Update vapor

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Hagen 2020-09-20 11:36:35 +02:00
parent b52e4f5740
commit 5672fbf300
7 changed files with 79 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version = "1.0">
location = "self:">

View File

@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
// swift-tools-version:5.0
// swift-tools-version:5.2
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "CapCollectorServer",
platforms: [
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "3.3.0")),
.package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git", from: "4.0.0"),
targets: [
.target(name: "App", dependencies: ["Vapor"]),
.target(name: "App",
dependencies: [.product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor")],
swiftSettings: [
// Enable better optimizations when building in Release configuration. Despite the use of
// the `.unsafeFlags` construct required by SwiftPM, this flag is recommended for Release
// builds. See <https://github.com/swift-server/guides#building-for-production> for details.
.unsafeFlags(["-cross-module-optimization"], .when(configuration: .release))
.target(name: "Run", dependencies: ["App"]),
.testTarget(name: "AppTests", dependencies: ["App"]),

View File

@ -7,37 +7,37 @@
import Vapor
extension Router {
extension Application {
func getCatching<T>(_ path: PathComponentsRepresentable..., call: @escaping (Request) throws -> T) {
self.get(path) { (request: Request) -> HTTPResponse in
func getCatching<T>(_ path: PathComponent..., call: @escaping (Request) throws -> T) {
self.get(path) { (request: Request) -> Response in
catching(path, request: request, closure: call)
func postCatching<T>(_ path: PathComponentsRepresentable..., call: @escaping (Request) throws -> T) {
self.post(path) { (request: Request) -> HTTPResponse in
func postCatching<T>(_ path: PathComponent..., call: @escaping (Request) throws -> T) {
self.post(path) { (request: Request) -> Response in
catching(path, request: request, closure: call)
private func catching<T>(_ path: PathComponentsRepresentable..., request: Request, closure: @escaping (Request) throws -> T) -> HTTPResponse {
private func catching<T>(_ path: [PathComponent], request: Request, closure: @escaping (Request) throws -> T) -> Response {
let route = path.convertToPathComponents().map { $0.string }.joined(separator: "/")
let route = path.map { $0.string }.joined(separator: "/")
do {
let data = try closure(request)
if let d = data as? Data {
return HTTPResponse(status: .ok, body: d)
return Response(status: .ok, body: .init(data: d))
} else {
return HTTPResponse(status: .ok)
return Response(status: .ok)
} catch let error as CapError {
log("\(route): Error \(error)")
return HTTPResponse(status: error.response)
return Response(status: error.response)
} catch {
log("\(route): Unhandled error: \(error)")
return HTTPResponse(status: .internalServerError)
return Response(status: .internalServerError)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
import Routing
import Vapor
/// Called after your application has initialized.
/// [Learn More ](https://docs.vapor.codes/3.0/getting-started/structure/#bootswift)
public func boot(_ app: Application) throws {
// your code here

View File

@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
import Vapor
/// Called before your application initializes.
/// [Learn More ](https://docs.vapor.codes/3.0/getting-started/structure/#configureswift)
public func configure(
_ config: inout Config,
_ env: inout Environment,
_ services: inout Services
) throws {
// configures your application
public func configure(_ app: Application) throws {
// uncomment to serve files from /Public folder
// app.middleware.use(FileMiddleware(publicDirectory: app.directory.publicDirectory))
// Register routes to the router
let router = EngineRouter.default()
try routes(router)
services.register(router, as: Router.self)
try routes(app)
// Configure the rest of your application here

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import Routing
import Vapor
// MARK: Paths
@ -56,14 +55,17 @@ private func count(of cap: Int) throws -> Int {
/// Register your application's routes here.
/// [Learn More ](https://docs.vapor.codes/3.0/getting-started/structure/#routesswift)
public func routes(_ router: Router) throws {
func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
try Log.set(logFile: logFile)
try loadCapNames()
// Get the name of a cap
router.getCatching("name", Int.parameter) { request -> Data in
let cap = try request.parameters.next(Int.self)
app.getCatching("name", ":n") { request -> Data in
guard let cap = request.parameters.get("n", as: Int.self) else {
log("Invalid body data")
throw Abort(.badRequest)
let index = cap - 1
guard index >= 0, index < caps.count else {
log("Trying to get name for invalid cap \(cap) (\(caps.count) caps loaded)")
@ -73,10 +75,14 @@ public func routes(_ router: Router) throws {
// Set the name of a cap
router.postCatching("name", Int.parameter) { request in
let cap = try request.parameters.next(Int.self)
app.postCatching("name", ":n") { request in
guard let cap = request.parameters.get("n", as: Int.self) else {
log("Invalid parameter for cap")
throw Abort(.badRequest)
let index = cap - 1
guard let data = request.http.body.data, let name = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
guard let buffer = request.body.data, let name = String(data: Data(buffer: buffer), encoding: .utf8) else {
log("Invalid body data")
throw CapError.invalidBody
guard index <= caps.count else {
@ -101,11 +107,16 @@ public func routes(_ router: Router) throws {
// Upload an image
router.postCatching("images", Int.parameter) { request -> Data in
let cap = try request.parameters.next(Int.self)
guard let data = request.http.body.data else {
app.postCatching("images", "n") { request -> Data in
guard let cap = request.parameters.get("n", as: Int.self) else {
log("Invalid parameter for cap")
throw Abort(.badRequest)
guard let buffer = request.body.data else {
log("Invalid body data")
throw CapError.invalidBody
let data = Data(buffer: buffer)
let c = try count(of: cap)
let f = file(of: cap, version: c)
guard !fm.fileExists(atPath: f.path) else {
@ -117,21 +128,30 @@ public func routes(_ router: Router) throws {
// Get count of a cap
router.getCatching("count", Int.parameter) { request -> Data in
let cap = try request.parameters.next(Int.self)
app.getCatching("count", ":c") { request -> Data in
guard let cap = request.parameters.get("c", as: Int.self) else {
log("Invalid parameter for cap")
throw Abort(.badRequest)
let c = try count(of: cap)
return "\(c)".data(using: .utf8)!
// Get the count of all caps
router.getCatching("counts") { request -> Data in
try (1...caps.count).map { UInt8(try count(of: $0)) }.convertToData()
app.getCatching("counts") { request -> Data in
Data(try (1...caps.count).map({ UInt8(try count(of: $0)) }))
// Set a different version as the main image
router.getCatching("switch", Int.parameter, Int.parameter) { request in
let cap = try request.parameters.next(Int.self)
let version = try request.parameters.next(Int.self)
app.getCatching("switch", ":n", ":v") { request in
guard let cap = request.parameters.get("n", as: Int.self) else {
log("Invalid parameter for cap")
throw Abort(.badRequest)
guard let version = request.parameters.get("v", as: Int.self) else {
log("Invalid parameter for cap version")
throw Abort(.badRequest)
guard version > 0 else {
log("Not switching cap \(cap) to image \(version)")

View File

@ -1,26 +1,9 @@
import App
import Service
import Vapor
import Foundation
// The contents of main are wrapped in a do/catch block because any errors that get raised to the top level will crash Xcode
do {
var config = Config.default()
var env = try Environment.detect()
var services = Services.default()
try App.configure(&config, &env, &services)
let app = try Application(
config: config,
environment: env,
services: services
try App.boot(app)
try app.run()
} catch {
var env = try Environment.detect()
try LoggingSystem.bootstrap(from: &env)
let app = Application(env)
defer { app.shutdown() }
try configure(app)
try app.run()