Christoph Hagen 2e6542225f Improve error printing
Improve path printing

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2022-08-25 00:11:24 +02:00

175 lines
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import Foundation
The metadata for all site elements.
struct GenericMetadata {
The name of the metadata file contained in the folder of each site element.
static let metadataFileName = "metadata.json"
The author of the content.
If no author is set, then the author from the parent element is used.
let author: String?
The title used in the top bar of the website, next to the logo.
This title can be HTML content, and only the root level value is used.
let topBarTitle: String?
The url where the site will be deployed.
This value is required to build absolute links for link previews.
- Note: Only the root level value is used.
- Note: The path does not need to contain a trailing slash.
let deployedBaseUrl: String?
The (start) date of the element.
The date is printed on content pages and may also used for sorting elements,
depending on the `useManualSorting` property of the parent.
let date: String?
The end date of the element.
This property can be used to specify a date range for a content page.
let endDate: String?
The deployment state of the page.
- Note: This property defaults to ``PageState.standard`
let state: String?
The sort index of the page for manual sorting.
- Note: This property is only used (and must be set) if `useManualSorting` option of the parent is set.
let sortIndex: Int?
All files which may occur in content but is stored externally.
Missing files which would otherwise produce a warning are ignored when included here.
- Note: This property defaults to an empty set.
let externalFiles: Set<String>?
Specifies additional files which should be copied to the destination when generating the content.
- Note: This property defaults to an empty set.
let requiredFiles: Set<String>?
The style of thumbnail to use when generating overviews.
- Note: This property is only relevant for sections.
- Note: This property is inherited from the parent if not specified.
let thumbnailStyle: ThumbnailStyle?
Sort the child elements by their `sortIndex` property when generating overviews, instead of using the `date`.
- Note: This property is only relevant for sections.
- Note: This property defaults to `false`
let useManualSorting: Bool?
The number of items to show when generating overviews of this element.
- Note: This property is only relevant for sections.
- Note: This property is inherited from the parent if not specified.
let overviewItemCount: Int?
The localized metadata for each language.
let languages: [LocalizedMetadata]?
extension GenericMetadata: Codable {
private static var knownKeyList: [CodingKeys] {
static var knownKeys: Set<String> {
Set( { $0.stringValue })
extension GenericMetadata {
Decode metadata in a folder.
- Parameter source: The path to the metadata file, relative to the source root
- Parameter context: The context for the element (validation, file access, etc.)
- Note: The decoding routine also checks for unknown properties, and writes them to the output.
init?(source: String, with context: Context) throws {
guard let data = try context.fileSystem.loadDataContent(inputPath: source) else {
return nil
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let knownKeys = GenericMetadata.knownKeys
let knownLocalizedKeys = LocalizedMetadata.knownKeys
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .custom { keys in
let key = keys.last!
// Only one key means we are decoding the generic metadata
guard keys.count > 1 else {
if !knownKeys.contains(key.stringValue) {
context.validation.unknown(property: key.stringValue, source: source)
return key
// Two levels means we're decoding the localized metadata
if !knownLocalizedKeys.contains(key.stringValue) {
context.validation.unknown(property: key.stringValue, source: source)
return key
do {
self = try decoder.decode(from: data)
} catch {
context.validation.failedToOpen(GenericMetadata.metadataFileName, requiredBy: source, error: error)
return nil