import Foundation import Ink import Splash struct PageContentGenerator { #warning("Specify page image width in configuration") let pageImageWidth = 748 private let factory: TemplateFactory private let swift = SyntaxHighlighter(format: HTMLOutputFormat()) init(factory: TemplateFactory) { self.factory = factory } func generate(page: Element, language: String, content: String) -> (content: String, includesCode: Bool) { var hasCodeContent = false let imageModifier = Modifier(target: .images) { html, markdown in processMarkdownImage(markdown: markdown, html: html, page: page) } let codeModifier = Modifier(target: .codeBlocks) { html, markdown in if markdown.starts(with: "```swift") { let code = markdown.between("```swift", and: "```").trimmed return "
" + swift.highlight(code) + "
" } hasCodeContent = true return html } let linkModifier = Modifier(target: .links) { html, markdown in let file = markdown.between("(", and: ")") if let filePath = page.nonAbsolutePathRelativeToRootForContainedInputFile(file) { // The target of the page link must be present after generation is complete files.expect(file: filePath, source: page.path) } return html } let htmlModifier = Modifier(target: .html) { html, markdown in //print("[HTML] Found in page \(page.path):") //print(markdown) // Thinks to check // String { // Split the markdown ![alt](file title) // For images: ![left_title](file right_title) // For videos: ![option1,option2,...](file) // For svg with custom area: ![x,y,width,height](file.svg) // For downloads: ![download](file1,text1;file2,text2, ...) // For files: ? let fileAndTitle = markdown.between("(", and: ")") let alt = markdown.between("[", and: "]").nonEmpty if alt == "download" { return handleDownloadButtons(page: page, content: fileAndTitle) } let file = fileAndTitle.dropAfterFirst(" ") let title = fileAndTitle.contains(" ") ? fileAndTitle.dropBeforeFirst(" ").nonEmpty : nil let fileExtension = file.lastComponentAfter(".").lowercased() switch MediaType(fileExtension: fileExtension) { case .image: return handleImage(page: page, file: file, rightTitle: title, leftTitle: alt) case .video: return handleVideo(page: page, file: file, optionString: alt) case .svg: return handleSvg(page: page, file: file, area: alt) case .file: return handleFile(page: page, file: file, fileExtension: fileExtension) } } private func handleImage(page: Element, file: String, rightTitle: String?, leftTitle: String?) -> String { let imagePath = page.pathRelativeToRootForContainedInputFile(file) let size = files.requireImage(source: imagePath, destination: imagePath, width: pageImageWidth) let imagePath2x = imagePath.insert("@2x", beforeLast: ".") let file2x = file.insert("@2x", beforeLast: ".") files.requireImage(source: imagePath, destination: imagePath2x, width: 2 * pageImageWidth) let content: [PageImageTemplate.Key : String] = [ .image: file, .image2x: file2x, .width: "\(Int(size.width))", .height: "\(Int(size.height))", .leftText: leftTitle ?? "", .rightText: rightTitle ?? ""] return factory.image.generate(content) } private func handleVideo(page: Element, file: String, optionString: String?) -> String { let options: [PageVideoTemplate.VideoOption] = optionString.unwrapped { string in string.components(separatedBy: " ").compactMap { optionText in guard let optionText = optionText.trimmed.nonEmpty else { return nil } guard let option = PageVideoTemplate.VideoOption(rawValue: optionText) else { log.add(warning: "Unknown video option \(optionText)", source: page.path) return nil } return option } } ?? [] #warning("Check page folder for alternative video versions") let sources: [PageVideoTemplate.VideoSource] = [(url: file, type: .mp4)] let filePath = page.pathRelativeToRootForContainedInputFile(file) files.require(file: filePath) return sources, options: options) } private func handleSvg(page: Element, file: String, area: String?) -> String { let imagePath = page.pathRelativeToRootForContainedInputFile(file) files.require(file: imagePath) guard let area = area else { return factory.html.svgImage(file: file) } let parts = area.components(separatedBy: ",") guard parts.count == 4, let x = Int(parts[0]), let y = Int(parts[1]), let width = Int(parts[2]), let height = Int(parts[3]) else { log.add(warning: "Invalid area string for svg image", source: page.path) return factory.html.svgImage(file: file) } return factory.html.svgImage(file: file, x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height) } private func handleFile(page: Element, file: String, fileExtension: String) -> String { log.add(warning: "Unhandled file \(file) with extension \(fileExtension)", source: page.path) return "" } private func handleDownloadButtons(page: Element, content: String) -> String { let buttons = content .components(separatedBy: ";") .compactMap { button -> (file: String, text: String, downloadName: String?)? in let parts = button.components(separatedBy: ",") guard parts.count == 2 || parts.count == 3 else { log.add(warning: "Invalid button definition", source: page.path) return nil } let file = parts[0].trimmed let title = parts[1].trimmed let downloadName = parts.count == 3 ? parts[2].trimmed : nil // Ensure that file is available let filePath = page.pathRelativeToRootForContainedInputFile(file) files.require(file: filePath) return (file, title, downloadName) } return factory.html.downloadButtons(buttons) } }