Determine elements for news section

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Hagen 2022-12-01 15:39:39 +01:00
parent 92d832dc44
commit 6e24c27fdc
3 changed files with 41 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ struct Element {
let headerType: HeaderType
Indicate that the overview section should contain a `Newest Content` section before the other sections.
- Note: If not specified, this property defaults to `false`
let showMostRecentSection: Bool
The localized metadata for each language.
@ -318,6 +324,17 @@ extension Element {
func mostRecentElements(_ count: Int) -> [Element] {
guard self.containsElements else {
return [self]
let all = shownItems
.reduce(into: [Element]()) { $0 += $1.mostRecentElements(count) }
.filter { $ != nil }
.sorted { $! > $! }
return Array(all.prefix(count))
var sortedItems: [Element] {
if useManualSorting {
return shownItems.sorted { $0.sortIndex! < $1.sortIndex! }

View File

@ -125,6 +125,12 @@ struct GenericMetadata {
let headerType: String?
Indicate that the overview section should contain a `Newest Content` section before the other sections.
- Note: If not specified, this property defaults to `false`
let showMostRecentSection: Bool?
The localized metadata for each language.
@ -150,6 +156,7 @@ extension GenericMetadata: Codable {
@ -221,6 +228,7 @@ extension GenericMetadata {
useManualSorting: false,
overviewItemCount: 6,
headerType: "left",
showMostRecentSection: false,
languages: [.full])

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@ -15,6 +15,21 @@ struct OverviewSectionGenerator {
func generate(sections: [Element], in parent: Element, language: String, sectionItemCount: Int) -> String {
let content = sectionsContent(sections, in: parent, language: language, sectionItemCount: sectionItemCount)
if parent.showMostRecentSection {
let news = newsSectionContent(for: parent, language: language, sectionItemCount: sectionItemCount)
return news + "\n" + content
} else {
return content
private func newsSectionContent(for element: Element, language: String, sectionItemCount: Int) -> String {
let shownElements = element.mostRecentElements(sectionItemCount)
return ""
private func sectionsContent(_ sections: [Element], in parent: Element, language: String, sectionItemCount: Int) -> String { { section in
let metadata = section.localized(for: language)
let fullUrl = section.fullPageUrl(for: language)