import SwiftUI @available(iOS 16.0, *) struct FlowLayout: Layout { var alignment: Alignment = .center var spacing: CGFloat? func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout Void) -> CGSize { let result = FlowResult( in: proposal.replacingUnspecifiedDimensions().width, subviews: subviews, alignment: alignment, spacing: spacing ) return result.bounds } func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout Void) { let result = FlowResult( in: proposal.replacingUnspecifiedDimensions().width, subviews: subviews, alignment: alignment, spacing: spacing ) for row in result.rows { let rowXOffset = (bounds.width - row.frame.width) * alignment.horizontal.percent for index in row.range { let xPos = rowXOffset + row.frame.minX + row.xOffsets[index - row.range.lowerBound] + bounds.minX let rowYAlignment = (row.frame.height - subviews[index].sizeThatFits(.unspecified).height) * alignment.vertical.percent let yPos = row.frame.minY + rowYAlignment + bounds.minY subviews[index].place(at: CGPoint(x: xPos, y: yPos), anchor: .topLeading, proposal: .unspecified) } } } struct FlowResult { var bounds = var rows = [Row]() struct Row { var range: Range var xOffsets: [Double] var frame: CGRect } init(in maxPossibleWidth: Double, subviews: Subviews, alignment: Alignment, spacing: CGFloat?) { var itemsInRow = 0 var remainingWidth = maxPossibleWidth.isFinite ? maxPossibleWidth : .greatestFiniteMagnitude var rowMinY = 0.0 var rowHeight = 0.0 var xOffsets: [Double] = [] for (index, subview) in zip(subviews.indices, subviews) { let idealSize = subview.sizeThatFits(.unspecified) if index != 0 && widthInRow(index: index, idealWidth: idealSize.width) > remainingWidth { // Finish the current row without this subview. finalizeRow(index: max(index - 1, 0), idealSize: idealSize) } addToRow(index: index, idealSize: idealSize) if index == subviews.count - 1 { // Finish this row; it's either full or we're on the last view anyway. finalizeRow(index: index, idealSize: idealSize) } } func spacingBefore(index: Int) -> Double { guard itemsInRow > 0 else { return 0 } return spacing ?? subviews[index - 1].spacing.distance(to: subviews[index].spacing, along: .horizontal) } func widthInRow(index: Int, idealWidth: Double) -> Double { idealWidth + spacingBefore(index: index) } func addToRow(index: Int, idealSize: CGSize) { let width = widthInRow(index: index, idealWidth: idealSize.width) xOffsets.append(maxPossibleWidth - remainingWidth + spacingBefore(index: index)) // Allocate width to this item (and spacing). remainingWidth -= width // Ensure the row height is as tall as the tallest item. rowHeight = max(rowHeight, idealSize.height) // Can fit in this row, add it. itemsInRow += 1 } func finalizeRow(index: Int, idealSize: CGSize) { let rowWidth = maxPossibleWidth - remainingWidth rows.append( Row( range: index - max(itemsInRow - 1, 0) ..< index + 1, xOffsets: xOffsets, frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: rowMinY, width: rowWidth, height: rowHeight) ) ) bounds.width = max(bounds.width, rowWidth) let ySpacing = spacing ?? ViewSpacing().distance(to: ViewSpacing(), along: .vertical) bounds.height += rowHeight + (rows.count > 1 ? ySpacing : 0) rowMinY += rowHeight + ySpacing itemsInRow = 0 rowHeight = 0 xOffsets.removeAll() remainingWidth = maxPossibleWidth } } } } private extension HorizontalAlignment { var percent: Double { switch self { case .leading: return 0 case .trailing: return 1 default: return 0.5 } } } private extension VerticalAlignment { var percent: Double { switch self { case .top: return 0 case .bottom: return 1 default: return 0.5 } } } struct FlowLayout_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { FlowLayout(alignment: .leading) { ForEach(["Swift", "C", "C++", "Python"]) { tag in Text(tag) .fontWeight(.light) .padding(.horizontal, 8) .padding(.vertical, 3) .background( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8) .fill(Color.gray.opacity(0.1)) ) } } .previewLayout(.fixed(width: 200, height: 150)) } }