121 lines
5.2 KiB
121 lines
5.2 KiB
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
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let cvInfo = CVInfo(
top: TopInfo(
imageName: "Cover",
name: "Christoph Hagen",
tagLine: "Problem solver and creative mind with a favour for interdisciplinary work.",
place: "Würzburg, Germany",
ageText: "Age 32",
web: "christophhagen.de",
email: "jobs@christophhagen.de",
phone: "Upon Request",
github: "github.com/christophhagen"),
work: .init(title: "Work experience", items: [
time: "Jul 2020 - Jul 2023",
location: "Braunschweig, Germany",
title: "German Aerospace Center",
subtitle: "Systems engineer",
text: "Responsible for aircraft systems and avionics of a high-altitude solar drone, safety, and software."),
time: "Mar 2018 - Dec 2019",
location: "Würzburg, Germany",
title: "Julius-Maximilians-Universität",
subtitle: "Research Assistant",
text: "Working on privacy and security technologies in the Secure Software Systems group."),
time: "Jul 2017 - Oct 2017",
location: "Tokyo, Japan",
title: "National Institute of Informatics",
subtitle: "Research Intern (Intelligent Robotics)",
text: "Topic: Concept Acquisition through interactions between Humans and Robots"),
time: "Sep 2014 - Nov 2016",
location: "Würzburg, Germany",
title: "Julius-Maximilians-Universität",
subtitle: "Research & Teaching Assistant",
text: "Teaching exercises and robotics workshops, design of a modular robot arm connector.")
education: .init(title: "Education", items: [
time: "Oct 2015 - Sep 2017",
location: "Kiruna, Sweden",
title: "Luleå University of Technology",
subtitle: "M. Sc. in Space Technology",
text: "Erasmus Mundus Double Degree Master with courses on robotics, satellite design and control, atmosphere and space physics."),
time: "Oct 2015 - Sep 2017",
location: "Espoo, Finland",
title: "Aalto University of Electrical Engineering",
subtitle: "M. Sc. in Space Robotics and Automation",
text: "Thesis topic: A Bluetooth based intra-satellite communication system"),
time: "Oct 2013 - Aug 2015",
location: "Würzburg, Germany",
title: "Julius-Maximilians-Universität",
subtitle: "B. Sc. in Aerospace Computer Science",
text: "Mobile robotics, satellite subsystems, real-time systems, mathematics and physics.")
publications: .init(title: "Publications", items: [
venue: "33rd Anual INCOSE International Symposium 2023",
title: "Model Based Verification and Validation Planning for a Solar Powered High-Altitude Platform"),
venue: "ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 2022",
title: "Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers: Low-cost Attacks, Quantitative Analyses, and Efficient Mitigations"),
venue: "Network and Distributed Systems Symposium 2021",
title: "All the Numbers are US: Large-scale Abuse of Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers")
skills: .init(title: "Skills", items: [
systemSymbol: .characterBubble,
entries: ["German", "English"]),
systemSymbol: .keyboard,
entries: ["Swift", "C", "C++", "Python"]),
systemSymbol: .display2,
entries: ["iOS", "Embedded", "macOS", "Linux"]),
systemSymbol: .theatermaskAndPaintbrush,
entries: ["UI design", "CAD", "Woodworking", "Electronics", "Photo/Video editing"]),
systemSymbol: .personFillCheckmark,
entries: ["Problem solving", "Decision making", "Analytical thinking", "Optimizing"])
about: .init(title: "About", items: [
"I'm interested in acquiring knowledge and new skills, developing cutting-edge technologies, and finding efficient solutions.",
"I usually work on various creative projects, including woodworking, electronics, sewing, and programming. I also love being active in nature."
footer: [
"Design by Christoph Hagen, 2023.",
"Please use the information in this document responsibly. Consider the environmental impact before printing."