2022-08-19 18:05:06 +02:00

238 lines
9.1 KiB

import Foundation
struct Element {
static let overviewItemCountDefault = 6
The author of the content.
If no author is set, then the author from the parent element is used.
let author: String
The title used in the top bar of the website, next to the logo.
This title can be HTML content, and only the root level value is used.
let topBarTitle: String
The url where the site will be deployed.
This value is required to build absolute links for link previews.
- Note: Only the root level value is used.
- Note: The path does not need to contain a trailing slash.
let deployedBaseUrl: String
The (start) date of the element.
The date is printed on content pages and may also used for sorting elements,
depending on the `useManualSorting` property of the parent.
let date: Date?
The end date of the element.
This property can be used to specify a date range for a content page.
let endDate: Date?
The deployment state of the page.
- Note: This property defaults to ``PageState.standard`
let state: PageState
The sort index of the page for manual sorting.
- Note: This property is only used (and must be set) if `useManualSorting` option of the parent is set.
let sortIndex: Int?
All files which may occur in content but is stored externally.
Missing files which would otherwise produce a warning are ignored when included here.
- Note: This property defaults to an empty set.
let externalFiles: Set<String>
Specifies additional files which should be copied to the destination when generating the content.
- Note: This property defaults to an empty set.
let requiredFiles: Set<String>
The style of thumbnail to use when generating overviews.
- Note: This property is only relevant for sections.
- Note: This property is inherited from the parent if not specified.
let thumbnailStyle: ThumbnailStyle
Sort the child elements by their `sortIndex` property when generating overviews, instead of using the `date`.
- Note: This property is only relevant for sections.
- Note: This property defaults to `false`
let useManualSorting: Bool
The number of items to show when generating overviews of this element.
- Note: This property is only relevant for sections.
- Note: This property is inherited from the parent if not specified.
let overviewItemCount: Int
The localized metadata for each language.
let languages: [LocalizedMetadata]
All elements contained within the element.
If the element is a section, then this property contains the pages or subsections within.
var elements: [Element] = []
The url of the element's folder in the source hierarchy.
- Note: This property is essentially the root folder of the site, appended with the value of the ``path`` property.
let inputFolder: URL
The path to the element's folder in the source hierarchy (without a leading slash).
let path: String
Create the root element of a site.
The root element will recursively move into subfolders and build the site content
by looking for metadata files in each subfolder.
- Parameter folder: The root folder of the site content.
- Parameter context: The context to create the element (validation, file access, etc.)
init?(atRoot folder: URL, with context: Context) throws {
let validation = context.validation
self.inputFolder = folder
self.path = ""
let source = "root"
guard let metadata = try GenericMetadata(path: nil, with: context) else {
return nil
} = validation.required(, name: "author", source: source) ?? "author"
self.topBarTitle = validation
.required(metadata.topBarTitle, name: "topBarTitle", source: source) ?? "My Website"
self.deployedBaseUrl = validation
.required(metadata.deployedBaseUrl, name: "deployedBaseUrl", source: source) ?? "" = validation.unused(, "date", source: source)
self.endDate = validation.unused(metadata.endDate, "endDate", source: source)
self.state = validation.state(metadata.state, source: source)
self.sortIndex = validation.unused(metadata.sortIndex, "sortIndex", source: source)
self.externalFiles = metadata.externalFiles ?? []
self.requiredFiles = metadata.requiredFiles ?? []
self.thumbnailStyle = validation.unused(metadata.thumbnailStyle, "thumbnailStyle", source: source) ?? .large
self.useManualSorting = validation.unused(metadata.useManualSorting, "useManualSorting", source: source) ?? true
self.overviewItemCount = metadata.overviewItemCount ?? Element.overviewItemCountDefault
self.languages = validation.required(metadata.languages, name: "languages", source: source)?
.compactMap { language in
.init(atRoot: folder, data: language, with: context)
} ?? []
try self.readElements(in: folder, source: nil, with: context)
mutating func readElements(in folder: URL, source: String?, with context: Context) throws {
let subFolders: [URL]
do {
subFolders = try FileSystem.folders(in: folder)
} catch {
context.validation.add(error: "Failed to read subfolders", source: source ?? "root", error: error)
self.elements = try subFolders.compactMap { subFolder in
let s = (source.unwrapped { $0 + "/" } ?? "") + subFolder.lastPathComponent
return try Element(parent: self, folder: subFolder, with: context, source: s)
init?(parent: Element, folder: URL, with: Context, source: String) throws {
let validation = context.validation
self.inputFolder = folder
self.path = source
guard let metadata = try GenericMetadata(path: source, with: context) else {
return nil
} = ??
self.topBarTitle = validation
.unused(metadata.topBarTitle, "topBarTitle", source: source) ?? parent.topBarTitle
self.deployedBaseUrl = validation
.unused(metadata.deployedBaseUrl, "deployedBaseUrl", source: source) ?? parent.deployedBaseUrl
let date =, property: "date", source: source).ifNil {
if !parent.useManualSorting {
validation.add(error: "No 'date', but parent defines 'useManualSorting' = false", source: source)
} = date
self.endDate = metadata.endDate, property: "endDate", source: source).ifNotNil {
if date == nil {
validation.add(warning: "Set 'endDate', but no 'date'", source: source)
self.state = validation.state(metadata.state, source: source)
self.sortIndex = metadata.sortIndex.ifNil {
if parent.useManualSorting {
validation.add(error: "No 'sortIndex', but parent defines 'useManualSorting' = true", source: source)
// TODO: Propagate external files from the parent if subpath matches?
self.externalFiles = metadata.externalFiles ?? []
self.requiredFiles = metadata.requiredFiles ?? []
self.thumbnailStyle = validation.thumbnailStyle(metadata.state, source: source)
self.useManualSorting = metadata.useManualSorting ?? false
self.overviewItemCount = metadata.overviewItemCount ?? parent.overviewItemCount
self.languages = parent.languages.compactMap { parentData in
guard let data = metadata.languages?.first(where: { $0.language == parentData.language }) else {
validation.add(info: "Language '\(parentData.language)' not found", source: source)
return nil
return .init(folder: folder, data: data, source: source, parent: parentData, with: context)
// Check that each 'language' tag is present, and that all languages appear in the parent
validation.required(metadata.languages, name: "languages", source: source)?
.compactMap { validation.required($0.language, name: "language", source: source) }
.filter { language in
!parent.languages.contains { $0.language == language }
.forEach {
validation.add(warning: "Language '\($0)' not found in parent, so not generated", source: source)
try self.readElements(in: folder, source: source, with: context)
// MARK: Debug
extension Element {
func printTree(indentation: String = "") {
print(indentation + "/" + path)
elements.forEach { $0.printTree(indentation: indentation + " ") }