import Foundation import CryptoKit import AppKit enum MinificationType { case js case css } typealias PageMap = [(language: String, pages: [String : String])] final class GenerationResultsHandler { /// The content folder where the input data is stored let contentFolder: URL /// The folder where the site is generated let outputFolder: URL private let fileUpdates: FileUpdateChecker /** All paths to page element folders, indexed by their unique id. This relation is used to generate relative links to pages using the ``` */ private let pageMap: PageMap private let configuration: Configuration private var numberOfProcessedPages = 0 private let numberOfTotalPages: Int init(in input: URL, to output: URL, configuration: Configuration, fileUpdates: FileUpdateChecker, pageMap: PageMap, pageCount: Int) { self.contentFolder = input self.fileUpdates = fileUpdates self.outputFolder = output self.pageMap = pageMap self.configuration = configuration self.numberOfTotalPages = pageCount } // MARK: Internal storage /// Non-existent files. `key`: file path, `value`: source element private var missingFiles: [String : String] = [:] private(set) var files = FileData() /// Files which could not be read (`key`: file path relative to content) private var unreadableFiles: [String : (source: String, message: String)] = [:] /// Files which could not be written (`key`: file path relative to output folder) private var unwritableFiles: [String : (source: String, message: String)] = [:] /// The paths to all files which were changed (relative to output) private var generatedFiles: Set = [] /// The referenced pages which do not exist (`key`: page id, `value`: source element path) private var missingLinkedPages: [String : String] = [:] /// All pages without content which have been created (`key`: page path, `value`: source element path) private var emptyPages: [String : String] = [:] /// All pages which have `status` set to ``PageState.draft`` private var draftPages: Set = [] /// Generic warnings for pages private var pageWarnings: [(message: String, source: String)] = [] /// A cache to get the size of source images, so that files don't have to be loaded multiple times (`key` absolute source path, `value`: image size) private var imageSizeCache: [String : NSSize] = [:] private(set) var images = ImageData() // MARK: Generic warnings private func warning(_ message: String, destination: String, path: String) { let warning = " \(destination): \(message) required by \(path)" images.warnings.append(warning) } func warning(_ message: String, source: String) { pageWarnings.append((message, source)) } // MARK: Page data func getPagePath(for id: String, source: String, language: String) -> String? { guard let pagePath = pageMap.first(where: { $0.language == language})?.pages[id] else { missingLinkedPages[id] = source return nil } return pagePath } private func markPageAsEmpty(page: String, source: String) { emptyPages[page] = source } func markPageAsDraft(page: String) { draftPages.insert(page) } // MARK: File actions /** Add a file as required, so that it will be copied to the output directory. Special files may be minified. - Parameter file: The file path, relative to the content directory - Parameter source: The path of the source element requiring the file. */ func require(file: String, source: String) { guard !isExternal(file: file) else { return } let url = contentFolder.appendingPathComponent(file) guard url.exists else { markFileAsMissing(at: file, requiredBy: source) return } guard url.isDirectory else { markForCopyOrMinification(file: file, source: source) return } do { try FileManager.default .contentsOfDirectory(atPath: url.path) .forEach { // Recurse into subfolders require(file: file + "/" + $0, source: source) } } catch { markFileAsUnreadable(at: file, requiredBy: source, message: "Failed to read folder: \(error)") } } private func markFileAsMissing(at path: String, requiredBy source: String) { missingFiles[path] = source } private func markFileAsUnreadable(at path: String, requiredBy source: String, message: String) { unreadableFiles[path] = (source, message) } private func markFileAsUnwritable(at path: String, requiredBy source: String, message: String) { unwritableFiles[path] = (source, message) } private func markFileAsGenerated(file: String) { generatedFiles.insert(file) } private func markForCopyOrMinification(file: String, source: String) { let ext = file.lastComponentAfter(".") if configuration.minifyJavaScript, ext == "js" { files.toMinify[file] = (source, .js) return } if configuration.minifyCSS, ext == "css" { files.toMinify[file] = (source, .css) return } files.toCopy[file] = source } /** Mark a file as explicitly missing (external). This is done for the `externalFiles` entries in metadata, to indicate that these files will be copied to the output folder manually. */ func exclude(file: String, source: String) { files.external[file] = source } /** Mark a file as expected to be present in the output folder after generation. This is done for all links between pages, which only exist after the pages have been generated. */ func expect(file: String, source: String) { files.expected[file] = source } /** Check if a file is marked as external. Also checks for sub-paths of the file, e.g if the folder `docs` is marked as external, then files like `docs/index.html` are also found to be external. - Note: All paths are either relative to root (no leading slash) or absolute paths of the domain (leading slash) */ private func isExternal(file: String) -> Bool { // Deconstruct file path var path = "" for part in file.components(separatedBy: "/") { guard part != "" else { continue } if path == "" { path = part } else { path += "/" + part } if files.external[path] != nil { return true } } return false } func getContentOfRequiredFile(at path: String, source: String) -> String? { let url = contentFolder.appendingPathComponent(path) guard url.exists else { markFileAsMissing(at: path, requiredBy: source) return nil } return getContentOfFile(at: url, path: path, source: source) } /** Get the content of a file which may not exist. */ func getContentOfOptionalFile(at path: String, source: String, createEmptyFileIfMissing: Bool = false) -> String? { let url = contentFolder.appendingPathComponent(path) guard url.exists else { if createEmptyFileIfMissing { writeIfChanged(.init(), file: path, source: source) } return nil } return getContentOfFile(at: url, path: path, source: source) } func getContentOfMdFile(at path: String, source: String) -> String? { guard let result = getContentOfOptionalFile(at: path, source: source, createEmptyFileIfMissing: configuration.createMdFilesIfMissing) else { markPageAsEmpty(page: path, source: source) return nil } return result } private func getContentOfFile(at url: URL, path: String, source: String) -> String? { do { return try String(contentsOf: url) } catch { markFileAsUnreadable(at: path, requiredBy: source, message: "\(error)") return nil } } @discardableResult func writeIfChanged(_ data: Data, file: String, source: String) -> Bool { let url = outputFolder.appendingPathComponent(file) defer { didCompletePage() } // Only write changed files if url.exists, let oldContent = try? Data(contentsOf: url), data == oldContent { return false } do { try data.createFolderAndWrite(to: url) markFileAsGenerated(file: file) return true } catch { markFileAsUnwritable(at: file, requiredBy: source, message: "Failed to write file: \(error)") return false } } // MARK: Images /** Request the creation of an image. - Returns: The final size of the image. */ @discardableResult func requireSingleImage(source: String, destination: String, requiredBy path: String, width: Int, desiredHeight: Int? = nil) -> NSSize { requireImage( at: destination, generatedFrom: source, requiredBy: path, quality: 0.7, width: width, height: desiredHeight, alwaysGenerate: false) } /** Create images of different types. This function generates versions for the given image, including png/jpg, avif, and webp. Different pixel density versions (1x and 2x) are also generated. - Parameter destination: The path to the destination file */ @discardableResult func requireMultiVersionImage(source: String, destination: String, requiredBy path: String, width: Int, desiredHeight: Int?) -> NSSize { // Add @2x version _ = requireScaledMultiImage( source: source, destination: destination.insert("@2x", beforeLast: "."), requiredBy: path, width: width * 2, desiredHeight: desiredHeight.unwrapped { $0 * 2 }) // Add @1x version return requireScaledMultiImage(source: source, destination: destination, requiredBy: path, width: width, desiredHeight: desiredHeight) } func requireFullSizeMultiVersionImage(source: String, destination: String, requiredBy path: String) -> NSSize { requireMultiVersionImage(source: source, destination: destination, requiredBy: path, width: configuration.pageImageWidth, desiredHeight: nil) } func requireOriginalSizeImages( source: String, destination: String, requiredBy path: String) { _ = requireScaledMultiImage( source: source, destination: destination.insert("@full", beforeLast: "."), requiredBy: path, width: configuration.fullScreenImageWidth, desiredHeight: nil) } private func requireScaledMultiImage(source: String, destination: String, requiredBy path: String, width: Int, desiredHeight: Int?) -> NSSize { let rawDestinationPath = destination.dropAfterLast(".") let avifPath = rawDestinationPath + ".avif" let webpPath = rawDestinationPath + ".webp" let needsGeneration = !outputFolder.appendingPathComponent(avifPath).exists || !outputFolder.appendingPathComponent(webpPath).exists let size = requireImage(at: destination, generatedFrom: