const capImageSize = 50; const halfCapImageSize = capImageSize / 2; const numberOfCaps = 1875; const numberOfColumns = 40; const numberOfRows = Math.ceil(numberOfCaps / numberOfColumns); const effectiveHeight = Math.ceil(capImageSize*Math.cos(Math.PI/6)); function sourcePath(capId) { return "thumbnails/" + `${capId}`.padStart(4, '0') + '.jpg' } function createImage(position) { return '' }; function setCapImageAtPosition(capId, position) { elements[position].src = sourcePath(capId); capPositions[position] = capId; } function getCapIdAtPosition(position) { return capPositions[position]; } const selectedCapCircle = document.querySelector("#selected-cap-circle"); const imageCanvas = document.querySelector("#image-canvas"); var capPositions = Array.from( {length: numberOfCaps}, (_, index) => index + 1 ); imageCanvas.innerHTML +=""); var selectedPosition = null; const elements = imageCanvas.getElementsByTagName("img"); imageCanvas.addEventListener("click", function(event) { const xPosition = event.clientX - imageCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().left; const yPosition = event.clientY - imageCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().top; var row = Math.floor(yPosition / effectiveHeight); var rowIsEven = (row % 2 == 0) const adjustedX = rowIsEven ? xPosition - halfCapImageSize : xPosition; var column = Math.floor(adjustedX / capImageSize); const rowRemainder = yPosition % effectiveHeight - halfCapImageSize; const columnRemainder = adjustedX % capImageSize - halfCapImageSize; const distanceToCenter = Math.sqrt(rowRemainder**2 + columnRemainder**2); if (distanceToCenter > halfCapImageSize && rowRemainder < 6 - halfCapImageSize) { // Move to the top left cap row -= 1; if (!rowIsEven && (columnRemainder < 0)) { // Move to the top right cap column -= 1; } if (rowIsEven && (columnRemainder > 0)) { // Move to the top left cap column += 1; } rowIsEven = !rowIsEven } if (row < 0 || row >= numberOfRows) { return; } if (column < 0 || column >= numberOfColumns) { return; } const currentPosition = row * numberOfColumns + column; if (selectedPosition === null) { selectedPosition = currentPosition; const circlePositionX = rowIsEven ? column * capImageSize + halfCapImageSize : column * capImageSize; const circlePositionY = row * effectiveHeight; = circlePositionX + "px"; = circlePositionY + "px"; = "block"; return; } = "none"; if (currentPosition === selectedPosition) { selectedPosition = null; return; } // Switch cap images const currentCapId = getCapIdAtPosition(currentPosition); const selectedCapId = getCapIdAtPosition(selectedPosition); setCapImageAtPosition(selectedCapId, currentPosition); setCapImageAtPosition(currentCapId, selectedPosition); selectedPosition = null; });