2022-08-30 11:29:08 +02:00

461 lines
15 KiB

import Foundation
import CryptoKit
import AppKit
typealias SourceFile = (data: Data, didChange: Bool)
typealias SourceTextFile = (content: String, didChange: Bool)
final class FileSystem {
private static let hashesFileName = "hashes.json"
private let input: URL
private let output: URL
private let source = "FileChangeMonitor"
private var hashesFile: URL {
The hashes of all accessed files from the previous run
The key is the relative path to the file from the source
private var previousFiles: [String : Data] = [:]
The paths of all files which were accessed, with their new hashes
This list is used to check if a file was modified, and to write all accessed files back to disk
private var accessedFiles: [String : Data] = [:]
All files which should be copied to the output folder
private var requiredFiles: Set<String> = []
The files marked as external in element metadata.
Files included here are not generated, since they are assumed to be added separately.
private var externalFiles: Set<String> = []
The files marked as expected, i.e. they exist after the generation is completed.
The key of the dictionary is the file path, the value is the file providing the link
private var expectedFiles: [String : String] = [:]
All pages without content which have been created
private var emptyPages: Set<String> = []
The image creation tasks.
The key is the destination path.
private var imageTasks: [String : ImageOutput] = [:]
init(in input: URL, to output: URL) {
self.input = input
self.output = output
guard exists(hashesFile) else {
log.add(info: "No file hashes loaded, regarding all content as new", source: source)
let data: Data
do {
data = try Data(contentsOf: hashesFile)
} catch {
warning: "File hashes could not be read, regarding all content as new",
source: source,
error: error)
do {
self.previousFiles = try JSONDecoder().decode(from: data)
} catch {
warning: "File hashes could not be decoded, regarding all content as new",
source: source,
error: error)
func urlInOutputFolder(_ path: String) -> URL {
func urlInContentFolder(_ path: String) -> URL {
Get the current hash of file data at a path.
If the hash has been computed previously during the current run, then this function directly returns it.
private func hash(_ data: Data, at path: String) -> Data {
accessedFiles[path] ?? SHA256.hash(data: data).data
private func exists(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path)
func dataOfRequiredFile(atPath path: String, source: String) -> Data? {
let url = input.appendingPathComponent(path)
guard exists(url) else {
log.failedToOpen(path, requiredBy: source, error: nil)
return nil
do {
return try Data(contentsOf: url)
} catch {
log.failedToOpen(path, requiredBy: source, error: error)
return nil
func dataOfOptionalFile(atPath path: String, source: String) -> Data? {
let url = input.appendingPathComponent(path)
guard exists(url) else {
return nil
do {
return try Data(contentsOf: url)
} catch {
log.failedToOpen(path, requiredBy: source, error: error)
return nil
func contentOfOptionalFile(atPath path: String, source: String) -> String? {
let url = input.appendingPathComponent(path)
guard exists(url) else {
return nil
do {
return try String(contentsOf: url)
} catch {
log.failedToOpen(path, requiredBy: source, error: error)
return nil
private func getData(atPath path: String) -> SourceFile? {
let url = input.appendingPathComponent(path)
guard exists(url) else {
return nil
let data: Data
do {
data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
} catch {
log.add(error: "Failed to read data at \(path)", source: source, error: error)
return nil
let newHash = hash(data, at: path)
defer {
accessedFiles[path] = newHash
guard let oldHash = previousFiles[path] else {
return (data: data, didChange: true)
return (data: data, didChange: oldHash != newHash)
func writeHashes() {
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let data = try encoder.encode(accessedFiles)
try data.write(to: hashesFile)
} catch {
log.add(warning: "Failed to save file hashes", source: source, error: error)
// MARK: Images
private func loadImage(atPath path: String) -> (image: NSImage, changed: Bool)? {
guard let (data, changed) = getData(atPath: path) else {
log.add(error: "Failed to load file", source: path)
return nil
guard let image = NSImage(data: data) else {
log.add(error: "Failed to read image", source: path)
return nil
return (image, changed)
func requireImage(source: String, destination: String, width: Int, desiredHeight: Int? = nil) -> NSSize {
let height = desiredHeight.unwrapped(CGFloat.init)
let sourceUrl = input.appendingPathComponent(source)
let image = ImageOutput(source: source, width: width, desiredHeight: desiredHeight)
let standardSize = NSSize(width: CGFloat(width), height: height ?? CGFloat(width) / 16 * 9)
guard sourceUrl.exists else {
log.add(error: "Missing file with size (\(width),\(desiredHeight ?? -1))",
source: source)
return standardSize
guard let imageSize = loadImage(atPath: image.source)?.image.size else {
log.add(error: "Unreadable image with size (\(width),\(desiredHeight ?? -1))",
source: source)
return standardSize
let scaledSize = imageSize.scaledDown(to: CGFloat(width))
guard let existing = imageTasks[destination] else {
imageTasks[destination] = image
return scaledSize
guard existing.source == source else {
log.add(error: "Multiple sources (\(existing.source),\(source))",
source: destination)
return scaledSize
guard existing.hasSimilarRatio(as: image) else {
log.add(error: "Multiple ratios (\(existing.ratio!),\(image.ratio!))",
source: destination)
return scaledSize
if image.width > existing.width {
