185 lines
6.5 KiB
185 lines
6.5 KiB
import Foundation
import ArgumentParser
struct CHGenerator: ParsableCommand {
@Argument(help: "The path to the generator configuration file")
var configPath: String
mutating func run() throws {
try generate(configPath: configPath)
private func loadConfiguration(at configPath: String) -> Configuration? {
print("--- CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------")
print(" ")
print(" Configuration file: \(configPath)")
let configUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: configPath)
guard configUrl.exists else {
print(" Error: Configuration file not found")
return nil
var config: Configuration
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: configUrl)
config = try JSONDecoder().decode(from: data)
config.adjustPathsRelative(to: configUrl.deletingLastPathComponent())
} catch {
print(" Configuration error: \(error)")
return nil
print(" ")
return config
private func loadSiteData(in folder: URL, runFolder: URL) throws -> (root: Element, pageMap: PageMap)? {
print("--- SOURCE FILES -----------------------------------")
print(" ")
let log = MetadataInfoLogger(input: folder)
let root = Element(atRoot: folder, log: log)
let file = runFolder.appendingPathComponent("metadata.txt")
defer {
log.writeResults(to: file)
print(" ")
guard let root else {
log.printMetadataScanOverview(languages: 0)
print(" Error: No site root loaded, aborting generation")
return nil
let pageMap = root.languages.map { (language: $0.language, pages: root.getExternalPageMap(language: $0.language)) }
log.printMetadataScanOverview(languages: root.languages.count)
return (root, pageMap)
private func generatePages(from root: Element, configuration: Configuration, fileUpdates: FileUpdateChecker, pageMap: PageMap, runFolder: URL) -> (ImageData, FileData)? {
print("--- GENERATION -------------------------------------")
print(" ")
let pageCount = pageMap.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.pages.count }
let results = GenerationResultsHandler(
in: configuration.contentDirectory,
to: configuration.outputDirectory,
configuration: configuration,
fileUpdates: fileUpdates,
pageMap: pageMap,
pageCount: pageCount)
defer { results.printOverview() }
let siteGenerator: SiteGenerator
do {
siteGenerator = try SiteGenerator(results: results)
} catch {
return nil
siteGenerator.generate(site: root)
let url = runFolder.appendingPathComponent("pages.txt")
results.writeResults(to: url)
if let error = fileUpdates.writeDetectedFileChanges(to: runFolder) {
print(" Hashes not saved: \(error)")
return (results.images, results.files)
private func generateImages(_ images: ImageData, configuration: Configuration, runFolder: URL, fileUpdates: FileUpdateChecker) {
print("--- IMAGES -----------------------------------------")
print(" ")
let reader = ImageReader(in: configuration.contentDirectory, runFolder: runFolder, fileUpdates: fileUpdates)
let generator = ImageGenerator(
input: configuration.contentDirectory,
output: configuration.outputDirectory,
reader: reader, images: images)
print(" ")
let file = runFolder.appendingPathComponent("images.txt")
generator.writeResults(to: file)
private func copyFiles(files: FileData, configuration: Configuration, runFolder: URL) {
print("--- FILES ------------------------------------------")
print(" ")
let generator = FileGenerator(
input: configuration.contentDirectory,
output: configuration.outputDirectory,
runFolder: runFolder,
files: files)
private func finish(start: Date, complete: Bool) {
print("--- SUMMARY ----------------------------------------")
print(" ")
let duration = Int(-start.timeIntervalSinceNow.rounded())
if duration < 60 {
print(" Duration: \(duration) s")
} else if duration < 3600 {
print(String(format: " Duration: %d:%02d", duration / 60, duration % 60))
} else {
print(String(format: " Duration: %d:%02d:%02d", duration / 3600, (duration / 60) % 60, duration % 60))
print(" Complete: \(complete ? "Yes" : "No")")
print(" ")
private func generate(configPath: String) throws {
let start = Date()
var complete = false
defer {
// 6. Print summary
finish(start: start, complete: complete)
print(" ")
guard checkDependencies() else {
// 1. Load configuration
guard let configuration = loadConfiguration(at: configPath) else {
let runFolder = configuration.contentDirectory.appendingPathComponent("run")
// 2. Scan site elements
guard let (siteRoot, pageMap) = try loadSiteData(in: configuration.contentDirectory, runFolder: runFolder) else {
let fileUpdates = FileUpdateChecker(input: configuration.contentDirectory)
switch fileUpdates.loadPreviousRun(from: runFolder) {
case .notLoaded:
print("Regarding all files as new (no hashes loaded)")
case .loaded:
case .failed(let error):
print("Regarding all files as new (\(error))")
// 3. Generate pages
guard let (images, files) = generatePages(from: siteRoot, configuration: configuration, fileUpdates: fileUpdates, pageMap: pageMap, runFolder: runFolder) else {
// 4. Generate images
generateImages(images, configuration: configuration, runFolder: runFolder, fileUpdates: fileUpdates)
// 5. Copy/minify files
copyFiles(files: files, configuration: configuration, runFolder: runFolder)
complete = true