder(for:
cap.count = 0
caps[] = cap
guard let images = try? images(in: folderUrl) else {
log("Failed to get image urls for cap \(")
if images.count != cap.count {
log("\(images.count) instead of \(cap.count) images for cap \(")
// Get list of existing images
var sorted: [(id: Int, url: URL)] = images.compactMap {
guard let id = Int($0.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent.components(separatedBy: "-").last!) else {
return nil
return (id, $0)
}.sorted { $ < $ }
// Check that all images are available
for version in 0..<images.count {
guard version != sorted[version].id else {
let lastImage = sorted.popLast()!
let newUrl = imageUrl(of:, version: version)
do {
try fm.moveItem(at: lastImage.url, to: newUrl)
log("Moved image \( to \(version) for cap \(")
} catch {
log("Failed to move file \(lastImage.url.path) to \(newUrl.path): \(error)")
if cap.mainImage == {
cap.mainImage = version
sorted.insert((version, newUrl), at: version)
cap.count = sorted.count
caps[] = cap
// MARK: Paths
func folder(of cap: Int) -> URL {
imageFolder.appendingPathComponent(String(format: "%04d", cap))
func thumbnail(of cap: Int) -> URL {
thumbnailFolder.appendingPathComponent(String(format: "%04d.jpg", cap))
func imageUrl(of cap: Int, version: Int) -> URL {
folder(of: cap).appendingPathComponent(String(format: "%04d-%02d.jpg", cap, version))
private func exists(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path)
// MARK: Counts
private func images(in folder: URL) throws -> [URL] {
do {
return try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: folder, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
.filter { $0.pathExtension == "jpg" }
} catch {
log("Failed to get image urls for cap \(folder.lastPathComponent): \(error)")
throw error
Get the image count of a cap.
func count(of cap: Int) throws -> Int {
let capImageFolder = folder(of: cap)
guard exists(capImageFolder) else {
return 0
return try images(in: capImageFolder).count
// MARK: Images
Save a cap image to disk.
Automatically creates the image name with the current image count.
- Parameter data: The image data
- Parameter cap: The id of the cap.
- Throws: `CapError.unknownId`, if the cap doesn't exist. `CapError.dataInconsistency` if an image already exists for the current count.
func save(image data: Data, for cap: Int) throws {
guard caps[cap] != nil else {
log("Tried to save image for unknown cap \(cap)")
throw CapError.unknownId
var id = 0
let capFolder = folder(of: cap)
var capImageUrl = imageUrl(of: cap, version: id)
if exists(capFolder) {
while exists(capImageUrl) {
id += 1
capImageUrl = imageUrl(of: cap, version: id)
} else {
try createImageFolder(for: cap)
do {
try data.write(to: capImageUrl)
} catch {
log("Failed to write image \(id) for cap \(cap): \(error)")
throw CapError.invalidFile
caps[cap]!.count = try count(of: cap)
addChangedImageToLog(cap: cap, image: id)
log("Added image \(id) for cap \(cap)")
private func writeChangedImagesToDisk() throws {
guard !unwrittenImageChanges.isEmpty else {
try ensureExistenceOfChangedImagesFile()
let handle: FileHandle
do {
handle = try FileHandle(forWritingTo: changedImagesFile)
try handle.seekToEnd()
} catch {
log("Failed to open changed images file for writing: \(error)")
throw error
var entries = unwrittenImageChanges
defer {
unwrittenImageChanges = entries
try? handle.close()
let dateString = changedImageEntryDateFormatter.string(from: Date())
while let entry = entries.popLast() {
let content = "\(dateString):\(entry.cap):\(entry.image)\n".data(using: .utf8)!
do {
try handle.write(contentsOf: content)
} catch {
log("Failed to write entry to changed images file: \(error)")
throw error
private func addChangedImageToLog(cap: Int, image: Int) {
unwrittenImageChanges.append((cap, image))
do {
try writeChangedImagesToDisk()
} catch {
log("Failed to save changed image list: \(error)")
private func ensureExistenceOfChangedImagesFile() throws {
if exists(changedImagesFile) {
do {
try Data().write(to: changedImagesFile)
} catch {
log("Failed to create changed images file: \(error)")
throw error
func removeAllEntriesInImageChangeList(before date: Date) {
guard exists(changedImagesFile) else {
log("No file for changed images to update")
do {
try String(contentsOf: changedImagesFile)
.components(separatedBy: "\n")
.filter { $0 != "" }
.compactMap { line -> String? in
guard let entryDate = line.components(separatedBy: ":").first!) else {
return nil
guard entryDate > date else {
return nil
return line
.joined(separator: "\n")
.data(using: .utf8)!
.write(to: changedImagesFile)
} catch {
log("Failed to update changed images file: \(error)")
func switchMainImage(to version: Int, for cap: Int) throws {
let capImageUrl = imageUrl(of: cap, version: version)
guard exists(capImageUrl) else {
log("No image \(version) for cap \(cap)")
throw CapError.invalidFile
caps[cap]?.mainImage = version
log("Switched cap \(cap) to version \(version)")
func addOrUpdate(_ cap: Cap) throws {
if let existingCap = caps[] {
update(existingCap, with: cap)
} else {
try add(cap)
private func add(_ cap: Cap) throws {
guard cap.mainImage == 0 else {
log("Attempting to add cap \( with main image \(cap.mainImage)")
throw CapError.invalidData
var cap = cap
cap.count = 0
cap.classifierVersion = nextClassifierVersion
caps[] = cap
log("Added cap \( '\('")
private func update(_ existingCap: Cap, with cap: Cap) {
var updatedCap = existingCap
if != "" { =
let capImageUrl = imageUrl(of:, version: cap.mainImage)
if exists(capImageUrl) {
updatedCap.mainImage = cap.mainImage
if let color = cap.color {
updatedCap.color = color
caps[] = updatedCap
log("Updated cap \(")
func deleteImage(version: Int, for capId: Int) -> Bool {
guard let cap = caps[capId] else {
log("Attempting to delete image \(version) of unknown cap \(capId)")
return false
let capImageUrl = imageUrl(of: capId, version: version)
guard exists(capImageUrl) else {
log("Attempting to delete missing image \(version) of cap \(capId)")
return false
organizeImages(for: cap)
return true
// MARK: Classifier
func updateTrainedClasses(content: String) {
let trainedCaps = content
.components(separatedBy: "\n")
let version = classifierVersion
for cap in trainedCaps {
if caps[cap]?.classifierVersion == nil {
caps[cap]?.classifierVersion = version
log("Updated \(trainedCaps.count) classifier classes")
func save(classifier: Data, version: Int) throws {
do {
try classifier.write(to: classifierFile)
} catch {
log("Failed to write classifier \(version): \(error)")
throw Abort(.internalServerError)
classifierVersion = version
log("Updated classifier to version \(version)")
// MARK: Grid
func getListOfMissingThumbnails() -> [Int] {
caps.keys.filter { !exists(thumbnail(of: $0)) }
func saveThumbnail(_ data: Data, for cap: Int) {
let url = thumbnail(of: cap)
do {
try data.write(to: url)
} catch {
log("Failed to save thumbnail \(cap): \(error)")
private func updateGridCapCount() {
do {
try "const numberOfCaps = \(capCount);"
.data(using: .utf8)!
.write(to: gridCountFile)
} catch {
log("Failed to save grid cap count: \(error)")
// MARK: Monitoring
private let capCountMetric: Metric<Int>
private let imageCountMetric: Metric<Int>
private let classifierMetric: Metric<Int>