log.add(info: "Increasing size from \(existing.width) to \(width)",
source: destination)
imageTasks[destination] = image
return scaledSize
func createImages() {
for (destination, image) in imageTasks.sorted(by: { $0.key < $1.key }) {
createImageIfNeeded(image, for: destination)
private func createImageIfNeeded(_ image: ImageOutput, for destination: String) {
guard let (sourceImageData, sourceImageChanged) = getData(atPath: image.source) else {
log.add(error: "Failed to open file", source: image.source)
let destinationUrl = output.appendingPathComponent(destination)
// Check if image needs to be updated
guard !destinationUrl.exists || sourceImageChanged else {
// Ensure that image file is supported
let ext = destinationUrl.pathExtension.lowercased()
guard ImageType(fileExtension: ext) != nil else {
// TODO: This should never be reached, since extensions are checked before
log.add(info: "Copying image", source: image.source)
do {
let sourceUrl = input.appendingPathComponent(image.source)
try destinationUrl.ensureParentFolderExistence()
try sourceUrl.copy(to: destinationUrl)
} catch {
log.add(error: "Failed to copy image", source: destination)
guard let sourceImage = NSImage(data: sourceImageData) else {
log.add(error: "Failed to read file", source: image.source)
let desiredWidth = CGFloat(image.width)
let desiredHeight = image.desiredHeight.unwrapped(CGFloat.init)
let destinationSize = sourceImage.size.scaledDown(to: desiredWidth)
let scaledImage = sourceImage.scaledDown(to: destinationSize)
let scaledSize = scaledImage.size
if abs(scaledImage.size.width - desiredWidth) > 2 {
log.add(warning: "Desired width \(desiredWidth), got \(scaledSize.width)", source: destination)
if abs(destinationSize.height - scaledImage.size.height) > 2 {
log.add(warning: "Desired height \(destinationSize.height), got \(scaledSize.height)", source: destination)
if let desiredHeight = desiredHeight {
let desiredRatio = desiredHeight / desiredWidth
let adjustedDesiredHeight = scaledSize.width * desiredRatio
if abs(adjustedDesiredHeight - scaledSize.height) > 5 {
log.add(warning: "Desired height \(desiredHeight), got \(scaledSize.height)", source: destination)
if scaledSize.width > desiredWidth {
log.add(warning:" Desired width \(desiredWidth), got \(scaledSize.width)", source: destination)
let destinationExtension = destinationUrl.pathExtension.lowercased()
guard let type = ImageType(fileExtension: destinationExtension)?.fileType else {
log.add(error: "No image type for extension \(destinationExtension)",
source: destination)
guard let tiff = scaledImage.tiffRepresentation, let tiffData = NSBitmapImageRep(data: tiff) else {
log.add(error: "Failed to get data", source: image.source)
guard let data = tiffData.representation(using: type, properties: [.compressionFactor: NSNumber(0.7)]) else {
log.add(error: "Failed to get data", source: image.source)
do {
try data.createFolderAndWrite(to: destinationUrl)
} catch {
log.add(error: "Failed to write image \(destination)", source: "Image Processor", error: error)
// MARK: File copying
Add a file as required, so that it will be copied to the output directory.
func require(file: String) {
Mark a file as explicitly missing.
This is done for the `externalFiles` entries in metadata,
to indicate that these files will be copied to the output folder manually.
func exclude(file: String) {
Mark a file as expected to be present in the output folder after generation.
This is done for all links between pages, which only exist after the pages have been generated.
func expect(file: String, source: String) {
expectedFiles[file] = source
func copyRequiredFiles() {
for file in requiredFiles {
let cleanPath = cleanRelativeURL(file)
let sourceUrl = input.appendingPathComponent(cleanPath)
let destinationUrl = output.appendingPathComponent(cleanPath)
guard sourceUrl.exists else {
if !externalFiles.contains(file) {
log.add(error: "Missing required file", source: cleanPath)
let data: Data
do {
data = try Data(contentsOf: sourceUrl)
} catch {
log.add(error: "Failed to read data at \(sourceUrl.path)", source: source, error: error)
writeIfChanged(data, to: destinationUrl)
for (file, source) in expectedFiles {
guard !externalFiles.contains(file) else {
let cleanPath = cleanRelativeURL(file)
let destinationUrl = output.appendingPathComponent(cleanPath)
if !destinationUrl.exists {
log.add(error: "Missing \(cleanPath)", source: source)
private func cleanRelativeURL(_ raw: String) -> String {
let raw = raw.dropAfterLast("#") // Clean links to page content
guard raw.contains("..") else {
return raw
var result: [String] = []
for component in raw.components(separatedBy: "/") {
if component == ".." {
_ = result.popLast()
} else {
return result.joined(separator: "/")
// MARK: Pages
func isEmpty(page: String) {
func printEmptyPages() {
guard !emptyPages.isEmpty else {
log.add(info: "\(emptyPages.count) empty pages:", source: "Files")
for page in emptyPages.sorted() {
log.add(info: "\(page) has no content", source: "Files")
// MARK: Writing files
func writeIfChanged(_ data: Data, to url: URL) -> Bool {
// Only write changed files
if url.exists, let oldContent = try? Data(contentsOf: url), data == oldContent {
return false
do {
try data.createFolderAndWrite(to: url)
return true
} catch {
log.add(error: "Failed to write file", source: url.path, error: error)
return false
func write(_ string: String, to url: URL) -> Bool {
let data = string.data(using: .utf8)!
return writeIfChanged(data, to: url)
private extension Digest {
var bytes: [UInt8] { Array(makeIterator()) }
var data: Data { Data(bytes) }
var hexStr: String {
bytes.map { String(format: "%02X", $0) }.joined()