import Vapor import Foundation import Clairvoyant import ClairvoyantVapor import ClairvoyantBinaryCodable private var provider: VaporMetricProvider! public func configure(_ app: Application) async throws { let resourceDirectory = URL(fileURLWithPath: let publicDirectory = let config = Config(loadFrom: resourceDirectory) let authenticator = Authenticator(writers: config.writers) let monitor = MetricObserver(logFileFolder: config.logURL, logMetricId: "caps.log") MetricObserver.standard = monitor let status = try await Metric("caps.status", name: "Status", description: "The general status of the service") try await status.update(.initializing) app.http.server.configuration.port = config.port app.routes.defaultMaxBodySize = .init(stringLiteral: config.maxBodySize) let server = await CapServer(in: URL(fileURLWithPath: publicDirectory)) provider = .init(observer: monitor, accessManager: config.writers) provider.registerRoutes(app) if config.serveFiles { let middleware = FileMiddleware(publicDirectory: publicDirectory) app.middleware.use(middleware) } // Register routes to the router server.registerRoutes(with: app, authenticator: authenticator) // Initialize the server data do { try server.loadData() } catch { try await status.update(.initializationFailure) } try await status.update(.nominal) } func log(_ message: String) { guard let observer = MetricObserver.standard else { print(message) return } observer.log(message) } import CBORCoding public func migrate(folder: URL) throws { try migrateMetric("caps.log", containing: String.self, in: folder) try migrateMetric("caps.status", containing: ServerStatus.self, in: folder) try migrateMetric("caps.count", containing: Int.self, in: folder) try migrateMetric("caps.images", containing: Int.self, in: folder) try migrateMetric("caps.classifier", containing: Int.self, in: folder) } private func migrateMetric(_ id: String, containing type: T.Type, in folder: URL) throws where T: MetricValue { print("Processing metric \(id)") let file = id.hashed() let url = folder.appendingPathComponent(file) let files = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) .filter { Int($0.lastPathComponent) != nil } print("Found \(files.count) files for \(id)") let all: [Timestamped] = try .reduce([], +) .sorted { $0.timestamp < $1.timestamp } print("Found \(all.count) items for \(id)") try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url) print("Removed log folder") // TODO: Write values back to disk let observer = MetricObserver(logFileFolder: folder, logMetricId: "sesame.migration") let metric: Metric = observer.addMetric(id: id) let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) Task { try await metric.update(all) print("Saved all values for metric \(id)") semaphore.signal() } semaphore.wait() print("Finished metric \(id)") } private func readElements(from url: URL) throws -> [Timestamped] where T: MetricValue { let data = try Data(contentsOf: url) let file = url.lastPathComponent print("File \(file): Loaded \(data.count) bytes") let decoder = CBORDecoder() let timestampLength = 9 let byteCountLength = 2 var result: [Timestamped] = [] var currentIndex = data.startIndex var skippedValues = 0 while currentIndex < data.endIndex { let startIndexOfTimestamp = currentIndex + byteCountLength guard startIndexOfTimestamp <= data.endIndex else { print("File \(file): Only \(data.endIndex - currentIndex) bytes, needed \(byteCountLength) for byte count") throw MetricError.logFileCorrupted } guard let byteCount = UInt16(fromData: data[currentIndex..= timestampLength else { print("File \(file): Only \(byteCount) bytes, needed \(timestampLength) for timestamp") throw MetricError.logFileCorrupted } let timestampData = data[startIndexOfTimestamp.. Data { Data([UInt8(self >> 8 & 0xFF), UInt8(self & 0xFF)]) } init?(fromData data: T) { guard data.count == 2 else { return nil } let bytes = Array(data) self = UInt16(UInt32(bytes[0]) << 8 | UInt32(bytes[1])) } }