# Vapor Clean This is a template for Vapor 3 users that does the absolute minimum to set up a working Vapor 3 environment. Unlike the official templates that are currently available, this template does not include vast swathes of extra example code that you will always need to delete. Instead, it adds just a single “hello” route so you can be sure everything is working correctly. Although this repository contains a LICENSE file, this is meant for you to replace with whatever license you intend to use – please consider what little code is in this repository as public domain, and yours to do with as you please. It’s my hope that the official Vapor project will add a template similar to this one at some point in the future, but until then please use this however you want. ## Try it out If you have already installed the Vapor toolbox, you can create a new Vapor project from this repo using the following command: vapor new MyProject --template=twostraws/vapor-clean