source, requiredBy: path, quality: 1.0, width: width, height: desiredHeight, alwaysGenerate: needsGeneration) images.multiJobs[destination] = path return size } private func markImageAsMissing(path: String, source: String) { images.missing[path] = source } private func requireImage(at destination: String, generatedFrom source: String, requiredBy path: String, quality: Float, width: Int, height: Int?, alwaysGenerate: Bool) -> NSSize { let height = height.unwrapped(CGFloat.init) guard let imageSize = getImageSize(atPath: source, source: path) else { // Image marked as missing here return .zero } let scaledSize = imageSize.scaledDown(to: CGFloat(width)) // Check desired height, then we can forget about it if let height = height { let expectedHeight = scaledSize.width / CGFloat(width) * height if abs(expectedHeight - scaledSize.height) > 2 { warning("Expected a height of \(expectedHeight) (is \(scaledSize.height))", destination: destination, path: path) } } let job = ImageJob( destination: destination, width: width, path: path, quality: quality, alwaysGenerate: alwaysGenerate) insert(job: job, source: source) return scaledSize } func getImageSize(atPath path: String, source: String) -> NSSize? { if let size = imageSizeCache[path] { return size } let url = contentFolder.appendingPathComponent(path) guard url.exists else { markImageAsMissing(path: path, source: source) return nil } guard let data = getImageData(at: url, path: path, source: source) else { return nil } guard let image = NSImage(data: data) else { images.unreadable[path] = source return nil } let size = image.size imageSizeCache[path] = size return size } private func getImageData(at url: URL, path: String, source: String) -> Data? { do { let data = try Data(contentsOf: url) fileUpdates.didLoad(data, at: path) return data } catch { markFileAsUnreadable(at: path, requiredBy: source, message: "\(error)") return nil } } private func insert(job: ImageJob, source: String) { guard let existingSource =[source] else {[source] = [job] return } guard let existingJob = existingSource.first(where: { $0.destination == job.destination }) else {[source] = existingSource + [job] return } guard existingJob.width != job.width else { return } warning("Existing job with width \(existingJob.width) (from \(existingJob.path)), but width \(job.width)", destination: job.destination, path: existingJob.path) } // MARK: Visual output func didCompletePage() { numberOfProcessedPages += 1 print(" Processed pages: \(numberOfProcessedPages)/\(numberOfTotalPages) \r", terminator: "") fflush(stdout) } func printOverview() { var notes: [String] = [] func addIfNotZero(_ count: Int, _ name: String) { guard count > 0 else { return } notes.append("\(count) \(name)") } func addIfNotZero(_ sequence: Array, _ name: String) { addIfNotZero(sequence.count, name) } addIfNotZero(missingFiles.count, "missing files") addIfNotZero(unreadableFiles.count, "unreadable files") addIfNotZero(unwritableFiles.count, "unwritable files") addIfNotZero(missingLinkedPages.count, "missing linked pages") addIfNotZero(pageWarnings.count, "warnings") print(" Updated pages: \(generatedFiles.count)/\(numberOfProcessedPages) ") print(" Drafts: \(draftPages.count)") print(" Empty pages: \(emptyPages.count)") if !notes.isEmpty { print(" Notes: " + notes.joined(separator: ", ")) } print("") } func writeResults(to file: URL) { guard !missingFiles.isEmpty || !unreadableFiles.isEmpty || !unwritableFiles.isEmpty || !missingLinkedPages.isEmpty || !pageWarnings.isEmpty || !generatedFiles.isEmpty || !draftPages.isEmpty || !emptyPages.isEmpty else { do { if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: file.path) { try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: file) } } catch { print(" Failed to delete generation log: \(error)") } return } var lines: [String] = [] func add(_ name: String, _ property: S, convert: (S.Element) -> String) where S: Sequence { let elements = { " " + convert($0) }.sorted() guard !elements.isEmpty else { return } lines.append("\(name):") lines.append(contentsOf: elements) } add("Missing files", missingFiles) { "\($0.key) (required by \($0.value))" } add("Unreadable files", unreadableFiles) { "\($0.key) (required by \($0.value.source)): \($0.value.message)" } add("Unwritable files", unwritableFiles) { "\($0.key) (required by \($0.value.source)): \($0.value.message)" } add("Missing linked pages", missingLinkedPages) { "\($0.key) (linked by \($0.value))" } add("Warnings", pageWarnings) { "\($0.source): \($0.message)" } add("Generated files", generatedFiles) { $0 } add("Drafts", draftPages) { $0 } add("Empty pages", emptyPages) { "\($0.key) (from \($0.value))" } let data = lines.joined(separator: "\n").data(using: .utf8)! do { try data.createFolderAndWrite(to: file) } catch { print(" Failed to save generation log: \(error)") } } }